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To the moon and back/Mars Mission: China or India better?

And pray tell what this purpose is exactly.

China is slowly but strongly building their influence in space for long. They have space station and they will set up moon base.
India just started their space activities recent years and all of a sudden gone to Mars. Its like some kinds of competition to them.

Where China first eradicated their poverty and started influencing the world. But India started this, denying their big poor population back home.
China is better period. No more arguments.

That is the truth.

Coz China has more money, more powerful rocket, more number of high end industries, more more of every thing.

India is smarter, uses low cost smart items.. E.g nano, pslv ect.
China is slowly but strongly building their influence in space for long. They have space station and they will set up moon base.
India just started their space activities recent years and all of a sudden gone to Mars. Its like some kinds of competition to them.

Where China first eradicated their poverty and started influencing the world. But India started this, denying their big poor population back home.
Do you get your facts from Madrassas??.It will be better if you read from neutral and better sources.

ON topic-The above mentioned missions are uncomparable,However China is definetly ahead of India in space technology,a simple wikipedia read about both nation accomplishments in space will tell you that.
Lol CNN, i will be honest with you, this is propaganda divide and rule tactic you are using with this news. Afterall we the british were the ones who taught the U.S how its played. Asians still fall for it though. :lol:.
The U.S seems to have even overtaken us on this. Kudos . :cheers::D
Nah,the americans can't beat the brits at exploiting differences among people.British were lords of the universe in this area.One of the many reasons they could maintain such a large empire stretching the earth.Look at south asia and you will find a prime example of british "engineering" that seems fated to endure to centuries into the future.:disagree:
Do you get your facts from Madrassas??.It will be better if you read from neutral and better sources.

Madrassas actually give better education. Go take a degree from madrassa, you will know why. A new outlook of world.

India doesnt need any space program now. They have to eradicate world's largest poverty. Maybe 100 years later.

Now will you stop your activities hearing me?
No, Then go to hell.
China is slowly but strongly building their influence in space for long. They have space station and they will set up moon base.
India just started their space activities recent years and all of a sudden gone to Mars. Its like some kinds of competition to them.

Where China first eradicated their poverty and started influencing the world. But India started this, denying their big poor population back home.

I don't think you can comprehend science, you are too blinded by RAW hate to understand that much.

Apart from improving India's deep space network for space communications for later on, and improving the brand name of ISRO for satellite launches for other countries. Having a robust well-thought-out space program that combines scientific exploration with space utilization - including telecommunications, weather monitoring, navigation - is of huge benefit in that it serves to provide a 21st century infrastructure to stimulate economic growth, drive education in technical disciplines, and provide dedicated resources and services that will aid the improvement and security of the country.

JPL-ISRO joint venture NISAR has been implemented for the benefit of more than one nation.

This is for the people of India and not the ego of India, if it hurts yours then go cry in a corner for all anyone cares.
Stick to your trolling in the Bangladesh section, you'll only look more stupid if you talk about science and space, something that is alien to Bangladesh.
Madrassas actually give better education. Go take a degree from madrassa, you will know why. A new outlook of world.

India doesnt need any space program now. They have to eradicate world's largest poverty. Maybe 100 years later.

Now will you stop your activities hearing me?
No, Then go to hell.
Yeah i can see the effects of Madrassas in Iraq,Syria,Pakistan and Afghanistan.There standards indeed cannot be matched.

A low iq Bangladeshi should be the last one to tell me about what India needs to do and what not.ITs funny how you jump so much considering that you belong to such a country which most of the people wont even know its existence.

Stop bullshitting from your mouth.
How can one be better or worse than another ? Its a silly question.
Where China first eradicated their poverty and started influencing the world. But India started this, denying their big poor population back home.
If you think china doesn't have poor people, then you sir haven't been to china and should be the last person making this kind of statement.

To the moon and back, Giant leap for China's space program

It is China's first lunar module capable of returning to Earth and the mission's main technical challenge will be making sure the spacecraft slows down enough to re-enter Earth's atmosphere safely. The mission tests technology that will be used in a more ambitious launch, to take place in 2017, when an unmanned lunar probe will go to the moon, collect soil samples and return home.


India's Mar Mission

which one is more advanced or better?


China launched an experimental spacecraft early Friday that is to orbit the moon before returning to Earth.
Now both India and China should be proud @ where they are in respect to space exploration. No need to compare.

In fact they should form a joint space agency to exchange ideas and innovation in that front....A fine example is when the load is heavy dont use one hand to lift it use two hands ... you will accomplish the task faster.
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