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Ties between Afghanistan and Pakistan worsen


Apr 28, 2011
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Pakistan has described as "over reaction" Afghanistan's decision to cancel a visit by its military team for joint training over what Kabul claims was cross-border fire.

Afghanistan said on Wednesday that it would not send an 11-member team of army officers to take part in military drills because of "unacceptable Pakistani artillery shelling" at the eastern province of Kunar earlier this week.

Pakistan Foreign Ministry spokesman Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry said on Thursday: "We think it is an over reaction to cancel participation by the delegation in that training course.

"We think such courses, activities are meant to build trust, confidence (and) to promote relations between the countries and should be continued."

Chaudhry rejected the Afghan allegation of artillery fire, saying Pakistani troops reacted to stop "intrusions" from the Afghan side.

"There was no artillery shelling from Pakistan side, even in our response we were very modest, because it was an intrusion from their side," he said.

Pakistani fighters expelled in a major offensive in 2009 in Swat in the north-west are allegedly hiding in Kunar and Nuristan provinces, using the territory to launch cross-border attacks on Pakistani forces.

The latest tensions come as efforts for Afghan reconciliation with the Taliban are intensifying ahead of a US troop drawdown by the end of 2014.

Pakistan has considerable influence over the fighters and a row with Kabul may lower the chances of a peace deal after more than a decade of war.

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari had reiterated Islamabad's support to the peace efforts in Afghanistan, when he met his Afghan counterpart Hamid Karzai during talks hosted by Britain in February.

Karzai had hoped for "very close, brotherly and good neighbourly" ties with Pakistan, which traditionally faced suspicions over its role inside Afghanistan.
Ties between Afghanistan and Pakistan worsen - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English
The relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan is a complicated one. I would say a great number of problems stem from the fact that Afghanistan simply hasn't moved from the year 1893 when lar aw bar were one meaning Afghanistan controlled what is now Pakhtunkhwa and to a lesser extent Balochistan.

Afghanistan believes the land that was lost to the British during that timeframe rightfully belongs to it and this is a huge issue. Afghans are very hostile to Pakistan and continue to see us as a threat as they have for atleast 100+ years. Afghans also have a strongly held belief that Pakistan as a state is supporting the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

All these ideas are firmly entrenched in their minds. They are very hard to eradicate and no amount of rat poison can get rid of these as the rat has become immune to rat poison. In the coming years we can expect to see a more assertive and aggressive Afghanistan-possibly even one that is a threat when we are at war with India.

I remember a comment on the other forum where a guy actually said India should invade Pakistan and Afghanistan should join the attack. Together they can squeeze us from two sides. Let us hope that does not happen.
Comeon really......!!:blink:
it's bullsh** it's bullsh**....
Karzai got mad....he should stop liking foreign feet and should work on national interest rather than being a sold puppet....
Afghans seriously need a land loving man as their leader...:yu:
Afghani government is so amature. Dont even invite them to our country next time. They seriously dont think that if an attack comes from their side then we sit tight and let them come to us. Karzai isan idiot and his foreign minister even surpasses his idioticy.
Pakistan should show a middle finger to the afghani govt... cut off their supplies..send the refugees back.....and clamp down on the smuggling and let these fools starve to death!
stop their transit trade including the port fascility we are giving them and then see how they will manage it
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