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Ties triumph: Pakistan, Russia ink $1.7b energy deal

Good job. Improving ties with Russia is very critical for Pakistan. The Indians should stop crying and join the Pakistan's economic development instead. They do a huge business with China and Pakistanis are cool with it.
Who is crying here ? And what do u mean by "join the Pakistan's economic development instead" ?
Should we invest in energy sector & other sectors in Pakistan ?
AND here it starts.....where are all the people who were questioning me when I told them that there is billions of trade on its way between Russia and Pakistan???

T - 3 years and counting. Pakistan's economy is about to go vertical by the end of 2016! It'll be fun to watch a not so popular country becoming one of the hottest markets to invest in :)

which way vertical ?

Who give a Sh1t about these sanctions .. do you really think Russia will go down like other poor nations USA put sanctions on ?

USA and UNO(read USA again) need to think, how long this game will work, putting sanctions on the others if US interests are not met by any actions.. stop bulling the world ...

World is still big enough to create another block .. Russia, china together can do it my friend ... and others will join this new block easily ...

Yes russia will go down. It's effectively all out economic war against them right. OPEC is onboard as well. Can Russia take on OPEC+USA+EU on it's own ? seriously?

Only just now a russian bank just failed due to this crisis. Russia f**ked up big time. There's no easy way out for them either.

Firstly oil price drop (due to OPEC's decision to not cut supply) hit them very badly and now these sanctions are affecting them. And Russia was not doing all that well even before that either. Growth rates were already extremely low. unemployment numbers were low somehow, but I think those were rigged figures.

Russia is headed for disaster.
Pakistan needs to maintain good ties with Russia & China, this is in the best interests of Pakistan. Pakistan should now say good bye to US for good.
Its not either or , Pakistan should have good relations with usa . Russia.china.iran and india
Basically with everyone and look out for its own interests. I would have preffered the doomed iran pak gas pipe line to be opened
Good job. Improving ties with Russia is very critical for Pakistan. The Indians should stop crying and join the Pakistan's economic development instead. They do a huge business with China and Pakistanis are cool with it.

I agree with your point that both sudes need greater economic integration to start a massive & long trust building exercise.but it will be wrong to say that only we are making a fuzz about this there are many on your side to

I was probably the first one on here who has been projecting a brighter future for Pakistan in years to come.....when majority of the Pakistanis themselves were in dark and thought I was just an 'optimistic' or was lying for some hidden agenda. Not jinxing it, good too see stuff working out exactly how I had projected!
1 should not count the chickens before they hatch
which way vertical ?

Yes russia will go down. It's effectively all out economic war against them right. OPEC is onboard as well. Can Russia take on OPEC+USA+EU on it's own ? seriously?

Only just now a russian bank just failed due to this crisis. Russia f**ked up big time. There's no easy way out for them either.

Firstly oil price drop (due to OPEC's decision to not cut supply) hit them very badly and now these sanctions are affecting them. And Russia was not doing all that well even before that either. Growth rates were already extremely low. unemployment numbers were low somehow, but I think those were rigged figures.

Russia is headed for disaster.

On a defense related forum, vertical only means taking off. If that doesn't help, google the word vertical or take off and see what they mean.

Second, these are childish posts like 'Russia is going down' and just till last year comments like 'the US is bankrupting and losing power on the map', 'the US's economy is never going to come back up', etc, etc. it's pretty obvious that either you are 19 or you have no clue about these large countries and their systems.

The West put so many sanctions against the Iranians for many, many years, did you see Iran getting destroyed or breaking??? The US applied sanctions on Pakistan also.....what happened? It's militarily behind, that's it.

The sanctions don't replace the local economy, they just impact foreign trade. Although, these sanctions put a strain on a Country's economy a lot, but they are rather a tool to make someone's economy suffer, forcing them to come back to the negotiations while the West has a lot more leverage due to trade.

If Russians withdraw tomorrow and make peace, the sanctions will be lifted in a few weeks like the history suggests from other examples.

Also, remember that Russia is the second largest nuclear power and they are very hardcore about their country. When the common sense starts to prevail in Putin's mind, he'll come to the discussion table and will make peace with his neighbors. And the drama will end. Otherwise, the show will prolong till Putin feels the heat of losing business and a big piece of his global clientele. It's just that simple.
1 should not count the chickens before they hatch

Well if people in Pakistan live by your rule, the chicken will never be hatched, or the eggs will disappear, or the chicken might be made in China, or the eggs might have a cheap 'Chinese paint job' on it, vs. having a calcium shell........there are all these variables you come up with. But on the other hand, you have many of your own chicken, hatched and still growing. Can't cook or cut'em either (LCA and MRCA as just two examples of these big chickens if you will).

Here, the Chicken's already hatched and it's now being cooked, soon to be served with some additional items like the side dish of MI 28, 35, TOR M1,2 and Some SA series missiles. Forgot to add a dish of liquid gas with a straw (pipeline). And another side dish of a few billion dollars towards the Karachi steel mill restructuring. Then follows a chicken distribution network through the road and via the railroad from Russia to China and Pakistan.

Enough chickens hatched yet? I haven't mentioned the mama chicken Gawader laying more eggs, with more chicken ready to be hatched in a couple of years.........
On a defense related forum, vertical only means taking off. If that doesn't help, google the word vertical or take off and see what they mean.

Second, these are childish posts like 'Russia is going down' and just till last year comments like 'the US is bankrupting and losing power on the map', 'the US's economy is never going to come back up', etc, etc. it's pretty obvious that either you are 19 or you have no clue about these large countries and their systems.

