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TIME - Is India Headed for an Anti-Muslim Genocide? ::

I am inviting them to attack Bangladesh, so that they can meet their consequences.

Bangladesh is defense heaven and we can literally bog them down if they dare to reach to Dhaka.
If I am India, I'll just open up the water and do a month long bombing campaign

That'll be more than enough to crush any government or destabilize it to point of no return

And arm friendly millitias to be the ground forces, pay millitary generals to either coup or start a rebellion - go rouge

Blockade ports, make it a no fly zone- blockade food supply as you are surrounded by India from all sides

Actually without a proper AF, the only fight a modern nation can fight is guerilla warfare- that means you can only fight in your country and take immense damage

Don't even think about actual civilized fighting without an air force especially in 21st century

I don't have to move in my forces tbh, all these options can achieve my target

Assemeterical warfare
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If I am India, I'll just open up the water and do a month long bombing campaign

That'll be more than enough to crush any government or destabilize it to point of no return

And arm friendly millitias to be the ground forces, pay millitary generals to either coup or start a rebellion - go rouge

I don't have to move in my forces tbh, all these options can achieve my target

India would have a tough time to actually control Bangladesh after toppling the government.

Geography is actually an advantage here for us.
iNDIA can attack Bangladesh anytime it is true using excuse to protect hindus in Bangladesh

They can attack but we all know the consequences. It will be a bloodbath.

Ultimately Balkanization of Indian on Eastern front will be the result.

Hindutvas are cowards. History has proven this time and again. Sad mistake for them.
If I am India, I'll just open up the water and do a month long bombing campaign

That'll be more than enough to crush any government or destabilize it to point of no return

And arm friendly millitias to be the ground forces, pay millitary generals to either coup or start a rebellion - go rouge

I don't have to move in my forces tbh, all these options can achieve my target

You are talking just like a Bhakt Indian - open up Farakka etc. :lol:

Have you thought about what will happen if that decision is taken? Think.

We are used to floods all the time, every monsoon. two year olds in Bangladesh know how to swim. :lol:

Bombing won't do $hit, it will ultimately be a war of attrition. You're probably born after 1971. You don't know what happened then.

Indian army didn't dare set foot in Bangladesh. Muktis did all the fighting, mainly guerrilla warfare. Indian army was in Bangladesh for a few months, doing minimal fighting but mainly looting war-booty, they know how to truck off machinery. No better than petty thieves.

India will lose Eastern territory if anything breaks out. Ask your generals. :-)

Pay people? In a wartime scenario? Come on.

You talk too much like a bhakt, my man. Maybe you are one, who knows? :lol:
You are talking just like a Bhakt Indian - open up Farakka etc. :lol:

Have you thought about what will happen if that decision is taken? Think.

We are used to floods all the time, every monsoon. two year olds in Bangladesh know how to swim. :lol:

Bombing won't do $hit, it will ultimately be a war of attrition. You're probably born after 1971. You don't know what happened then.

Indian army didn't dare set foot in Bangladesh. Muktis did all the fighting, mainly guerrilla warfare. Indian army was in Bangladesh for a few months, doing minimal fighting but mainly looting war-booty, they know how to truck off machinery. No better than petty thieves.

India will lose Eastern territory if anything breaks out. Ask your generals. :-)

Pay people? In a wartime scenario? Come on.

You talk too much like a bhakt, my man. Maybe you are one, who knows? :lol:
Lol dude I have negative 150% incentive in any case where India wins in anything, anywhere in the world...

But thisll be Thier strategy they don't have to do a conventional war when they can send a message with assemeterical warfare, if you're confident

That's cool, actually good

But it's important to know venerability too, hell for the longest time we know in Thier battle plans
They'll block off the ports and Rush in with armor to break the millitary in 2 sectors - knowing this decades strategy doesn't mean you become a bakht

It means you have to prepare for it and fill in this vulnerability
If I am India, I'll just open up the water and do a month long bombing campaign
Bombing with HAL tejas and 5 Rafale? Please go on. By the way , does India have enough bomb to bombings for a month? Or another Balakot story will be plotted in Bangladesh?

India is actually good at this.
That'll be more than enough to crush any government or destabilize it to point of no return
Yes , but first you have to have such amount of bomb and your enemy have to present themselves naked in war!

And arm friendly millitias to be the ground forces, pay millitary generals to either coup or start a rebellion - go rouge
Yes please move forward! But I'm sure that India knows the difference between video game/ fantasy war and real warfare. Also aware about their hungry mouths.

