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To Indians and followers of Hindu religion

While most of my opinions are covered by fellow Indians, I want to add few points. While I have never problem of invasion of different ethnic group/Kings etc to India as that was the time when kings and their kingdoms expand and shrinks based on time. Hence bringing different culture and assimilating to us were always better but there were few characters who were mere invaders and destroyer of temples like Muhammad Ghouri and Mahmood Ghazanvi etc i.e. disrespect of other's religion, which is never acceptable in any religion. There were fool kings as Muhammad Tughalak who tried to change capital/ Currency and lost lives and money due to this decision.

Similarly there were kings which I admire who were as Indians as any Muslim of India currently and those includes Akbar, Tipu Sultan, Haider Ali, Sher shah Suri etc. For them India was their country and not a place for looting hence they cared. Not to forget, even during 1857 revolution, everyone were unanimous to make their leader as last Mughal ruler Bahadur Shah Zafar.

There were other Mughal rulers for them religion was most important and they were imposter's of their religion to convert Hindus (No fight there are many historical evidences) and great name includes Muhammad Bin Qasim, Babur, Aurangzeb and his son etc for them I dont have any respect for them as doing this act they even didn't follow the first principle of Islam.
I still wonder if Dara Shikho won the battle against aurangzeb and how history would've changed.

Yeah, This is probably the best documentary made about India As far as I know. It covers Indian history from its earliest to the current day.

If possible, people should check out the HD version. It is also available online as 1000VA stated. This is probably the best medium for anyone who is interested in learning about India, and Indians.

The documentary is probably one of the best Documentaries made by the BBC , ever.


ps: A link to the official site.
^^has some more resources, like timelines and small video clips.

the Hd version is available on ******** though :angel:
Muslim rule was very bad for india.Even they brought in a lot of things and i dont how India would have been without it,but invasion by a bunch of man slaughterers
is never welcome amongst indians.

All parts of India except north india have no influence of muslim rule.Even though there are muslims everywhere,south indian muslims are a result of arabic and turkic traders inter mixing and settling down,mostly on the west coast.

North India has heavy muslim influence due to most of the empires being based there,apart from the mughals we had many nawabs and pashtun people ruling us.

The hindus,even though kept their religion and culture had to adapt a lot to their muslim rulers.

It was a survival instinct and a necessity,i believe.Just like today where people are eating non veg,drinking alcohol and smoking as a result of westernization and the idea of fitting in to their new found existences.

But hindus are at their best when they behave as hindus,which is using their common sense and wisdom to make choices in life rather than stikcing to any dogma or fitting into any new found fad.

You need a history lesson. Hindus were eating meat before Muslims arrived. Many of the other "bad practices" might have been present prior to the advent of Muslim rule. It wasn't like everything was hunky dory and everybody was living in peace before the Central Asians arrived.
You need a history lesson. Hindus were eating meat before Muslims arrived. Many of the other "bad practices" might have been present prior to the advent of Muslim rule. It wasn't like everything was hunky dory and everybody was living in peace before the Central Asians arrived.

Absolute true.. There were Hindus fighting with Buddhists and Jains During 200 BCE till 6th AD. While Buddists and Jains were not eating Non veg as per primary guidelines of their religions (Not killing to any living things) Brahmins have only obligatory condition for being veggie.

Good and Bad kings were always there.. while we celebrate Chadnragupta Mourya for having Kingdom from Iran till Indonesia.. we started hating when others ruled us.. we need to accept the fact that those were the practices followed at that time by kings.. rest good and bad.. religion and conversion everything is debatable..
Haan,i agree with you.But over years we have become vegetarian and survived also.I am sure you would agree how many people in punjab are still vegetarians despite not binded in anyway to.

They are big and strong eating Doodh,Makhan and Maa ki daal.

we have already had a revolution making us get protein from milk rather than meat.

Reverting back to regular non-veg is not needed.

Could be, but that isn't the topic, right? You started off by saying Central Asian invasions were a negative influence on Hinduism. In essence, you were attributing the so called bad practices in Hinduism on Islam, right?

