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Time is running short for "drone strikes" in Pakistan!

well am totaly against US drone attacks inside pakistan territory . because i dont think they are killing more then making more . and those are usely fight against americans , but also they are fighting with pakistan now . because of this drone attacks . i am really confused what americans objective behind these attacks ??? to kill terrorists ??? to make terrorists ??? or to destablise pakistan ???? and why NATO is against US drone attacks ?? .....

but i have few questions in my mind for pakistan aswell .

is NWF of pakistan is fully under control of GOP ??? as talibans are destroying schools , creating there own rules (fatwa) , their own courts. i dont think so its under control of GoP.

and is ISI or Pakistani army are under control of GoP ??????

so in this case where there is no goverment rule in NWF of pakistan , i think drone attacks are totaly right .
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To follow your logic, the Pakistani Army or other security forces should all stay in their barracks. Because WHATEVER action they take MIGHT kill a five year old.

Wrong. Two reasons

1) Pakistani forces attitudes will not be so murderous, trigger happy, carefree, "oops, we just shot a raghead", as the coke fuelled American drone controllers - even your pilots are high on coke when they shoot up Canadians - what are the chances of them giving a damn with poor, unknown tribal families?

2) Pakistani forces will be able to assess the situation on the ground instead of up from the air with a moment's notice. Surrounding an alleged militant hideout, offering the chance to surrender for the innocents are what makes the difference between a trigger happy yank being so bad, and the PA being a much better choice in this situation.

Such thinking would give free rein to any criminal or anti-government militant to do as they please since THEY don't care WHATEVER about the five year old.

Oh bullshyt. With that idiotic attitude why don't you just kill everyone? (I'm not suggesting you're not already doing this btw).

How the phuck do you know "they" don't care about 5 year olds? Do you honestly believe they ask for 5 year olds to stay by their side wherever they go? And that the tribals do not care about their 5 year old sons? God, you are stupid, I swear. You've not got a clue.

Get a grip! War is hell and some innocents get killed.

A lot of innocents got killed on 911, but you would not have the ballz to say that to their families.

A lot of innocents get killed in traffic accidents too, but, we still have to drive cars and trucks to get on with life. The point is the killing of "innocents" is EXAGGERATED for political effect by the miscreants and YOU are supporting them with your "sympathy".

Traffic accidents. Lol. Idiot. That's a completely separate issue, moron. Those are accidents. These are targeted assasinations where the assassin has a choice to shoot or not.

And murdering 5 year olds is not an exagerration. It's cold blooded murder of innocent life. I think everyone in the world with a conscience (minus quite a few Americans obviously and Israelis) condemns the killing of innocent children in order to get "alleged" targets, especially when other options are available.
Drone attack are killing civilian, and i tell you for a Indian we need not be going for fall of Pakistan to Go up. I want a better life for my family and for my children, but it doesn't have to be at the expense of lives in my neighborhood.
Civilian deaths from insurgent attacks skyrocketed in 2006. Though exact casualty numbers from previous years are not available, increases in overall numbers of insurgent attacks in 2006 indicate that 2006 was the deadliest year for civilians in Afghanistan since 2001. Roadside bombs and other bomb attacks more than doubled since the previous year. Human Rights Watch counted 189 bomb attacks in 2006, killing nearly 500 civilians. Another 177 civilians were killed in shootings, assassinations, or ambushes.

Overall, at least 669 Afghan civilians were killed in at least 350 separate armed attacks by anti-government forces in 2006. (Almost half of these attacks appear to have been intentionally launched at civilians or civilian objects.) Hundreds of civilians also suffered serious injuries, including burns, severe lacerations, broken bones, and severed limbs. The total number of civilian casualties-Afghans killed or wounded in insurgent attacks-was well over 1,000 for the year.

Suicide bombings, once very rare in Afghanistan, now occur on a regular basis. At least 136 suicide attacks occurred in Afghanistan during 2006-a six-fold increase over the previous year. (This count is a subset of the 189 bomb attacks noted above.) At least 803 Afghan civilians were killed or injured in these suicide attacks (272 killed and 531 injured). At least 80 of these attacks-a clear majority-were on military targets, yet these 80 attacks caused significant civilian casualties, killing five times as many civilians as combatants (181 civilians versus 37 combatants).

Civilian deaths and injuries from insurgent attacks have continued in 2007. In the first two months of 2007, insurgent forces have carried out at least 25 armed attacks resulting in civilian casualties, including suicide attacks and other bombings, shootings, kidnappings, and executions. These attacks have killed at least 52 Afghan civilians and injured 83 more.

Human Rights Watch (You find the link if interested).

This is simply fifteen months of carnage at the hands of these worthless fcuks-2006 and the first quarter of 2007. No choices to be had here. None. In too many cases these civilians WERE the target. In too many others, the "miscreants" just didn't care.

