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Nehru thought the same in 1962, what he got was a slap right on his face. We always keep a close watch on our neighbour. At least China is stronger than India now and they won't take a chance.

You are no student of history. Nehru, recognized Tibet as part of China. Look in to the records. The Dalia Lama was disappointed and recieved support from the CIA but NOT nehru. Infact, the Dalia Lama is NOT using India as launch platform. In 1962 the IA had a manpower of 2 lakh. Thats 200, 000 for you. You cant make war on China with just 200,000 thousand men and guns. After the incident of 1962 when Mao backstabed Nehru, the IA grew to 2.4 million.
So shut your mouth.
since when did @kahonapyarhai turn nationalist?? :woot:
He's not a 'nationalist'. He's a false flagger from one of the neighboring countries planted here to bash India and Indians with a vengeance. I don't even read the crap he reproduces! The headlines are enough!
Read the article again.
It is in "Indias interest"..

I have no idea how it is in India's interest to have independent Kashmir!

You need to remove the "muslim" glasses you keep wearing and keep pandering the socialist lie to us!

what logic is that??

going by your logic, how is it in muslim interests to have a independent tibet ( which thing i have indeed proposed )??

and why even a independent tibet for tibetans only and with historical/cultural geographical boundaries?? all i was doing was propagate the idea of decentralized, self-governing, socialist communes, based on the 'green book' ideology.

you should remove your nationalist glasses... it is keeping you from being peaceful and working towards uniting humanity.

as for kashmir, please read these threads of mine from 2014 :

kashmir : the definitive solution

proposal for a new division of south asia | Page 10

and do look at my signature.

He's not a 'nationalist'. He's a false flagger from one of the neighboring countries planted here to bash India and Indians with a vengeance. I don't even read the crap he reproduces! The headlines are enough!

even if he ( or she ) is a false-flagger i find most of his ( or her ) threads depicting the social, political and economic reality of south asia... you will have seen this member's threads about pakistan too, yes??
well.It seems that Indian want to conquer Tibet and let Tibetan live in poverty.
Half of Tibetan live out of Tibet,will they allow Tibet break away from China?
And Tibet economy will go down,they rely highly on Inland.
The most important thing is that Tibetan lose chance to immigrate to Inland.Are they stupid?
Of course no.Except Indian invasion
India officially recognized Tibet as part of China, some nutcase opinion matters nothing. Besides, our entrenchment in Tibet is liken to a deep-rooted tree in rock solid ground. ;)

Remember India officially recognized East pakistan as part of pakistan also . Now East Pakistan is known as Bangladesh . Take it . :)

For pakistan too india officially recognizes Balochistan as part of pakistan .
Indians will wake up to smell the chai when a joint Pakistan - Chinese strike formations are sitting inches from its land borders with Pakistan ready to march all the way to its capital because New Delhi's independence from Hindutva fascists is the freedom of Indian people.

That's what Nehru thought as well. :lol:
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