Tell you something. Every religion has something good and bad. Hinduism did have Sati, right? Did Islam pass on that practice?

We should look at things more holistically. Look at the Central Asian invasions just as a part of the development of the Indian culture and society. Just like the invasions of the Kushanas, the White Huns and the Greeks before them, the Central Asians also helped evolve the Indian culture to its current state today. If not for them we wouldnt have many of the things that we currently consider as distinctly Indian. Things in architecture, like the Dome, in dress, like the Salwar Kameez, different musical instruments and forms of music itself were brought to India by these foreign invaders.

And another thing, resist from viewing them just as Muslims. Islam just happened to be their religion. We don't question the religion of the ones that came before them, do we?
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I believe religion is used by people to play politics. It is the easiest tool to get people support for attaining personal goals that has nothing to do with people's well being.

Go for a war in the name of religion, the person who gains form victory is the ruler but he gets money, support etc from people who will gain nothing out of it.

“Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.”

-Seneca (Roman philosopher, mid-1st century AD)

One important thing to note here is the term Hindu in ancient times was used to refer to a separate people beyond Indus river.

In the modern context,its used for people of a religion.
Muslim rule was very bad for india.Even they brought in a lot of things and i dont how India would have been without it,but invasion by a bunch of man slaughterers
is never welcome amongst indians.

With/without Muslim rule,it would have been the same.(some other people with conquest in their mind would come here).

India was traditionally a place with resources in abundance, supporting expansion of Humans , unlike the surrounding areas.
Naturally making a destination for migrations.

All parts of India except north india have no influence of muslim rule.Even though there are muslims everywhere,south indian muslims are a result of arabic and turkic traders inter mixing and settling down,mostly on the west coast.

North India has heavy muslim influence due to most of the empires being based there,apart from the mughals we had many nawabs and pashtun people ruling us.

The hindus,even though kept their religion and culture had to adapt a lot to their muslim rulers.

It was a survival instinct and a necessity,i believe.Just like today where people are eating non veg,drinking alcohol and smoking as a result of westernization and the idea of fitting in to their new found existences.

But hindus are at their best when they behave as hindus,which is using their common sense and wisdom to make choices in life rather than stikcing to any dogma or fitting into any new found fad.

Lemme guess! ,you are a South Indian ,probably a Tamil Brahmin :D
BTW how did muslims of then India felt under British (white skin) rule?
btw Why have you added "Hindu" religion ? The people who got the worst were the poor Buddhists, the Islamic invasions marked the end of Buddhism in the subcontinent

I think you find that it was the hindu warlords that wiped out the Buddhists and not the muslims.

Shashanka was the Shaivite Brahmin king of Bengal. He was manipulated by the Brahmins to become a ferocious oppressor of the Buddhists. He had destroyed the Bodhi tree of Bodh Gaya and ordered the mass destruction of all Buddhist images and monasteries in his kingdom.
I think Islamic rule of India happened due to India's internal weaknesses. The many ethcities and languages and cultures made ruling it difficult something similar to Europe and similarly there were few periods where large parts of it were united into a single political unit.When they were united it happened to be an outsider or relatively shortlived.

The Roman empire extended into current day England, which Hitler never captured.

At the end of the day, being ruled is not okay for one's self respect and sense of identity. Even though British built railroad but more than 100,000 Indian army soldiers died in the second world war.

Fact that Hinduism by its nature is not a uniting force has been the reason for the success of Islam to convert 35% of locals.The problem is with the administration of Hinduism. The scriptures were well intentioned but couldnt be executed well.

For instance, castes were not to be decided by Birth.The idea behind caste system was actually to maintain a certain amount of distribution of power.So one person will have only knowledge ie Brahmins but he wont be taught how to fight (physically) and wont own any wealth..and hence the four main castes and even the so called lower caste were to be Land owners...in itself a major source of power.

This specialisation meant that India has lacked leaders who understand how to exercise power as they tend to come from one of these....

All in all...foreign rulership sucked.
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