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Even if he can't watch youtube he should have known i wasn't referring Gordon as a General. I did say "Then there's also our Gordon Chang", i guess his ability to read got affected during his participation on the field in Afghanistan and Iraq. I wish him the best of luck with his study in Australia he is gonna need it.

Dude, i WAS NOT replying from your post, i COULD NOT CARE LESS ON WHAT YOU Wrote. Don't think yourselve as if you are important enough for me to answer you, your troll post will not require my answer.

I was merely raising a question replying him saying "Here is a Fox news analyst poking fun at Chinese Jet landing on their AC. He is a retired Major General. He claims the event was staged" , he didn't say he was the second guest, and here is my screen


Now since i cannot see the video, i have no way to know there is another guy infront or after Gordon Chang, so i was related to his word (Retired Major General) to Gordon Chang, and i asked, i get the answer, i am happy with it and i have reply that i cannot see the video so i don't know there are 2 or more people in there.

When did i ever say you refer to Gordon Chang as the Major General? You didn't even know i was asking a genuine question to a fellow poster which is NOT YOU. You just want every chance to troll, and LOL HOW IT FAILED.

I admit i have crap internet, so does about 40% of all Australian, so what? I cannot ask any question anymore??

Looks like you are the one should have your heads check, you are seeing thing i didn't wrote on this post. Or you ego just take over and assume my post is about you (Seems unlikely as i reply to fallstuff not you) so you better have your head and eyes check dude, i am serious
that is not what my point was:). I'm just saying even if they get to be a rival- at what cost and more so, how ? They are 50 yrs behind us..

NASA 2012 BUDGET = $18.7 billion

Ah ok misunderstood you.

True we have the highest budget of any program at date. I wouldn't say China is 50 years behind us on spaceflight, it isn't so simple, they also have 50 years of other countries trial and errors to look back on and improve. They have today's technology rather than the technology of 50 years ago,

It isn't the amount of launches alone or the fact that a country has current manned capability, it is a bunch of capabilities, both manned and unmanned, along with the 'penetration' of the importance of spaceflight in the society's culture, A long standing desire to actually widen access to space.

Anyone with sense will say NASA is the foremost space agency today, and the US the foremost space power still, but whether we remain so in the future depends on alot of factors, some have to do with China and other foreign countries and how well their programs go, more have to do with ourselves, how well our private sector does, how well NASA and its engineers get the best bang for the buck, and very very importantly for all, how willing congress is to fund the issue in the short to medium term.
I don't know how far we're behind US in space but I believe that most Chineses are happy as me to see our mini-station, It's good enough to house several of our astronauts and decent space to perform experimentation, we Chinese have to learn on how to self-satisfy and self-comforting.

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I don't know how far we're behind US in space but I believe that most Chineses are happy as me to see our mini-station, It's good enough to house several of our astronauts and decent space to perform experimentation, we Chinese have to learn on how to self-satisfy and self-comforting.

I think the vast majority of Chinese in China and overseas exalted in great jubilation for our achievement upon Tiangong~Shenzhou rendezvous, docking, living through the period in outerspace and then safely returning home.

Apart from the saddness for the loss of our hero, Luo Yang, these are some great moments:







I think the vast majority of Chinese in China and overseas exalted in great jubilation for our achievement upon Tiangong~Shenzhou rendezvous, docking, living through the period in outerspace and then safely returning home.

Apart from the saddness for the loss of our hero, Luo Yang, these are some great moments:








was that guy doing gangnam in the last pic? :lol:
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