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TLP 'Long March' to Islamabad - October 22, 2021

Government needs to engage Tlp and stop the illegal detention of their chief since April. The real terrorist walk around with Imran Khan, people like Tahir Ashrafi on record supported terrorism but get away with it as they are the establishment toy boy. What if IK was arrested and detained when he called Pakistanis to stop paying bills and calling for full civil disobedience. If Tlp does the same then its terrorism. Hypocrisy
Bro these ppl are blinded in their hate to anything which has islam in it . Its simple ..let their leader free like the court have ordered and keep your opinion which go against the justice to your self but they have to show their hate to our religion or religious folks ..othersways their dollar will dry up.
These Khawarjis are out for fasad again. Again they will kill Pakistanis destroy public property and then will go to sleep screaming labaik Labaik. Pakistan should take stern action against these khawarij or forget any development for Pakistan. These people not only give bad name to Islam but to the name of our dear Prophet Mohamad PBUH. They use his pure name to create Fassad against state.
pakistan is reaping what its sow many decades . you make public religion addict here are the results .

Pakistan is an Islamic republic without Islam. Agar Islamic country hota tu yay khawariji fasad na phaila rahay hotay. Haal yay hai kay apnay app ko bachanay kay liye Quran pakra hota hai TLP waloon nay aur jab phainta lagnay lagta hai tu Quran ki talawat shuruh kar daitay hain. They are using Islam and Quran like Tissue paper.
government law needed to halt this kind of stupid marches by idiot groups. if they want to protest then keep them in there home province burn and damage as much as u want in side there. Im wondering how much this is going to cost our poor state monies it can no longer afford to police these idiots for days. This garbage will be definitely be shown live on al-Jazeera trash news channel to the world.
Pakistan is an Islamic republic without Islam. Agar Islamic country hota tu yay khawariji fasad na phaila rahay hotay. Haal yay hai kay apnay app ko bachanay kay liye Quran pakra hota hai TLP waloon nay aur jab phainta lagnay lagta hai tu Quran ki talawat shuruh kar daitay hain. They are using Islam and Quran like Tissue paper.

So many contradiction , islam hota to ap jesay loog sab se pehle chittar khate
.. ager ap islam ko nahi maante is ka matlab yeh nahi ap par lagu islam nahi hota . You lots only use one sentence when you feel heat of islamic parties "this is not islam" .. tell me which is islam? Is it islamic under imran zaani khan or was it islamic under general musharraf,yahya ,bhutto,nawaz ,zardari? Secular and islam/ulama haters have just one thing which is common. they hate anything religious ..they will live under the worst of secular cleanshave dictators/kings leaders but hey ..religous molvi ,how good he may be is unaccepable because seculars dont recognize themself in such personz who are so nice and godfearing and living in their means. They want islamic zardari and nawaz and bajwa and imran which is never going to happen .
Isn’t Canada half French as well? You can hold your march to Ottawa.

I am sure Canadians have all the reasons for themselves to not import French right wing politics.

What else is Mirza advocating from UK these days?
So many contradiction , islam hota to ap jesay loog sab se pehle chittar khate
.. ager ap islam ko nahi maante is ka matlab yeh nahi ap par lagu islam nahi hota . You lots only use one sentence when you feel heat of islamic parties "this is not islam" .. tell me which is islam? Is it islamic under imran zaani khan or was it islamic under general musharraf,yahya ,bhutto,nawaz ,zardari? Secular and islam/ulama haters have just one thing which is common. they hate anything religious ..they will live under the worst of secular cleanshave dictators/kings leaders but hey ..religous molvi ,how good he may be is unaccepable because seculars dont recognize themself in such personz who are so nice and godfearing and living in their means. They want islamic zardari and nawaz and bajwa and imran which is never going to happen .
Tum Islam kay thekay daar nae jo musalmaniyat bantay phiro. Jis ko dil aye tohmat laga kar katal karo aur tum Nasooron ko koe poochay bi nae. Tum loag pakay khawariji ho kabi khawarijyon ki nashiniyan parh kar comment karna.
On time. Always.

Will prove to be first task for new spymaster. Maybe a welcome gift by last one ?

Another angle worth exploring: Is someone trying to make Bareilvis and Deobandis fight openly ?
All the secular liberal mafia converge here on pdf it seems,anyways i hope TLP is able to make the gov. Kick the french out in protest, kudos to them for trying!

Fauji ki najaiz aulad aukat ma raho :sad:
These lots are so much unaware of how an average ppl on the streets thinks ..their only mantra is to keep repeating lies about religious folks while they produce zardari ,hussain haqqanis ,nawaz ,billo rani etc ..they will get shock of their life when shit gets hot this time ..previousely mufti muneeb and other ulamas helped these seculars a bit by talking but no1 is going to listen to a gov which doesnt keep its promises. Religious leaders even today rule the heart but for these ppl heart is that currupt parliment building.
These lots are so much unaware of how an average ppl on the streets thinks ..their only mantra is to keep repeating lies about religious folks while they produce zardari ,hussain haqqanis ,nawaz ,billo rani etc ..they will get shock of their life when shit gets hot this time ..previousely mufti muneeb and other ulamas helped these seculars a bit by talking but no1 is going to listen to a gov which doesnt keep its promises. Religious leaders even today rule the heart but for these ppl heart is that currupt parliment building.

Can I ask you something?

Pakistan is a deeply religious country. I really don't think it can be anymore Islamic, seriously you guys are really devout, that's fantastic for you.

But tell me, why the f**k does it have to involve civil disobedience? Why can't all of you sit in a mosque and discuss things and pray like calm spiritual men on the path to heaven. :lol:

Knowing full well the world is watching the region, these actions are BAD for business especially with how broke Pakistan is right now. Use your f**king brain man.

Sure if TLP DID NOT GO ON RECORD TO SAY EXTREMIST GARBAGE SUCH AS NUKING HOLLAND then maybe but I would deem them a national security threat. Apply full force on them.
Can I ask you something?

Pakistan is a deeply religious country. I really don't think it can be anymore Islamic, seriously you guys are really devout, that's fantastic for you.

But tell me, why the f**k does it have to involve civil disobedience? Why can't all of you sit in a mosque and discuss things and pray like calm spiritual men on the path to heaven. :lol:

Knowing full well the world is watching the region, these actions are BAD for business especially with how broke Pakistan is right now. Use your f**king brain man.

Sure if TLP DID NOT GO ON RECORD TO SAY EXTREMIST GARBAGE SUCH AS NUKING HOLLAND then maybe but I would deem them a national security threat. Apply full force on them.
We remain in mosque so that seculars currupt cleanshave can **** the whole country and its ppl like they are doing for past 70 + years ? Na na! Islam didnot come to remain in mosque but to rule and to fight injustice on weaks and poors who are beaten and killed by seculer cleanshave waderas /chaudary / saeen/generals/police etc whenever they want .

Just to give you an example ..you think shahbaz sharif would have killed tehrul qadris ppl if those were members of a secular political party? Same with tlp, Would police have killed and murdered 23 plus of their member if tlp was seculars political party ? The anwser is no and thats what will cause the end of the present secular anti religous set up and then inshallah religious folk will take their revenge from all the secular who are happy to see them murdered ..you get what you sow ..and seculars are sowing hate just to make their lords in the west happy and for their currupt way of ruling an islamic nation.

These cleanshave can get their bajis to dance 126 days ..burn the whole capital city ..attack ptv and the parliment but a religious party cant even demonstrate because they dont have their bajis dancing on the containers? The hypocrcy is intolerable.
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