Too many of these attacks are planned and organized from Pashtunistan's side of the fence yet the crocodile tears are spilled and the mindless posturing numbs the senses.

Pashtunistan will not be permitted to harbor these fcuks without cost- cost that can only be appreciated by those in Afghanistan who've suffered for seven years at the hands of these men. The sovereign nation of Pashtunistan will be attacked for their crimes.

I hope that Pakistan can conquer the sovereign nation of Pashtunistan.

I understand that once upon a time it was part of your nation. May it someday soon be so again. Until then America promises to do all it can reasonably do through PREDATOR and REAPER to help you in your ambitions to conquer these evil people.

I encourage those in Pashtunistan who cannot abide the actions of these men to fight them wherever they can by any and all means possible as they are an immediate and grave danger to the lives of all around them.
I hope that Pakistan can conquer the sovereign nation of Pashtunistan.

Why you are using word pashtunistan ? You fight is with Al Qaida not with pashtunistan or punjabistan you can not divide pakistan into different nations on bases of race and breed.

Better focus on OBL ,establish international courts and trail both bush and OBL let world see who is lier and who is honest
This is simply fifteen months of carnage at the hands of these worthless fcuks-2006 and the first quarter of 2007. No choices to be had here. None. In too many cases these civilians WERE the target. In too many others, the "miscreants" just didn't care.

Too many of these attacks are planned and organized from Pashtunistan's side of the fence yet the crocodile tears are spilled and the mindless posturing numbs the senses.

Pashtunistan will not be permitted to harbor these fcuks without cost- cost that can only be appreciated by those in Afghanistan who've suffered for seven years at the hands of these men. The sovereign nation of Pashtunistan will be attacked for their crimes.

I hope that Pakistan can conquer the sovereign nation of Pashtunistan.

I understand that once upon a time it was part of your nation. May it someday soon be so again. Until then America promises to do all it can reasonably do through PREDATOR and REAPER to help you in your ambitions to conquer these evil people.

I encourage those in Pashtunistan who cannot abide the actions of these men to fight them wherever they can by any and all means possible as they are an immediate and grave danger to the lives of all around them.

Theres no such thing as Pashtunistan. Look at a map, Pashtunistan doesn't exist. The people living in NWFP and FATA are Pakistanis. Dont try to divide Pakistanis. Looks like this guy S-2 is a Zionist.
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You give him way too much intellectual credit ;) :partay:

Where is he getting this Pashtunistan crap from? The man wants to divide Pakistanis. Muslims have been divided enough, now these kaffirs want to divide Muslims more than we already are.
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actually it is common for american soldiers to be in close proximity to civilians and children.

american soldiers visit schools hospitals deliver soccer balls schools supplies etc.

and most of the time when they come under attack civilians die instead.

why do the americans mingle with the civilian population?

to drive the insurgents/rebels out. the insurgency dies, the rebellion is defeated when they become separated from the population.

why do the insurgents slaughter civilians?

because when you are running a protection racket its much better to be feared than loved. There is also sectarian hatred and a desire to cause chaos.

why do helicopters shoot insurgents when they are in close proximity to civilians?

i think they would be obliged not to shoot but there are exceptions. For example if they are taking fire. Or to disrupt an anticipated attack. It becomes situation dependent

This is really the somalia scenario., except it is not as simply to abandon the effort.
Well, when 5 year old kids start shooting at drones, there might be some justification.
Jaypori. and A.D. don't get overconfident, India is growing 7-8% only because west is handing u everything in a platter, u like to copy then in every respect, u have even named your film industry Bollywood, what a subservient mentality.

And don't try to patronize Pakistanis by your rhetoric, you are a guest on this forum and therefore behave as a guest. I would like to get on to your army site and see how they treat me. Can you tell me that if I tried would they let me. See we the Pakistanis are so decent and honorable, we even allow our enemy's citizens to speak.

Pakistan in 50s, 60, 70, was being restricted for any materiel needed to upgrade our science and technology, on the other hand India was handed in Silver platter all the supplies it needed to make atom bomb.

Pakistan under severe restriction was still able to make atom bomb, and India got every thing and continues to get it.

Let us talk about your tank u call arjun, what a failure as compare to Pakistan's AL-Khalid.
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Hay suresh, stop using your type of innuendos and undermine by saying that we cannot down drones, there is politics involved and u like other Indians are trying to dare us, how can u be so introvert and just think in a box only for your benefits at the expense of others.

It is a typical Indian thinking, and we know it well.

And belarusian u r assuming too many things, I only can say this that even though Saddam was dictator and was friend of west till he fought Iranians and than he became an enemy, at least he did not kill as many people as this war has.

Here is some data collected by Independent sources about death toll in Iraq.

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"...the coke fuelled American drone controllers - even your pilots are high on coke when they shoot up Canadians - what are the chances of them giving a damn with poor, unknown tribal families?"

Back this up, please, with a link.

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