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To make Pakistan better


Aug 25, 2009
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Two days ago I think for Pakistan future and I am very worried about it at least I can decide to write some thing in this respect , my opinion about Pakistan that the know the days Pakistan face many of problems like poverty terrorism and most of cold war. Most of peoples are worried about Pakistan future and thinking what is Pakistan what is happened after some time.
These all problems are true in Pakistan most of peoples facings these all.
But as we know that there is the solution of every problem as the student of social science I can have some of basic solution of all this.
In the first that we do not doing our duty being the patriot Pakistani.
In this respect we cannot make possible to change every one but we can change our self individually. It is only way know to save Pakistan from enemies.
Our great principal Quaid e Azam told us the three basic principals to success.
And these are unity faith and discipline.
He told us these are not for government sector but all like private sector.
In the end I again say that when we change our behaviors altitudes and when bring the principles of Islam in our self than we can individually, in the specific time we will go in the way of progress. Our great poet Allama Iqbal says,

Today and tomorrow
That! Who will not right on future condolence or pleasure +
That! Who today individually not enlightening or heart burning +
That! Nation is not capable for great tomorrow +
That! Nation has not fate of today +
thanks to all :pakistan:
Don't make thread titles in capital letters. Second reminder.
Destroy all terror organisation which is launching attack to other nation either from pakistan or ***.
And if possible,stop going to every other nation for aid....

You like it or, not you have to do this thing to restore you respect...

:rofl::rofl: that was a good joke.

Ok now please dont waste your energies better focus of these on solving Indian problems.

:what:And you ppl talking about how to make Pakistan better:hitwall:

Yes and if you haven't noticed it is non of your business as these so called people are Pakistani & thank GOD you are not ! second we are not launching any terror attacks from our soil towards anyone gain some knowledge and then speak or you will be short of breath and your brain full of air! moving on thrid we ask for aid cuz we are not perhaps as good shape as others if you have funds you can provide us from your black heart then do so otherwise keep your hatered to you self & unmatture speech :blah: as well i rest my case! :angry:
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IMPORTANT! Please read till the end!

I am so delighted to find somebody who is worried and actually prepared to do something practically. Thanks for initiating this thread.

Friends, dont hate People just because they are speaking from the other side of the border. Hate Ideology and their ill-intensions against us but not them as humans. But I expect Indian counterparts will also leave their hatred out and if they have any valuable suggestion, they would put forth in their best honesty.
I have been thinking over these lines from the last 3 years or so. I feel pain when I see how money of tax payers is looted, how corruption and mismanagement is destroying everything around and the most we are able to do is a lip-service. Where are actions? Is somebody doing something on ground? We are into the worst path of our history and this is happening partly because there are dishonest people on the top but this is also because our work-systems are corruption prone and misdirected to a great deal. So when we talk about improving people, we need to focus on the improvement of systems too.

It is a genuine question that what is the first step towards restoration of National Pride and Dignity? Many Pakistanis feel they should contribute but they are not finding the direction to take the first step. One thing that we can do is DISCUSS and put forth SOLUTIONS to our problems. There are sufficient forums running over internet and I am glad to see many people share their words of wisdom and solutions to our social/economical and geopolitical problems. Great! But discussion does not leave us with anything to build upon better future. For that, we need concrete blueprints, the step no.1, 2, 3 that if undertaken would bring improvements. Concrete steps could only be taken if we have a clear roadmap and implementation plan ready with us.

For that reason, I am working on a project by the name POLLS.pk. Initially it was meant to be for the polls alone but now it is extended to contain a whole Encyclopedia Application just like Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia. This Roadmap application is designed to let everybody contribute and build a document with the involvement of hundreds of contributors. When this huge resource of information, the Wikipedia is built by people like you and me, the same people can work together and provide blueprint documents for various departments of the country. And leave those departments aside, we can have simple and easy to use plans that can improve our streets, mohalas and villages around. People of Pakistan can change face of the country and we will Inshallah. Lets keep the differences aside and take the steps our Nation needs desperately! Are you as a person with all your personal limitations and strengths prepared to bring that little change in yourself and around?

I invite everybody in the forum who understands importance of “little contribution” towards the development of Pakistan. And let’s don’t restrain to our country alone, we can suggest improvement plans to make a Better Afghanistan for us, a better India that is less-hostile and more focused towards the betterment of their countrymen.

This forum is going to stay free for all. I don’t have any desires to gain fame, name or money from it but as the project would grow, we might need few google ads to keep the servers running.
Do share your words of wisdom and share what are your feelings from it? If somebody has better applications in mind that can help the cause in still better way, share that with me and I will make arrangements to make it available for you. So you can leave all the technical and server side responsibilities on me and I would be more than happy to arrange and serve my nation and Ummah.
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Thank God i am not Pakistani...

Almost 80% of terror attack held internationally had pak link, even british PM told this on record.
I think you have forgotten 9\11 and 26\11 the biggest terror attack has pakistan link so stop making excuse and act on terror camp present on pak in large number.
9\11 and 26\11 is just two example,there so numerous attack on E.U.,U.S.,and india and aus has pak link,pak and afgan land is always use for training for these terrorist...

And by the way what NATO and US army is doing in pak border, stop making yourself fool..

And if my heart is black then you and your ppl don't have heart........