METT -TC is the real strategy for a war, and I believe Indian generals aren't dumb like many PDF Indian! Otherwise they wouldn't survive till 74 years as a disturbing country.

I don't have to move in my forces tbh, all these options can achieve my target
Yes exactly! After all India is super power and richest country in the world! So indeed they can do such thing that even poor usa or China can't ever imagine! :enjoy:
India is a total sh*thole and the Indian Muslims must be ready to fight and carve out lands for themselves.

Perhaps, but there are certain revolutionaries on PDF like Che @jamahir whom would rather join his sanghis lynching his fellow Muslims and other minorities than betraying his fascist mother India who condemned them to a life of despair the day they were born.. he thinks he'll win them over by sharing his bread.
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Indian muslims getting what they deserved. These Muslims used to say shit about bd and specifically pak even few years back. Now enjoy and get **** in the ***. Zero sympathy for these ppl.
We can not afford to save indian muslims from genocide like Rohingyas. So we must start taking steps to secure our border and arm ourselves to teeth ( with chemical-biological weapons would give us extra insurance ).

We should also maintain some capacity to train and arm indian muslims. Else, they will be killed like insects...
At first try it on your own govt. then India...:D people of ur country's Imaaaandar janata gets pissed off even after slight protest against Hasu apa.And you coward people come threatening India.. So much entertainment.:cheesy:
People in this thread need a reality check. The sanghis have no dreams of invading Bangladesh, and never had. They can barely tolerate the millions of muslims in India. You think they want to add another 160 million?
This renewed pogrom against Muslims in India means only one thing, Bangladesh cannot remain a supposed 'friend' of India anymore. We must stop buying Indian products, supporting their media (already done) and stop traveling to India for retail or medical purposes.

WE ARE COMPLICIT IN HELPING INDIA COMMIT POGROMS ON THEIR MUSLIMS by helping them financially. The sooner our gadha brains realize this, the better it is. We have been doing this, helping Indians arm themselves and do whatever the hell they want, killing our people at the border while they freely take advantage of one-sided trade with us. I mean - how shameless do we have to be, after this going on for fifty (FIFTY!!) long years. Thanks Hasina.

Enough is enough.

We never took a stand, we never cut off business with India after this Hindutva started, our stance has always been subservient. How long can this go on ??

We should put at least retaliatory tariffs on all Indian products because almost all Bangladeshi exports to India automatically attract anti-dumping tariffs and NTBs. What are Indians going to do? Stop exporting to us?? Let these Ch*tias get a taste of their own medicine.

Hurt them in their pocketbooks first. These Hindutvas understand that very well.

Let's forget all the sweet talk coming from Modi in Delhi and see this for what it is, a direct affront to our sovereignty in the form of eventual annexation of Bangladesh by India.
It starts small as always (Kristallnacht in Germany itself) but blows up into something far bigger (invasion of Poland and Czechoslovakia). If you guys don't see the pattern here, you are not opening your eyes wide enough. Ankhi Kholo bhaiyera amar. If you don't take care of this now, then it will blow up and won't be controllable later. You CAN do something about this NOW. Stop the shameless consumption of Indian products or travel to India. You have alternatives. Hurt these idiots in their pocketbooks.

Hindutva is a disease that has completely grasped India, the non-gullible and practical Indians that don't subscribe to this disease are mute (powerless) and it won't stop unless there is full scale nuclear conflict in the subcontinent. It will be a lot shorter than in Germany, but the devastation will be far greater. Very, very sad that a supposedly largest democratic economy like this can devolve to utter low principles like pogroms and ethnic cleansing.
You Jamatis has no value in Bangladesh. PDF is only place where you can bark against India. Otherwise normal people spit on your face wherever you go.
Ask Hasina how much she loves Modi! She can die for Modi. And here you are deciding Bangladesh's foreign policy. Lol. Lungi.. Just dream more. Thats what you can do. 😂
Perhaps, but there are certain revolutionaries on PDF like Che @jamahir whom would rather join his sanghis lynching his fellow Muslims and other minorities than betraying his fascist mother India who condemned them to a life of despair the day they were born.. he thinks he'll win them over by sharing his bread.

Yeah, that's me - a Communist Muslim who somehow is in cahoots with the Hindutvadis, sharing with them my bread and water. A respectable analysis. :rolleyes:
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Is India Headed for an Anti-Muslim Genocide?


A boy holds a placard during a massive protest in Kolkata, India on Sept. 25 against the killing of two Muslims in Assam.

