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To all Indian members here. A question...

With the consolidation of the Tibetan empire in the seventh century AD under the Yarlung kings there was increasing contact between Tibet, India and China, establishing a lasting pattern of cultural contact and exchange. Under Srong brTsan sGam Po (around 618-41) scholars were sent to India to develop a system of writing for the Tibetan language and, as part of treaty negotiations with the Chinese, the emperor married a Tang dynasty (618-907) princess.

The arrival of the Indian-born master Atisha in 1042 is generally regarded as the culmination of the ‘second propagation’ of Buddhism in Tibet.

British Museum - Tibetan culture

this dude is a total nutcase lol i cant even begin to understand his mind.
Every incident India learned leason
1) After 1962 we never trust enybody blindly,
2) After kargil we came to know how our neighbour given reply to our Priminister goodwill visit to Islmabad,
3) After Chine's incursion in AP we came to know how to defend our country so we make huge military purchases
un less china & pakistan not setteled border dispute with India we never trust them
With the consolidation of the Tibetan empire in the seventh century AD under the Yarlung kings there was increasing contact between Tibet, India and China, establishing a lasting pattern of cultural contact and exchange. Under Srong brTsan sGam Po (around 618-41) scholars were sent to India to develop a system of writing for the Tibetan language and, as part of treaty negotiations with the Chinese, the emperor married a Tang dynasty (618-907) princess.

The arrival of the Indian-born master Atisha in 1042 is generally regarded as the culmination of the ‘second propagation’ of Buddhism in Tibet.

British Museum - Tibetan culture

this dude is a total nutcase lol i cant even begin to understand his mind.

The Chinese princess's name was Wencheng. The origin of the Tibetan Buddism seems that it came from Nepal rather than India directly.

"Myths about Songtsän Gampo and his Chinese bride Wencheng that appeared around them during the Middle Ages transformed Songtsän Gampo into a cultural hero for Tibetans, based on his marriages. It is widely believed that his state marriages to Nepalese princess Bhrikuti and Chinese princess Wencheng brought Buddhism to Tibet, and further, that their complicated relationship as co-wives led to the construction of the Jokang Temple, whereupon the city of Lhasa. These stories are included in such medieval romances as the Mani-bka'-'bum, and historiographies such as the Rgyal-rabs Gsal-ba'i Me-long."
Every incident India learned leason
1) After 1962 we never trust enybody blindly,
2) After kargil we came to know how our neighbour given reply to our Priminister goodwill visit to Islmabad,
3) After Chine's incursion in AP we came to know how to defend our country so we make huge military purchases
un less china & pakistan not setteled border dispute with India we never trust them

And China has learned a valuable lesson, that China must always watch her borders

who knows when India is going to implement a forward policy into chinese land.

China also learned another valuable lesson. That indians cannot be reasoned with, when Nehru started advancing into disputed territory Mao asked him to stop, lets talk this out. China even offered to give 70% of the land to India in exchange for no war. But India refused they wanted 100%.

Indians only understand one thing military force.

China has settled 12 out of 14 territorial disputes peacefully while India has settled none of hers peacefully.

India's China Blog: You Scratch my Back, But I Won’t Scratch yours
I give up im done with this fool 4 eva lol Free Buddhist Tibet from Hans thats all i can say
Very interesting and informative views in here. A lot of angle, from genetics and historical. However, in terms of political perspective, there is not going to be any war between China and India over the dispute territories. In reality, if the dispute is just about the border territories, its a simple question as both sides can recognize each other's LAC claims and move on. However, the dispute is certainly not about border territories.

The dispute is kept alive by China so it can interfere and support Pakistan if needed. For India, I'm not as clear because it makes no sense to continue a border dispute with China. If I'm the foreign policy beauracrat in India, I would suggest settle the border dispute with China with the LAC becoming the international border. Than India can concerntrate on dealing with the Kashmir issue. But I would only make this public if China is serious about settling the border issue.
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Very interesting and informative views in here. A lot of angle, from genetics and historical. However, in terms of political perspective, there is not going to be any war between China and India over the dispute territories. In reality, if the dispute is just about the border territories, its a simple question as both sides can recognize each other's LOC claims and move on. However, the dispute is certainly not about border territories.

The dispute is kept alive by China so it can interfere and support Pakistan if needed. For India, I'm not as clear because it makes no sense to continue a border dispute with China. If I'm the foreign policy beauracrat in India, I would suggest settle the border dispute with China with the LOC becoming the international border. Than India can concerntrate on dealing with the Kashmir issue. But I would only make this public if China is serious about settling the border issue.

India's China Blog: You Scratch my Back, But I Won’t Scratch yours

Read the blog post above, you can do internet searches everything posted is a historical fact and the blog is written by an indian.

