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TLP warns judiciary, announces Dharna for the defense of constitution

it is more tan just that.

did you forget to attend school beyond jamaat chaharmm or were born in the USA thus skipped Urdu altogether?

دَلَّال • (dallāl) m (plural دَلَّالُون‎ ). somebody who procures business agreements. auctioneer, broker, pimp, etc.
so youll be Ok if I keep calling you a dalaal? you wont consider it a curse word for a pimp?
mullah ji, it is in the context and the tone of the langra aashiq. he was depraved and despicable!

If I were a broker in some bussines, then yes but I think your motives are somewhat suspect in this here post so I shan't be replying anymore.

maybe @krash can separate wheat from chaff here, I am just too sickened by all this, need some time to recover my senses
calm down I wont be calling you the word- but you showing distain for it proves my point that its a curse word mostly used for pimps
may I be permitted to ask whether you are an illiterate or just dishonest?

broker translates to dalal; a middleman; a go-between. in Punjab dalla is a term of abuse and translate to pimp
pimp means dalal in urdu and in punjabi dalal is pronounced as dalla :crazy:

mullah ji, it is in the context and the tone of the langra aashiq. he was depraved and despicable!
he was calling the then establishment the broker, dalal of usa and now it has been proven. the same usa has now dethroned IK with the help of military, judiciary and politicians.

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