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To keep China at arm’s length, Japan to export arms to India

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Has the Chinese government started producing high quality people on the line of high yielding grain type.

india is so much the size of a pie, the ways to keep their spending spree on weapons are:

1. cutting other public expenditure like social welfare, education, infrastructure
2. keeping expansion of its economy which is unlikely to very sustainable given its poor government, exploding population, deep social ills and poor quality of people
3. cutting spending on other weaponry manufacturers like Russia.USA etc

China will gain as a matter of fact for purchasing more from Russia, in particular when indian's purchase from the Russians will be reduced by their increase spending in japan. japanese's expansion into military business will irate their boss!
You're right. It seems to me to be a becuase of a number of reasons namely India's NAM stance historically meant unlike others it never really took a side so didn't offend anyone or burn any bridiges. Addtionally India's Foreing policy seems to be based on mutual respect not condesecion or patroniseing but a pattern of working together. Also India seems to have tanagible morals that it stands up for and sticks to unlike others who say whatever others want them to say-India does what it belives is right and has a history of supporting the right side and sticking to the truth. India has proven this again and again wrt Iraq war in 2003,sanctions of Iran and Libya etc the list goes on and on.

The problem is that India cannot always be neutral in world affairs. Here we are desiring for an UNSC permanent seat, & if we get it someday, we have to take a definite stance as a major world power, what if a war broke out in any of these competing nations & there comes a resolution to the UNSC, can we take a middle path than?? what if a resolution on 2 nation theory of Israel & Palestine comes up in the UNSC, can we chose one of them over another?? We have seen what it means to take a stance in major international issues, a case being IAEA vote against Iran. So if we are aspiring for UNSC permanent seat or to be a global power, we should make our foreign policy more clearer & attune to modern times, gone are the days when we used to hide in garb of NAM & did not take sides between superpowers of the cold war.
India is so much the size of a pie, the ways to keep their spending spree on weapons are:

1. cutting other public expenditure like social welfare, education, infrastructure

Red liar caught red-handed, when did India make cuts to public expenditure like social welfare, education, infrastructure for weapons purchase?

2. keeping expansion of its economy which is unlikely to be very sustainable given its poor government, exploding population, deep social ills and poor quality of people
3. cutting spending on other weaponry manufacturers like Russia.USA etc

Logic fail! :lol:

China will gain as a matter of fact for purchasing more from Russia, in particular when indian's purchase from the Russians will be reduced by their increase spending in japan. japanese's expansion into military business will irate their boss!

I thought Chinese considered Russian weapons to be failure :cheesy:

this is going to be fun and surely change the landscape of geopolitics!

Yup! Very interesting indeed, Russia aiming its tactical nuclear waheads at China

A Preview Of Russia's New Military Doctrine

One contact involved in drafting the doctrine
said China, not the west, is Russia's main preoccupation and
a stand-off in the Far East would the only conceivable
scenario under which Russia would threaten the use of nuclear

and American presence in East-Asia. :cool:
india is so much the size of a pie, the ways to keep their spending spree on weapons are:

1. cutting other public expenditure like social welfare, education, infrastructure
2. keeping expansion of its economy which is unlikely to be very sustainable given its poor government, exploding population, deep social ills and poor quality of people
3. cutting spending on other weaponry manufacturers like Russia.USA etc

China will gain as a matter of fact for purchasing more from Russia, in particular when indian's purchase from the Russians will be reduced by their increase spending in japan. japanese's expansion into military business will irate their boss!

this is going to be fun and surely change the landscape of geopolitics!

Utter BS!

Time and again we here the "India is spending too much on defence equipment and not enough on its poor" argument but this is CATEGORICALLY UNTRUE.This falshood is used by those with vested interests who simply overlook or deny the ground realities. Poverty aliviation or spending on poor through direct assitence or indirect assitence through subsidies accounts for ~8-9% of GDP EVERY YEAR, this is FAR more than the <2% of GDP India spends on defence each year. India's defence spending as a % of GDP is one of the lowest in the world and even lower than the 3% mandated for NATO memebers. Are you trying to tell me there is no poor in US which spends 4.7% of GDP on defence or Russia with 3.9% of GDP or the UK that spends 3% of GDP?? If you can tell me that poverty levels in these nations and others os 0 then fine India is a fair target but when poverty levels are far from 0 in these countries and are only going up then you can't criticise India for spending less on defence as a % of GDP than they do. The only difference is these nations are btter at hiding their poor or poverty stricken than India. And that too at a time when India is one of only 2-3 nations likely to meet their UN MDGs on poverty alieviaton and when each year the GoI brings ~10,000,000 people out of poverty. The GoI can do what it likes with its money FFS.
The problem is that India cannot always be neutral in world affairs. Here we are desiring for an UNSC permanent seat, & if we get it someday, we have to take a definite stance as a major world power, what if a war broke out in any of these competing nations & there comes a resolution to the UNSC, can we take a middle path than?? what if a resolution on 2 nation theory of Israel & Palestine comes up in the UNSC, can we chose one of them over another?? We have seen what it means to take a stance in major international issues, a case being IAEA vote against Iran. So if we are aspiring for UNSC permanent seat or to be a global power, we should make our foreign policy more clearer & attune to modern times, gone are the days when we used to hide in garb of NAM & did not take sides between superpowers of the cold war.
let us cross that bridge when we get there. right now there is no harm in taking advantages by being neutral/ambiguous
Dude it is easy for us(Indians) to ask for nuclear technology,But for Japanese PM ,it is hard to sell to Japanese people a idea of providing nuclear technology for a nation who have nuclear bomb and still refuse to sign NPT CTBT.

Japan is a democracy, it will take time to convince people. Japan will take side with India in due course but for time being ....For indian , just hear this song from Yalgar movie

I totally understand their concern's but from our view we already have a no first use policy in place, secondly the French reactors which we plan to build in Jaitapur contain Japanese technology so the more they delay than it will cost us Indian's. We can't increase our share in % of nuclear energy in the long run without such technology being available to us.
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China could make hundred millions dollar by selling handphone and electronic hardware to India.
it could make more by moving small production lines to serve the local market and counter the china bashers.
huawei has made some progress in this regards, as have others.
almost every country in this world is looking at India to neutralize Chinese threat

That is the big question. Do Indians not find it disturbing that they are viewed as China's #1 enemy?
That is the big question. Do Indians not find it disturbing that they are viewed as China's #1 enemy?

If it were true , we might be.

Chinese don't view India as #1 threat.

India merely benefits here being viewed as #1 counterweight to China.

Why is France getting in so much trouble with its minorities recently.
That is the big question. Do Indians not find it disturbing that they are viewed as China's #1 enemy?

Who views us as China's number one enemey? I would put USA, Japan & Vietnam ahead of India and I think if you asked a Chinese person they would say the same.
i think it is seen as an opportunity, one that needs to be en-cashed for our own development.

I am not talking about how India sees the situation, but how others see it.
Everyone seems to be of the opinion that India is in the game to be China's military opponent.
Our number one enemy is terrorism and the likes of LET not China!
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