Indian leaders love to talk up Mahatma Gandhi when they travel abroad. It plays well to the popular notion of India as a land of peace and love, and boosts its moral authority as a responsible democracy on the world stage. So, Gandhi and his ideas came up a lot as Prime Minister Narendra Modi stepped out of India recently for the first time in about one and a half years. Meeting Modi at the White House on Sept. 24, President Joe Biden said Gandhi’s “message of non-violence, respect, and tolerance matters today maybe more than it ever has.” In his own speech to the United Nations, Modi rued that “the world faces the threat of regressive thinking and extremism,” and underlined his country’s democratic credentials. To reinforce his point, he even coined a new sobriquet for India: “the mother of all democracies.”

No one knows what that means, least of all one Indian mother still trying to make sense of the death of her 12-year-old boy. He was felled by a stray police bullet in the northeastern state of Assam at the same time as Modi was pontificating in America.

“They killed my son,” a dazed Hasina Bano kept repeating between sobs when journalists visited her at a remote village on the banks of the Brahmaputra river. The boy, Sheikh Farid, was hit when police opened fire at Bengali Muslim villagers protesting the forced eviction from their land that the government now wants to give to Assamese Hindus, whom it calls the “indigenous community.” Ironically, moments before Farid died, he had collected from the post office a national biometric identification card establishing his own indigeneity. The death of a child in such a manner should be the stuff of national disgrace. But the same eviction drive resulted in even more horror when a neighbor of Farid charged at the police with a stick, in a blind rage after they dismantled his home along with those of 5,000 others. The heavily armed policemen, who far outnumbered Moinul Hoque and could have easily subdued him, instead shot him dead at point blank range.


Villagers on Sept. 27 take shelter with their belongings after their house was demolished during an eviction drive, at Gorukhuti in the Darrang district of Assam, India

It was all captured on a widely circulated video. The images show police raining baton blows on him even as he collapsed, taking turns with Bijoy Baniya, a Hindu photographer accompanying the police team. As Hoque’s life ebbs away, Baniya fiendishly jumps and stomps on his motionless body in an “act of performative depravity.”

Baniya is merely the latest face of India’s state-driven Hindu radicalization. In a country where 84% of the population is Hindu, and just 14% Muslim, Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has achieved the astonishing feat of creating a deep sense of Hindu victimhood, stoking the othering of Muslims via disinformation, hate speech, opening old religious wounds, manipulating a servile media, silencing progressive voices, and empowering Hindu supremacist vigilante groups. “Hindu khatre mein hain” (Hindus are in danger) is a right-wing refrain that resonates deeply today.

As a result, many Hindus have now been persuaded to believe that India’s biggest problem is its Muslims. Before Modi took over in 2014, most citizens thought their chief concerns were poverty, insufficient economic growth and corruption. He rode to power on the promise to fix all that. But as the economy has continued to worsen, and unemployment and poverty have risen under him, the BJP has increasingly fallen back on supremacist politics to deflect attention and evade responsibility. To keep winning elections, it needs to keep polarizing Hindu voters against Muslims, and spinning ever more outrageous campaigns to demonize Muslims.

Muslims apparently lust after Hindu women, procreating rapidly with the aim of overtaking the Hindu population and establishing an Islamic state, and necessitating new laws against “love jihad.” Similar regulations against religious conversions and the slaughter of cows, which are sacred to Hindus, have encouraged vigilantism. Muslim hawkers and workers have come under increasing attack from Hindu supremacist groups calling for a boycott of Muslim businesses.

Indian social media today is filled with videos of self-appointed protectors of Hinduism calling for the lynching of Muslims—an act so common that it hardly makes news anymore. High-profile Hindu supremacists are seldom booked for hate speech. Muslims routinely face random attacks for such “crimes” as transporting cattle or being in the company of Hindu women. Sometimes, the provocation is simply that somebody is visibly Muslim. As Modi himself has told election rallies, people “creating violence” can be “identified by their clothes.”

The persecution of Muslims in Assam is just the beginning

But Baniya’s malevolence has a history longer than India’s descent into the abyss of hate. Assam, the setting for his ghoulish death dance on the body of a Muslim, is where this construct of the Muslim as the unwanted, dangerous outsider has been honed and mainstreamed. The fear of being overrun by “outsiders” has almost been genetically encoded there over centuries, dating back to the time the British started clearing the state’s lush forests for tea and other plantations. The clearances triggered the inward migration of Bengali peasants from densely populated adjoining regions in search of easily obtainable fertile lands.

Much to the discontent of the ethnic Assamese, the migrations have continued in recent decades as a result of the violent partition of the subcontinent, economic hardship, political instability and wars in what is now known as Bangladesh. Climate-related factors have also driven a steady exodus out of flood-prone, deltaic Bangladesh into Assam.

