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To Pakistani Media

Fasih Khan

Apr 1, 2010
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Why is Pakistani Media Criminaly Quite on Kashmir Atrocities ???

One can watch minute by minute, Kashmir's Genocide on the Following link ... Please be little Pro Active to show the world the Ugly face of India ...

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Fasih Ali Khan
Lahore, Pakistan
Why is Pakistani Media Criminaly Quite on Kashmir Atrocities ???

One can watch minute by minute, Kashmir's Genocide on the Following link ... Please be little Pro Active to show the world the Ugly face of India ...

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Fasih Ali Khan
Lahore, Pakistan

Can you please be careful with the use of the term Genocide? Its a very serious accusation.
Brothers and Sisters Please Show full Solidarity to our Kashmiri Brothers and Sisters on the Sent Link. They need all our Support and Prayers. Jazakum Allah Kher.
Shell I wish same happening to you and your family and then see if it's ''Not Genocide''
Brothers and Sisters Please Show full Solidarity to our Kashmiri Brothers and Sisters on the Sent Link. They need all our Support and Prayers. Jazakum Allah Kher.

If you are sending messages for prayers..then ask them to pray for all of us..I dont mind if some body pray for us even if its from across the border..:)
i actually am glad our media is quiet!!! because it doesn't give the indians an excuse to call this genocide a pakistani propaganda or pakistani plan(haha they still call it an ISI plan though)!!

this is a kashmiri revolt let the kashmiris do it themselves for themselves we DON'T want to UNDERMINE them
^^ Pakistan is forcibly involved by indain blames.
Many names had been declared terrorist by UN in reference to Kashmir... of course upon requests from india.
India have always associated those names with Pakistan govt.
I don't remember since when indian media or govt. has stopped crying for cross border infiltration in Kashmir!
IO Kashmir was always internationalised by indinas than why should Pak media remain unconcerned?
Currently Pakistan is hit by the worst flood in its history.

Currently Karachi is burning.

And yet it is somewhere else you want to concentrate your focus on.

Kudos to you. With citizens like you who would need enemies?
''somewhere else''

That's Not for Kashmir ... Our Kashmiri Brothers live in our hearts ... India and Indians should go to hell ...
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Perhaps a Request for "Educational Programme" would do more good to Pakistan and Its Children.

1990-2010 ... 2 Decades Lost in Obsession with India and Kashmir...

Open Your Eyes !!

India is Racing Miles Ahead With Economy and Progress.
Doing Research and Re-Research on Kashmir Wont Bring $$$ and Prosperity to Pakistan.

If You were really Concerned with "Loss of Human Lives" You would have been asking "Please Telecast More Requests to Donate for Flood Victims - In Pakistan" ..
Genocide is a small word for Indian genocide of Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir

Add something meaningful to the discussion or just keep quiet.

I have seen you in many threads, that you are comments are just useless like you.
''Add something meaningful to the discussion or just keep quiet.

I have seen you in many threads, that you are comments are just useless like you. ''

You better mind your language you kachee ... Smelly / Stinky Indian don't you dare talking to our ladies in such manner. Mods, I'ld like your actaion on this personel attack on a Pakistani female user of PDF.
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