Stop denying the fast by telling it a troll...

almost 90% terrorists are the families of innocent people killed by US,other 10% were used to be the allise of U.S during cold war era ,US screw other countries,screw people's normal lives,and force people to be terrorists.only the "assman" will blame all these on afghanistan ,iraq or pakistan .sorry, you are not good enough as pakistani before you have enough courage to say these words in front of US
almost 90% terrorists are the families of innocent people killed by US,other 10% were used to be the allise of U.S during cold war era ,US screw other countries,screw people's normal lives,and force people to be terrorists.only the "assman" will blame all these on afghanistan ,iraq or pakistan .sorry, you are not good enough as pakistani before you have enough courage to say these words in front of US

Pakistani are courageous:rofl:

Every another day US drone boom Pak and what Pak have done, nothing.........
you are talking about courage,Pakistan is not even a Sovereign country.They have lost their sovereignity to west long back for few $USD.....

Go and ask this question to Government of Pakistan

And stop hiding behind china and chinese flag...
Pakistani are courageous:rofl:

Every another day US drone boom Pak and what Pak have done, nothing.........
you are talking about courage,Pakistan is not even a Sovereign country.They have lost their sovereignity to west long back for few $USD.....

Go and ask this question to Government of Pakistan

And stop hiding behind china and chinese flag...

We still sustained US to run towards us if it was India trust me you would not have.

I wonder for how long you will troll.

But hey :yahoo: sometimes its good to have some trolls arround
Thank God i am not Pakistani...

Almost 80% of terror attack held internationally had pak link, even british PM told this on record.
I think you have forgotten 9\11 and 26\11 the biggest terror attack has pakistan link so stop making excuse and act on terror camp present on pak in large number.
9\11 and 26\11 is just two example,there so numerous attack on E.U.,U.S.,and india and aus has pak link,pak and afgan land is always use for training for these terrorist...

And by the way what NATO and US army is doing in pak border, stop making yourself fool..

And if my heart is black then you and your ppl don't have heart........

Stop denying the fast by telling it a troll...
Hi troll, so ur saying that all the all terror is from PAk, even 9/11 yeah man i agree with u now tell me what are u smoking these days?
26/11 yeah i remember tht dossier or more precisely the "cosmetic dossier" proofs of 26/11: touch me shaving cream, flour bags from Karachi, and a pistol (btw u know what they mentioned tht the pistol used was 9mm but the picture of tht pistol attached to that dossier was not 9mm it was Russian TT, shame on u ppl u dont even know difference b/w a 9mm & Russian TT) & after all the cry which u ppl made tht Pakistan is this & tht, 10 kadam aur Pakistan Khatm:-)rofl:) surgical strikes, the possible military options and all tht wet dream stuff, then ur FM,dont know what he smokes before coming in front of press but any ways, he changed his statement for like 5 times i think, tel me what have u been able to do except CRYING like babies?
what is Chinese army doing along ur border these days, they come and take the fuel meant for IA:-)lol:) and recently they are making visits using their Helis have u been able to do anything shoot em down after ur super power man, super powers ACT for their interests not just cry like babies..
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almost 90% terrorists are the families of innocent people killed by US,other 10% were used to be the allise of U.S during cold war era ,US screw other countries,screw people's normal lives,and force people to be terrorists.only the "assman" will blame all these on afghanistan ,iraq or pakistan .sorry, you are not good enough as pakistani before you have enough courage to say these words in front of US

Now now now that isnt a nice thing to say about the US.:no: US brings foreign investments and lots of moola to other countries. Come now be a good blogger and say sorry to Uncle Sam :usflag: Modern terrorism is fuelled by failed islamic priests and politicians who cant command control of their nations or need a scapegoat for their nation's failures :pakistan: Lets not blame the rest of society for the failures of our own states and lets open our mindsets to realise that we now live in the 21st century :pop:
Mrs. denial,
Stop warying about indian's border,we have one of the largest arm force, we will handle that.
What is happening inside pakistan,you should keep you eye on that.

Terrorist and Extremist Groups of Pakistan

Destroy those terrorist organisation which is killing innocent ppl of other country,Thats why NATO and US force are in you border.
Don't how long they will stay there....

Remember iraq, afgan and now.......................

Oh bhai you dont need to be sleepless we will look into it ourselves.
Mrs. denial,
Stop warying about indian's border,we have one of the largest arm force, we will handle that.
What is happening inside pakistan,you should keep you eye on that.

Terrorist and Extremist Groups of Pakistan

Destroy those terrorist organisation which is killing innocent ppl of other country,Thats why NATO and US force are in you border.
Don't how long they will stay there....

Remember iraq, afgan and now.......................

ohh yeah u have it thats why u ddidnt had any guts for those wet dream surgical strikes.. after all we are so weak, and plz dont worry about us take care of ur own insurgencies

Terrorist Groups in India
Insurgency in North-East India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and now more thing troll, neither are we Afghanistan nor are we Iraq... so next time have some sense while making comparisons ok...
Now now now that isnt a nice thing to say about the US.:no: US brings foreign investments and lots of moola to other countries. Come now be a good blogger and say sorry to Uncle Sam :usflag: Modern terrorism is fuelled by failed islamic priests and politicians who cant command control of their nations or need a scapegoat for their nation's failures :pakistan: Lets not blame the rest of society for the failures of our own states and lets open our mindsets to realise that we now live in the 21st century :pop:

ur south african hmmmmm
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