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Tit for tat: India objects to Chinese moves



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Nov 6, 2008
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Hitting back at China, India today took objection to its engagement in projects in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (***) and asked it to cease such activities taking ''long-term view'' of India-China relations.

India was reacting to a Xinhua news service report on the visit of Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari to China.

"We have seen the Xinhua report quoting the president of China as stating that China will continue to engage in projects with Pakistan inside Azad Kashmir."

In India's eyes, Pakistan was in "illegal occupation" of parts of Jammu and Kashmir since 1947, Prakash said.

"The Chinese side is fully aware of India's position and our concerns about Chinese activities in Azad Kashmir," he said.

A day after China objected to the visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to Arunachal Pradesh, External Affairs Ministry took a strong view of President Hu Jintao's remarks that China will continue to engage in projects with Pakistan inside Pakistan occupied Kashmir.

"Pakistan has been in illegal occupation of parts of the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir since 1947. The Chinese side is fully aware of India's position and our concerns about Chinese activities in Pakistan occupied Kashmir," External Affairs Ministry spokesman Vishnu Prakash said in a statement.

"We hope that the Chinese side will take a long term view of the India-China relations and cease such activities in areas illegally occupied by Pakistan," he said.

The Chinese President, during a meeting with Pakistan Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani yesterday, outlined a major project to upgrade the Karakoram highway connecting the two countries overland and Chinese help in the Neelam-Jhelum hydroelectric project in ***.

"Howsoever, the international situation may change. The people of China and Pakistan are always joined in hearts and hands," Hu had said.

On Tuesday, India rejected a Chinese government statement protesting Manmohan Singh's Oct 3 visit to Arunachal Pradesh, the northeastern state over which China claims ownership.

Tit for tat: India objects to Chinese moves -  International News ? News ? MSN India
Just by doing this "tit for tat", India has accepted that it is Indeed occupying Chinese Territory. Since India believes that Pakistan is in occupation of its territory, if that is a "tit for that" response, India has made its own claims of owning its disputed territory with China false. Good Move India. :rofl:
ohhh what a clever statement...:taz: .....*** is *** cos its Pak Occupied Kashmir ...and Arunachal is not under any occupation....that was shown by high turnout in the election(> 70%) .... u won't understand what election and democracy is .... do u have a fair election in mainland pak ,forget about *** .... it's a small way for india to tell china to stay off!!!!!:toast_sign:
Just by doing this "tit for tat", India has accepted that it is Indeed occupying Chinese Territory. Since India believes that Pakistan is in occupation of its territory, if that is a "tit for that" response, India has made its own claims of owning its disputed territory with China false. Good Move India.

Good move by india..yes for sure but would like to appreciate your art of twisting words..:)... Anyways just to set the records straight -

"Tit for Tat" is for the chinese objection to PM visit into arunachal for which we have a dispute....We says its our integral part they say it belongs to them....which makes it a dispute.. Thats another thing we dont care what they say about arunachal but we cannot deny there is a dispute

Now at one place they object to our PM visit on a land that they claim is theirs(read disputed territory) but on other hand more than willing to do development on land which is disputed between India and Pak...is that what we call hypocrisy???
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