No it is NOT CHINA's fault, history does not lie. China's first offer to india was 70% for India, 30% for China. India refused. China gave the same offer all the wat to 1990 before upping it to 74%. India still refused.
India's China Blog: You Scratch my Back, But I Won’t Scratch yours

Read the blog post above, you can do internet searches everything posted is a historical fact and the blog is written by an indian.

No it is NOT CHINA's fault, history does not lie. China's first offer to india was 70% for India, 30% for China. India refused. China gave the same offer all the wat to 1990 before upping it to 74%. India still refused.

It is not the matter of numbers. India is more interested in 20 to 30% that China is not willing to give rather than the 70% that China is willing. You have to understand the stragetical value for each sides of those territories. It is not a piece of cake where more the better or whether it is fair or not.

The reason Zhou Enlai was not in a haste to settle this issue was because he knew and he was right that people in his generation even now for that matter were not smart enough to solve the problem. It was better left for the future generations who will be smarter than they were to solve. Sadly his wish is still far away.
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It is not the matter of numbers. India is more interested in 20 to 30% that China is not willing to give rather than the 70% that China is willing. You have to understand the stragetical value of those territories. It is not a piece of cake where more the better.

If China is the true aggressor then why are they the one offering deals? Why has India not offered a single deal to end the dispute?

Why has China peacefully settled every one of her border disputes except the 2 disputes with india?

Why has India solved 0 of its own dispute without force?

The bottomline is that every one of China's neighbors does not have missiles pointing at it. On the other hand all of India's neighbors Butan, China, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh all have weapons pointed at India.

Why was it India that first sent divisions into the disputed territory?

I know this may be hard for you to take in, nobody likes the country that they love to find out they had a terrible history but part of every great nation is admitting its flaws, China admits that communism wasa bad idea, the USA is sorry for the Japanese internment camps, Germany is sorry for the holocaust etc...
The problem is that you do not view these people as chinese, I do. I have studied this matter extensively and the people living in these areas have almost the same DNA as us and almost no DNA in common with the average Hindu that makes up the majority of India. I would not have a problem if India was treating these people well, but we all know the truth that if these areas became part of China these people will be able to visit their families living in Tibet. The Chinese government actually makes an effort to provide all their citizens with clean water, education and shelter something that the Indian government is seemingly incapable of. These people are culturally and genetically similar to use yet they are controlled by some government that can't even care for their own people for the sole purpose of exploiting the natural resources in the land. Historically, culturally, genetically they are part of China while India has no claim whatsoever other than BRITAIN USED TO OWN IT SO NOW IT BELONGS TO US! The same argument could be used for something ridiculous like the USA belongs to India.

Brain's response muted when we see other races in pain - life - 01 July 2009 - New Scientist

The brain is not an equal opportunities organ, it seems. An imaging study of Chinese and Caucasian people has found that their brains respond less strongly to the pain of strangers whose ethnicity is different when compared with strangers of their own race.

You need to stop this idiocy that you call "extensive study" immediately ... but I suspect you will take it to its inevitable conclusions ...

I am not saying that there is no basis to this deep-seated, "limbically"-wired "race empathy" that you so fondly hold as the Great Underpinning to your existence.

But that's far from the whole picture ... and your concept of "DNA" may not even be the dominant factor in the success or longevity of any nation state - modern or ancient.

Can you contrast the "race" of modern Jews with ancient Hebrews (yes, I am aware of the periodic politically motivated chromosomal studies)? Then how about the modern "Oghuz" Turks with ancient Turko-Mongols? Or the hodge-podge of modern Iranians with their more ancient hodge-podge ...

And what race were the Tokarians who lived in Western China?

And what "race" are the vaunted Gurkhas (predominantly)? The same Gurkhas that faced off a small squad of PLA soldiers in 1967? How are they different from the Nagas? I guess they are "taken care of" as opposed to the Nagas ...

And why is DL in India in the first place if all you had to do was preach "pan-mongolism" to him? Next, why not preach the same "pan-mongolim" to Outer Mongolia and see how far that'll get you?

And why did China fight Japan tooth and nail, to-hell-and-back? Afterall, all imperial Japan wanted to do was to unite the East Asian Mongoloids into a "co-prosperity sphere" ...

Why stop there ... what about the Inuits?

Anyways, if we accept that India is a multi-racial nation-state of relatively recent vintage, then we accept that it comes with certain baggage of all multi-racial states.

And trust me the Indians themselves know they have more "baggage" - way more in fact, than the average ... give them some time and we'll see to where this all leads.

Back to topic.

You need to cut the cr@p and move on.

