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Tigers win Asian Games cricket gold medal

Winning in games may not be as important as it is in winning a war. But, a game helps to foster good relationship among the countries and a win, sometimes, helps the population of a country to get rid of many frustrations. I hope, you will agree to this.

Bangladesh is certainly not very good in cricket. But, we are trying to improve. Only recently, we have white washed New Zealand, and now a Gold win in Asian games. Not that bad, I think. Certainly, it will take time to catch up with good teams like the Pakistani team.

The Gold Medal is indeed Bangla Desh's achievement, which i applaud.
And IMHO, Bangladesh is definitely improving its performance in cricket. Proof of that is Bangla Desh team's performance against New Zealand. As i see it, it is a rising graph.
Even Afghanistan's performance in cricket at the Asian Games is commendable. Good to see that the smaller countries are also getting better. :tup:
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