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Time is up: Government to wipe out CNG sector gradually


Apr 25, 2012
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Minister for Petroleum Dr Asim Hussain, while terming the compressed natural gas (CNG) promotion policy by the previous government as a false step, has aimed to phase-out the CNG sector gradually throughout Pakistan in coming years to save the industrial and domestic sector from gas curtailments in future.

“Pakistan Peoples Party government has evolved a policy to diminish the CNG sector by not issuing new licenses and not renewing contracts of operational CNG stations”, said Hussain in a press briefing. Those CNG stations whose 15-year licences mature in the future will not be renewed as we believe that the CNG sector has destroyed other sectors, he said. Interestingly Hussain, who blames previous government for CNG promotion, held an unofficial meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister Chaudhry Pervez Elahi, a strong supporter of promoting CNG during his previous tenure, before meeting journalists for the briefing.
CNG is a cheap fuel which might be good for individuals, but not for the overall economy, Punjab is consuming 320 millions of cubic feet per day (mmcfd) of gas in the shape of CNG, whereas Sindh is consuming 140 mmcfd, he said. Pakistan’s total gas requirement is 8 billion cubic feet (bcf), whereas it only produces 4 bcf, fulfilling the deficit through imports, the shortfall will be covered by importing liquefied natural gas (LNG) in coming years.
Earlier, the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) decided to give permission to Pakistan State Oil (PSO) for setting up 26 liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) filling stations at its retail outlets across the country, officials say. Overall, the government is targeting to set up 100 LPG stations at retail outlets of PSO, in a bid to gradually phase out CNG stations over the next two years as per plan announced by the adviser to prime minister on petroleum and natural resources.
“The people of Pakistan will have to bear the gas shortage for another couple of years, after which things would start to normalise, Hussain said. The shortage exists mainly due to uneven gas exploration policy, he said.
Hussain, however, said that the government will manage to import LNG this winter to provide adequate gas to the industrial sector. “We do not want to destroy any of our industry due to gas shortages and are working to streamline the system”, he said. “We are also finalising a policy to save our fertiliser sector by providing them 10% of gas directly from gas producers, so the burden on the network of gas distribution companies eases, he said. Currently only three sectors, domestic, CNG and industrial sector have been provided gas, he said.
Talking about the Iran-Pakistan pipeline, Hussain said that the pipeline is 100 kilometres away from Pakistan’s border and the perception that Iran has laid the pipeline and Pakistan is reluctant is unfair. He suggested that petroleum prices should be revised weekly similar to the international markets where the mechanism works on a daily basis.
“However, in Pakistan we cannot afford to fluctuate the energy prices daily, but it should be recalculated on a weekly basis instead of every 15 days”, Hussain said.
Talking about the increased usage of gas generators in posh areas, Hussain said that we are framing a policy in this regard; however we might not implement it till the crisis persists as these generators provide relief to the citizens during the load-shedding hours. However he said that soon we will charge 25% extra on bills for those who use the generators of more than 500 kilo-volt-amperes.
Pakistan is the largest user of CNG in the world, overtaking Iran, Argentina and Brazil in the number of vehicles using gas as fuel, replacing more polluting fuels, according to the economic survey 2010-11. A total 2.74 million vehicles are running on CNG fuel in Pakistan which accounts for almost two-thirds of cars and small commercial vehicles, according to the International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles. The country also holds the record for most number of CNG stations.
CNG is an out of date energy source and very dangerous , it has to be replaced ASAP.
Unfortunately, price has disregarded the safety risk. But since the prices are now so close to petrol, i dont see any problem in phasing them out in the future. Hybrid and more technologically advanced vehicles to save fuel and cost is the way forward.
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is phasing out the CNG sector gradually at a time when the world is prioritising CNG fuel for vehicles as it is safer and environment friendly, said All Pakistan CNG Association (APCNGA) Central Chairman Ghiyas Abdullah Paracha.
APCNGA expressed dismay over the government’s plan to phase out the CNG sector from Pakistan in a statement issued on Tuesday.
Korea, Indonesia and Malaysia have replaced LPG by CNG due to safety concerns, said Paracha. “This is to avoid pollution in the cities. The world knows that only a healthy nation can build a country, but we have reverse-geared our policy,” he observed.
The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) a month ago decided to give permission to Pakistan State Oil for setting up 26 liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) filling stations at its retail outlets across the country. Overall, the government is targeting to set up 100 LPG stations at retail outlets of PSO, in a bid to gradually phase out CNG stations over the next two years. As an another example, he pointed to the Indian government, and said it had announced provision of CNG to vehicles on top priority, then to small industries for processing purposes, and the rest to industrial units.
Pakistan is the largest user of CNG in the world, overtaking Iran, Argentina and Brazil in the number of vehicles using gas as fuel, according to the Economic Survey 2010-11. 2.74 million vehicles run on CNG fuel in Pakistan – almost two-thirds of all cars and small commercial vehicles plying the roads – according to the International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles. The country also holds the record for the most number of CNG stations.
Paracha said that if the CNG sector is shut down, its effects will be most pronounced on the health budget, foreign reserves and the import bill. He termed the possibility “lethal for the economy”.

