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Time to retaliate with full force

I want these Pakistan Taliban rats killed along with their families and Indian handlers.

No mercy.
Yes that is why I am saying go ahead with disaster that is operation and this war will continue for next 100 years still their would be no end in sight give it a try

thats another terrorsit fear spreading!
it wont end up in 100 yrs?
hell it wont take more thn, 3 years of deicated fight?
how much time it, took in sawat, or malakand?
& after the last opreation there, how many attacks terorsits could hve managed?
can count on fingers?
its carrot & stick policy? make it work? it wont take long? to break the back bone of the terrorists?
but it needs, a brave decesion, yes zero tolerence to terror?
You do realize that the most secular countries on earth are also the most peaceful, right? (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, finland, japan, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium to name a few.) And that the most religious countries (or countries where people are strongly religious) happen to be the most conflict ridden?

Lack of religion has never caused a country to go down the gutter. But overdose of religion surely has. The Taliban and jaish-e-muhammed and sipah-e-saba and lashkar-e-jhangvi are not doing these vile deeds because they are all secular freethinkers - far from it.

This is like recommending more alcohol as a solution for alcoholism. Wake up and see the reality, look at how secular societies live, and look at how religious people live.

(And yes, I am aware that not all religious people become talibs or terrorists. But to apply epithets like "sewerage" to secularism, when it is religiosity that causes most conflicts, and most troublemakers are deeply religious, is a travesty and an inversion of reality.)
Doesn't matter. People of secular nations will rot in hell after life while these religious people will party eternally in Jannat town.
thats another terrorsit fear spreading!
it wont end up in 100 yrs?
hell it wont take more thn, 3 years of deicated fight?
how much time it, took in sawat, or malakand?
& after the last opreation there, how many attacks terorsits could hve managed?
can count on fingers?
its carrot & stick policy? make it work? it wont take long? to break the back bone of the terrorists?
but it needs, a brave decesion, yes zero tolerence to terror?
Mr even in swat they are back sitting on mountains Mr and your army knows the moment they return from swat Taliban*would be back keep on fighting this war will continue give it a try and get ready to be utterly disappointed
Mr even in swat they are back sitting on mountains Mr and your army knows the moment they return from swat Taliban*would be back keep on fighting this war will continue give it a try and get ready to be utterly disappointed

Look at this gem. @Secur what are the chances that the TTP will go back to running its own government and uproot the GOP's mandate from Swat when the PA leaves? :disagree:

We've had enough of your chest beating. Your terrorist brethren are good for killing civilians, women and children. They are good for stoning innocent people and massacring Hazaaras. But for every one soldier that the civilized world loses to you gooks at least a dozen talibs bite the dust from Kashmir to Syria. We will consider your threats to hold water the day you can stop targeting market places and 11 year old girls and stand in a proper fight (not terror strikes) and retain territory against a professional army. There is a limit up to which a populace is willing to be terrorized and targeted, once you reach saturation point then that fear has no hold on the people. Keep at it and it won't be the state of Pakistan or any other state for that matter that will vanish, instead the drones will get replaced by carpet bombings. Then you can pull a Mullah Omar and flee on a rickety motorcycle.
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@DESERT FIGHTER how is it that you allow Zarvan and co. to spew such venom against your state? Freedom of expression is one thing, but over the last year I've seen him pipe up the same broken record- We'll kill all of you...:blah: Just gag the fellow- its getting positively nauseating.
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@DESERT FIGHTER how is it that you allow Zarvan and co. to spew such venom against your state? Freedom of expression is one thing, but over the last year I've seen him pipe up the same broken record- We'll kill all of you...:blah: Just gag the fellow- its getting positively nauseating.

Mr I love Islam and Pakistan and I want army to stop fighting our own people and take on real enemies India and USA
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Mr I love Islam and Pakistan and I want army to stop fighting our own people and take on real enemies India and USA

Good for you. Considering that your "own people" have killed more Pakistanis than at least India...:disagree:
Mr even in swat they are back sitting on mountains Mr and your army knows the moment they return from swat Taliban*would be back keep on fighting this war will continue give it a try and get ready to be utterly disappointed

There is a complete misstatement on Swat. Perhaps ground realities and less Jihad fi Fitnah might be better subjects to study.
There are groups of Talib remainders that had gone into hiding into the higher or rugged(er) terrain around the Area. These are the ones that are currently playing a game of cat and mouse with target killer squads. The swat area itself has gone completely anti-Taliban after they experienced forced marriages(a.k.a Rapes) and fascist cleansing at the hands of their so called Shariat angels.
If the current force of S.M talibs are killed, there will be NO resurgence of Taliban.
There is a complete misstatement on Swat. Perhaps ground realities and less Jihad fi Fitnah might be better subjects to study.
There are groups of Talib remainders that had gone into hiding into the higher or rugged(er) terrain around the Area. These are the ones that are currently playing a game of cat and mouse with target killer squads. The swat area itself has gone completely anti-Taliban after they experienced forced marriages(a.k.a Rapes) and fascist cleansing at the hands of their so called Shariat angels.
If the current force of S.M talibs are killed, there will be NO resurgence of Taliban.

Sir they are back in swat and taking positions Sir and Swat hasn't turned Anti Taliban a lot those who even did after Army operations they are not much Anti Taliban Sir and go ahead with operation Taliban would be back in no time Sir
Don't wait go ahead wit the most dumbest option you would see soon How failure than operation would be and How this war will continue for decades with no end in sight and when you would again talk to them and beg them to talk than unfortunately it would be completely on their demand if don't believe you are so confident please go ahead with this dumbest idea of operation we have seen result of operation on own people in Bangladesh it would be not much different outcome here

Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, a pro-democracy movement which ended on 4 June 1989 with the declaration of martial law in Beijing by the government and the death of several hundred or possibly thousands of civilians.

Get the point Zaravan

Bangladesh court rules Jamaat illegal, bars party “It (Jamaat's registration) is hereby declared illegal,” said Moazzem Hossain, the senior judge hearing the case said, as he read out the brief verdict.

Get the point Zarvan

SRI LANKA eliminates terrorist and wins the long war

Get the point Zaravan

Since Government in pakistan has no will to finish this monster nor its trying corrupt officials and people who benefits from this monster make excuses and thats all that is excuse.

The day terrorist and their family members are made to pay for their deeds is the day you will see terrorist disappear till then off course we cant win this war since its a one way war only so far.
@Cheetah786 you are comparing sri Lanka to Pakistan completely two different situation but our people some off them are too obsessed with USA sir please go ahead with this disaster I mean operation you will soon see how big damage it will do to Pakistan still Taliban will not finish and this war will continue for next 100 years at least so go ahead please
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