The West put so many sanctions against the Iranians for many, many years, did you see Iran getting destroyed or breaking??? The US applied sanctions on Pakistan also.....what happened? It's militarily behind, that's it.

The sanctions don't replace the local economy, they just impact foreign trade. Although, these sanctions put a strain on a Country's economy a lot, but they are rather a tool to make someone's economy suffer, forcing them to come back to the negotiations while the West has a lot more leverage due to trade.

If Russians withdraw tomorrow and make peace, the sanctions will be lifted in a few weeks like the history suggests from other examples.

Also, remember that Russia is the second largest nuclear power and they are very hardcore about their country. When the common sense starts to prevail in Putin's mind, he'll come to the discussion table and will make peace with his neighbors. And the drama will end. Otherwise, the show will prolong till Putin feels the heat of losing business and a big piece of his global clientele. It's just that simple.

Take a look at russian GDP growth rates:


They were already in a bad position to start with. And Russia is a very open economy that relies heavily on trade. Exports are roughly equal to ~25% of nominal GDP. And since a major chunk of it's exports is oil, it's been very badly hit(these are old figures from wikipedia but still valid) :


Now take a look at where these exports go to :


Yeah that's a MAJOR part of their exports going to EU. Now consider the fact that the russian trade balance in recent times has always been a surplus (net inflow) and they'd gotten pretty used to that. A sudden change in that will put them in a lot of trouble. This is very serious for Russia right now.

Take a look at this article :

According To The IMF, Russia's Economy Is Already In A Recession - Forbes

They are officially in trouble. And they weren't in a good position to start with (before the ukraine crisis).

Now you say Putin will solve the problem by a single peace deal signature. But it's more than just a signature. It's a matter of national pride. If he signs a peace deal, that would look to the common russian as if he surrendered to America. That will make him look very bad in up coming elections, in 2016 I think. He can't really do that. The problem is very complicated for Russia.
Yeah that's a MAJOR part of their exports going to EU. Now consider the fact that the russian trade balance in recent times has always been a surplus (net inflow) and they'd gotten pretty used to that. A sudden change in that will put them in a lot of trouble. This is very serious for Russia right now.

Take a look at this article :

According To The IMF, Russia's Economy Is Already In A Recession - Forbes
They are officially in trouble. And they weren't in a good position to start with (before the ukraine crisis).

Now you say Putin will solve the problem by a single peace deal signature. But it's more than just a signature. It's a matter of national pride. If he signs a peace deal, that would look to the common russian as if he surrendered to America. That will make him look very bad in up coming elections, in 2016 I think. He can't really do that. The problem is very complicated for Russia.

Dude, really, how old are you? The Russians are in trouble .....I think everyone and their dog knows it. That's why you have sanctions that have always worked well for the West. But what is your point here??

Also, things don't happen so black and white in politics. Iran gave up their nuclear program as a result of these sanctions. Did anyone feel like they lost their pride?? I can give you ten examples. If and when Putin wants to back down, it will be a very carefully thought through script and a show. The full song and dance if you will. At the end, it'll look like Russia had mercy on others or was 'trying' to workout the situation in favor of a weaker state. Every body goes home happy and the Russians start to do business in euros and dollars again and they pull their troops out before their businesses resume getting paid in dollars
Dude, really, how old are you? The Russians are in trouble .....I think everyone and their dog knows it. That's why you have sanctions that have always worked well for the West. But what is your point here??

Also, things don't happen so black and white in politics. Iran gave up their nuclear program as a result of these sanctions. Did anyone feel like they lost their pride?? I can give you ten examples. If and when Putin wants to back down, it will be a very carefully thought through script and a show. The full song and dance if you will. At the end, it'll look like Russia had mercy on others or was 'trying' to workout the situation in favor of a weaker state. Every body goes home happy and the Russians start to do business in euros and dollars again and they pull their troops out before their businesses resume getting paid in dollars

That is if it works out for Putin. For now they're gearing up for bad times.
This appears to be another case where journalist is confusing LNG with natural gas. I have not come across any pipeline anywhere in the world where “LNG” in liquid form is transported long distances “overland” such as from Karachi to Lahore via pipeline.

One must understand that LNG cannot be used without “Re-gasification”. Transporting LNG all the way to Lahore means that one needs to set up an LNG gasification facility at Lahore before LNG can be consumed.

Technically, LNG chain can be divided into three main sections including production region, LNG tankers and consumption region. In the production region, natural gas is chilled to a liquid state which takes up only 1/600 of its original space. LNG is then transported by insulated cryogenic ships to the consumption region. LNG is changed back into its normal gaseous form (“re-gasified”) and delivered to customers by gas pipelines to be consumed.

Pakistan has two main gas pipeline grid systems in place.

SNGPL transmission system extends from Sui in Baluchistan to Peshawar comprising over 7,676 km of Transmission System (Main lines & Loop lines). Sui Southern Gas Company transmission system extends from Sui, Baluchistan to Karachi with branch lines connected to other cities in Sindh. Thus the existing pipeline system in Pakistan is structured to pump gas south toward Karachi. There is no pipeline that can carry gas from Karachi to upcountry locations.

Technical common sense dictate that imported LNG will be converted into gas at Karachi where sea water is available as heat sump to absorb the “Coolness” when LNG changes from liquid to gaseous state. Natural gas would then be pumped into a “Gas pipeline” going north.

The deal with Russia therefore appears to be laying a pipeline from Karachi LNG terminal to Lahore, but it will carry “GAS” converted from imported LNG; certainly not LNG in liquid form.
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