I think These king of associations should be banned which claim to be beneficial for people but they are not they are like mafias who own their own CNG Stations and now dont want them to be shut in anyway even if there is CNG shortage and industries are not getting proper gas Due to these CNG Stations.
Now the industries, House holds and power plants could get it.
If the govt stops the commercial vehicles from using CNG, things will improve a lot.

The major issue regarding CNG and gas shortage surfaced when the govt had allowed commercial vehicles to get converted on CNG.

Stop CNG usage on commercial vehicles like Hilux vans, transport vehicles, buses etc etc and things will improve with no need to shut the CNG stations for ordinary people who are in need to cheap fuel.
I dont get it .
I always thought CNG was a much cheaper and an eco-friendly medium to run engines .
Pakistan being the largest customer of CNG is doing wonders for its overall environment .
Whereas here i read that the GOP plans to phase out CNG :woot:
CNG is an out of date energy source and very dangerous , it has to be replaced ASAP.

All three things you say are simply WRONG:

CNG use will increase as an energy source.

CNG is clean, efficient and safe to use.

CNG will replace other fossil fuels increasingly, not the other way around.


Please take a look at the recent history and forecast in the lower right corner here:

Phasing out CNG defies logic. You have a local fuel and you are replacing it with imported LNG??!!!!! Someone out there is making hefty commission! Remember rental power plants? Steel Mills? NICL? Hajj scam? Railaways? All of these are this govt's stellar achievements.
Phasing out CNG defies logic. You have a local fuel and you are replacing it with imported LNG??!!!!! Someone out there is making hefty commission! Remember rental power plants? Steel Mills? NICL? Hajj scam? Railaways? All of these are this govt's stellar achievements.

dont worry they will not be there in the government to even think about it seriously
I dont get it .
I always thought CNG was a much cheaper and an eco-friendly medium to run engines .
Pakistan being the largest customer of CNG is doing wonders for its overall environment .
Whereas here i read that the GOP plans to phase out CNG :woot:

The problem is with overuse of natural gas.
CNG is an out of date energy source and very dangerous , it has to be replaced ASAP.

what an idiotic thing to say n u r a mod, wow

If the govt stops the commercial vehicles from using CNG, things will improve a lot.

The major issue regarding CNG and gas shortage surfaced when the govt had allowed commercial vehicles to get converted on CNG.

Stop CNG usage on commercial vehicles like Hilux vans, transport vehicles, buses etc etc and things will improve with no need to shut the CNG stations for ordinary people who are in need to cheap fuel.

esp when commercial usage of CNG is not at all helping lowering the consumer prices, stays the same
CNG is an out of date energy source and very dangerous , it has to be replaced ASAP.
Yes ASAP.......:hitwall:

what an idiotic thing to say n u r a mod, wow

esp when commercial usage of CNG is not at all helping lowering the consumer prices, stays the same
yes An AC Coach Like Bus Uses 12 Cylinders of Gas on Its Roof One Cylinder is Bigger Than one On Corolla GLI.i Saw with my Own eyes Dawnmmm
All it is , is this ..

PPP eliminating any positive thing Musharraf did in his time

a) Higher eductation center to monitor quality of education ... FUNDING CUT
b) CNG intiative - FUNDING CUT
c) and many much more
i think we need to decide, want gas for domestic usage or waste it in cars. we don't have much gas reerve left so we better use it where it is needed the most. so Dear Pakistanis want to use expensive LPG at home or stop burning gas in cng sector. and don't forget the 2500MW electricity these CNG stations use. the power can help alot to minimize load sheding. i know CNG is cheap but its not wise to waste it.
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