With the rise of Modi, historical Assamese resentment towards non-Assamese speakers has mixed with the politics of Hindu nationalism in a dangerous brew of xenophobia and patriotism. Stomping on a Muslim corpse now has a gloss of patriotic righteousness to it, which is why it is flaunted on camera. Bigotry is now a badge of honor. In his head, Baniya was protecting India and policemen are seen hugging him in the video after Hoque’s death. His behavior says much about the way Modi has weaponized history and valorized and incentivized hate.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a public rally for the West Bengal Assembly Election on April 12, 2021 in the North 24 Parganas district, India.

Assam is Modi’s grand laboratory, where he is putting Muslims to the litmus test of a citizen verification drive—separating the trueborn from the chaff—before taking it national. The BJP says it simply wants India to be rid of “Bangladeshi migrants”, but it uses it as a code for Indian Muslims. Nearly two million people have been disenfranchised in the state, with no clarity as to what is to happen to them. The closest regional parallel to such large-scale, government-dictated statelessness in recent times was the 1982 mass disenfranchisement of the Rohingya in Myanmar, before the massacres and exodus years later.

And it is only the beginning. In neighboring Bihar, the government is asking people to report “suspected illegal migrants” and officials have been ordered to create awareness of the issue on “an urgent basis.” The state’s high court has demanded a detention center to house migrants, reminding the government that “deportation of illegal migrants is of paramount importance and in the national interest.” Bihar’s 17 million Muslims are on edge about their future. In next-door Bengal, which borders Bangladesh and is home to nearly 25 million Muslims, the BJP has been promising an Assam-like citizenship verification drive if it comes to power in the state.

The chief minister of India’s biggest and most politically important state, Uttar Pradesh, recently blamed Muslims for cornering government-subsidized food. Uttar Pradesh, along with Assam, has introduced a two-child policy blaming Muslims for a supposedly runaway population growth that officials say accounts for the backwardness of these states. The claim is not rooted in reality. Fertility rates among Muslims have in fact been falling rapidly.

But reality is no longer important. It bends to the requirements of the ruling party’s dehumanizing narrative against Muslims. As Jews in Nazi Germany were called “rats” and Tutsis in Rwanda in the 1990s were called “cockroaches,” so BJP members now refer to Indian Muslims as “termites” eating away at India’s resources, denying Hindus what is due to them in their own land.


Indian Muslims holding candles and posters as they participate in a protest against the mob lynching of Tabrez Ansari in the Jharkhand state, in Ahmedabad on June 27, 2019.

The destruction of Gandhi’s legacy

The foundations of the secular republic that Gandhi died defending are thus being hollowed out ever more frantically. While Modi pays ritualistic homage to Gandhi, BJP leaders openly glorify Gandhi’s killer, who was a Hindu fanatic. Modi’s ministers and legislators freely call on people to shoot “traitors” and start pogroms, and are promoted rather than penalized for their actions. Modi himself partly owes his fan following and ascent to his lack of remorse over the 2002 pogroms in Gujarat in 2002, when he was chief minister. Hundreds of Muslims were killed and thousands rendered homeless.

Noticeably, not only did the current chief minister of Assam not apologize for the police excesses, he in fact trivialized the deaths of Hoque and Farid, calling Hoque’s death “just 30 seconds” of a three minute video. He also carried on with the eviction drive and even proudly tweeted photos of the rubble of the four mosques destroyed in it.

While the Bidens of this world still talk about Gandhi, India’s role models have changed. So have the standards of acceptable discourse in public and social life. Genocide is now openly demanded at public rallies. The “need” for ethnic cleansing can pop up in casual conversations on politics among friends or family. Death threats are used like punctuation marks in debates on social media.

On Oct. 2, Gandhi’s birthday was celebrated with much fanfare as the International Day of Non-Violence. Two new books on his assassination in 1948 were launched. In Karnataka, meanwhile, a 25-year-old Muslim man was found beheaded for his affair with a Hindu girl, allegedly by a local Hindu vigilante group.

Gandhi continues to be killed in a million ways in today’s India. Bijoy Baniya just added a flourish to it.

@Bilal9 @DalalErMaNodi @Destranator @F-6 enthusiast @UKBengali @leonblack08 @bluesky @Homo Sapiens
@Riyad @PoondolotoPandalum @fallstuff @BlackViking @The Ronin @Black_cats @BDforever @bd_4_ever @Michael Corleone
@Atlas @Saiful Islam

Would love to hear your thoughts as it pertains to Bangladesh.


brand new brained washed hindus will turn into mindless murder homos
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