Open up a "pan-Mongolism" thread in an approved section and I might entertain your "DNA studies" there ...
In all the mayhem before you; it is nice to see your post which has a measured and balanced viewpoint. And i appreciate your outlook. Only if we hold viewpoints like that can we hope to find solutions to problems. Fortunately for all of us, both the Governments in China and India are concentrating on the primary tasks at hand i.e. pushing Economic Growth. Just imagine if they had spent time quibbling over 'sq. km of territory' instead. The rest of the world would be looking differently at us then.

I can only hope. There is also something I said in the "Future China India Relations" thread if it makes any sense to you.

Future China India Relations

Re: Future China India Relations


There are something other than history I have to point out, the more issues or problems we have among ourselves in Asia with each other, the more excuses others will have to meddle in our own affairs. Why should we give them the opportunities and pleasure of doing so? Divide and conquer is not a tactics that died with British colonism. It still exists in a very different form. I think everyone should seriously think about that before taking out on its own neighbours.
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How was it China's fault? all experts agree on the same thing, the chinese wanted to negotiate, Nehru refused and sent his troops in to claim the disputed territory declaring that he will drive out all chinese. China's only goal was to keep the Indians out of the disputed territory and once they achieved that they declared a cease fire.

The chinese were also extremely nice to Indian POW's, and they even returned all their captured weapons free of charge.

YouTube - The crushing moment: China India 1962 war - Part 2

Akasai Chin is also primarily Tibetan, They don't look like Hindus to me. This area has always been part of the tibetan empire till it was conquered by the kingdom of Ladakh.

The only people who have any claim to this land is Tibet of the kingdom of Ladakh which no longer exists. These people almost have 100% nothing to do with Hindus or pakistani

Well thats the level of idiocy that you can go!?
Is India only Hindu country?
We have , possibly all the religions and people that you will find in this world.
There is no book that says Indians can't resemble Chinese in terms of looks.
Very interesting and informative views in here. A lot of angle, from genetics and historical. However, in terms of political perspective, there is not going to be any war between China and India over the dispute territories. In reality, if the dispute is just about the border territories, its a simple question as both sides can recognize each other's LAC claims and move on. However, the dispute is certainly not about border territories.

The dispute is kept alive by China so it can interfere and support Pakistan if needed. For India, I'm not as clear because it makes no sense to continue a border dispute with China. If I'm the foreign policy beauracrat in India, I would suggest settle the border dispute with China with the LAC becoming the international border. Than India can concerntrate on dealing with the Kashmir issue. But I would only make this public if China is serious about settling the border issue.

Dear Sir,

You do realise that on the comical relief side of the picture, most of this thundering ***' claims are wrong, particularly his genetic claims, not to mention his ethnicity, linguistic and script-claims. I suppose it is because everybody is busy otherwise that he does not get the comeuppance that he richly deserves.

Coming to your more serious points, I do not think China is extending the border dispute. I think that until even a decade ago, China was willing to concede territory in the east, based on agreeing on the watershed line as the border, provided that the ownership of Aksai Chin became clearly that of the Tibet Autonomous Region. It is just that they are unhappy to see India dragging her feet again and again, and have allowed their irritation to show.

India, on the other hand, is unable to accept even this most agreeable compromise because neither the Congress nor the BJP is willing to allow the other to arrive at this compromise. A pity.

Dear Sir,

You do realise that on the comical relief side of the picture, most of this thundering ***' claims are wrong, particularly his genetic claims, not to mention his ethnicity, linguistic and script-claims. I suppose it is because everybody is busy otherwise that he does not get the comeuppance that he richly deserves.

Coming to your more serious points, I do not think China is extending the border dispute. I think that until even a decade ago, China was willing to concede territory in the east, based on agreeing on the watershed line as the border, provided that the ownership of Aksai Chin became clearly that of the Tibet Autonomous Region. It is just that they are unhappy to see India dragging her feet again and again, and have allowed their irritation to show.

India, on the other hand, is unable to accept even this most agreeable compromise because neither the Congress nor the BJP is willing to allow the other to arrive at this compromise. A pity.


I totally agree with on this.

However do people realize that if this keeps dragging on, later when China become more open and more democratic, it will be much harder to settle this on China's part. Now the government actually keeps all those issues away from the general public. If those issues become public and with everything you have seen by some of the Chinese poster's demonstrations, do you think that the public opinion will be on India's side? People from both India and China have some sort of chauvinistic tendency wired in their thinkings, under a democratic environment I believe that China's adminstration will be forced under the public pressure to take some drastic measures(not necessarily war) on this issue. Same thing is going to happen in China as it did in India, there will be a time even when the India is presenting a favourable term for the China, the multi-partisan politics won't allow any party to accept it. The opposition will definitely label whoever do as a treator and will compare it to the later Qing Dynasty who conceded a lot of China's land to foreign powers under gun point because it was weak and corrupted.
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