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'Time to reply to Pakistan in same coin, it must feel same pain': Indian Army Chief

The only pain that will be felt without any KY will be in the indian army chief and in the indian armed forces big talks and small walks don't go hand to hand. They should talk about peace and friendship not this BS both nations will loose and millions will die for what ? pathetic people.
Looking at the Army Chief picture it looks like he is suffering from constipation
and he has to let his crap out from his mouth instead. He just needs a good laxative
then he can run to the nearest field to relive himself.
Dont know what chutia bapan want to do more.. First they claim we are pounding, destroying hundreds thousands of pakistani posts alongside loc.. What he is looking to feel us after daily killing hundreds and thousands of pakistani troops at loc.. Monkey dont know what todo other then fake surgical strike
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