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TNFJ stages rallies today to mark demolition of Jannatul Baqi


Feb 3, 2016
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TNFJ stages rallies today to mark demolition of Jannatul Baqi


ISLAMABAD: Peaceful rallies will be taken out Saturday (today) in small and big cities across the country to mark the demolition of Jannatul Baqi.

The call was given for these activities by Tehreek-e-Nifaz Fiqh Jaffaria (TNFJ) Supreme Quaid Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi while chairing a central command meeting of the Tehreek in Rawalpindi on Friday. He emphasised that the site was a reminder of blessed and divine personalities of Islam, and the Ummah must rise to revive Jannatul Baqi to its original shape.

“The revival of mausoleums at the site is not only the responsibility of the Ummah but of the humanity. There is also a need to rise (sic) voice in support of oppressed Muslims of Kashmir and Palestine,” he said.

@Signalian @tps77 @RealNapster @fitpOsitive @B+ Dracula @HAKIKAT @Maarkhoor @Starlord
@Saif al-Arab brother what is your take on it? And dont you think if Prince Muhammad takes some action on it then it will be very much fruitfull for overall Saudi image?
Islam does't allow grave worshipping.
Haven't seen anyone offering namaz at a mausoleum by replacing word Allah with the name of the personality buried there, neither seen someone prostrating and saying Subhana Rabbi yal A'ala to the personality buried at that site, so grave worshiping doesn't exist.
Kissing, hugging a grave also isn't worshiping. we kiss our loved ones and respected ones. Out of respect, feet of elders(father, mother, grand father etc) are kissed and a prostration posture is formed if the elders are sitting or standing, but without the words Subhana Rabbi yal A'ala, and this not worshiping, otherwise no one tells their elders to please raise your feet in air lest i prostrate infront of you even though i dont intend to worship you neither elevate you to the status of Allah.
Grave worshiping is a terminology created to create defamation, degradation and confusion.

As for the topic at hand, when a certain party is involved, they give it a political color. Politics and spiritual places should stay apart. There are better legal ways to handle issues at hand even about mausoleum.
Grave worshiping is a terminology created to create defamation, degradation and confusion.
Nailed it! I think jealousy and bugzz (grudge of the unconscious) also plays a vital role in spreading jhalat. When I see a grave of some Saint the mere sight fills myself with a sense of humanity, peace and pride - - - - - - -.
Lord knows better whatever have happened to this neomuslim generation.
Haven't seen anyone offering namaz at a mausoleum by replacing word Allah with the name of the personality buried there, neither seen someone prostrating and saying Subhana Rabbi yal A'ala to the personality buried at that site, so grave worshiping doesn't exist.
Kissing, hugging a grave also isn't worshiping. we kiss our loved ones and respected ones. Out of respect, feet of elders(father, mother, grand father etc) are kissed and a prostration posture is formed if the elders are sitting or standing, but without the words Subhana Rabbi yal A'ala, and this not worshiping, otherwise no one tells their elders to please raise your feet in air lest i prostrate infront of you even though i dont intend to worship you neither elevate you to the status of Allah.
Grave worshiping is a terminology created to create defamation, degradation and confusion.

As for the topic at hand, when a certain party is involved, they give it a political color. Politics and spiritual places should stay apart. There are better legal ways to handle issues at hand even about mausoleum.
You are right brother, but please explain this.
You are right brother, but please explain this.
All I see is some majzoob kinda persons kissing the doorway of Imam Hussain R. A Roza out of great respect - - - - - - -. But the background Quranic recitation to generate sectarian fury , which subsequently could lead to justify their massacre, was interesting though.

P. S : There are ghaali folks then there are nasbis as well, does that mean Islam is bad?

You are right brother, but please explain this.
To my best understanding, they are kissing the ground, crawling and walking on all fours. That is their form of showing respect and humility. Namaz is worship and namaz doesnt include kissing ground or walking on all fours, so worship comparison doesn't exist as worship isn't happening, unless they are offering namaz and doing such actions in between namaz. It can be/ has been "portrayed" as worship for propaganda purposes. This doesn't mean that i support such actions, i don't. Secondly, i'm not shia.

All I see is some majzoob kinda persons kissing the doorway of Imam Hussain R. A Roza out of great respect - - - - - - -. But the background Quranic recitation to generate sectarian fury , which subsequently could lead to justify their massacre, was interesting though.

P. S : There are ghaali folks then there are nasbis as well, does that mean Islam is bad?

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yar they are trying to show respect but there are better ways to show respect than crawling and walking on all fours and kissing the ground from a distance. They are being excessively emotional. Such acts are not required.
Ishq Haqeeqi banday sy baray baray Kam krva lyta hai. Just saying.
You are right. Keep in mind that Ishq e hakiki takes you towards Allah and ibadat.

Ishq e hakiki is a long topic But the people (very very few) that i saw going towards ishq e hakiki treaded very cautiously and were punctual in shariah also. They used the ishq to bring themselves towards namaz, recitation of koran, tasbeehaat, nafals and other ibadat following koran and sunnah.

Ishq e hakiki, makes you help man-kind. To help people in need through any means possible, whether money or soft words of hope. To aid students in studies, offering free food to hungry, helping house-holds get through tough months, aiding in marriages of needy and poor, giving hope to depressed, making a negative person positive etc.

Coming to visits to a mausoleum and ishq, I came across a person who had been visiting Data Darbar for decades in Lahore. He visited with two garlands, presented them, offered fateha and dua, stood in silence at one side with eyes closed for 10-15 minutes, then sat outside and started to recite something on tasbeeh, after azan he went in to offer prayers at mosque built inside. Now i realised he is in ishq because he has been visiting regularly. Ishq makes you visit a place regularly as it draws and attracts like magnet. People coming to mausoleum in ishq offer lunger, offer money, clean, sweep etc to show their respect and love or just offer fatiha and go away. Its not necessarily required to go on all fours and crawl etc to show love and respect.
حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ مَسْلَمَةَ، عَنْ مَالِكٍ، عَنِ ابْن شِهَابٍ، عَنْ سَعِيدِ بْنِ الْمُسَيَّبِ، عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏ "‏ قَاتَلَ اللَّهُ الْيَهُودَ اتَّخَذُوا قُبُورَ أَنْبِيَائِهِمْ مَسَاجِدَ ‏"‏‏.‏

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "May Allah's curse be on the Jews for they built the places of worship at the graves of their Prophets."

Reference :-

: Sahih al-Bukhari 437
: Book 8, Hadith 86
: Vol. 1, Book 8, Hadith 428

Rest is all hogwash.
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