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Tibet: China's burning issue

An Asia that respects China's sovereignty. Not an Asia that panders to the West against China.
and what about China helping Pakistan in all his activities to harm India
Tibetans Monks Should Stop Self Immolations and Should work on Peaceful way of Protest that Buddhism Preaches and Talk with Chinese Govt to sort the issue

If monks don't burn themselves, how can they enter nirvana?
Third thread on the same subject in a week. Must be a slow news season in India. Since I'm lazy, using the same reply I had in another thread:

I wish every Tibetan monk follow the example of this guy and burn. They're a drain on government resources as they receive money to maintain the monestaries every year, and they keep the region a religiously backward craphole. These people should have to survive on their on by working instead of leeching off the government and public.

Interesting about the financial funding of monasteries. For some reason, it reminds me of the North American Natives (i.e. First Nations).
All these disturbances are organized by foreign secret operations, not the spontaneous desires of the local Tibetans. To get the to heart of the problem, we need to flatten Dharmsala and silence the lamas there forever.
i will never ever like india.
i have an intense hate of that country with every cell in my body.

May I ask why?

Internet Indians are only small, small part of whole Indians: remember their huge population base of illiteracy and primitive internet. Yes, many of them are jingoistic and foolish, but a) aren’t there some amount of jingoistic Chinese/Americans as well, though the number/percentage on internet is not as big; b) even over internet there are some smart and far-sighted Indians who are admired by many.

Don't forget Buddhism was spread from that part into China and E. Asia.

Back to the topic.

I love to see Chinese leaders are on constant burning of issues. I want the Chinese leaders to have deep sense of crises, never to have a good night sleep, never feel hunky-dory like their Indian counter-parties do, at any moment as long as they assume the power.
Yes, it was worst.

Something like that could have happened only in a remote corner of our country...... At the hands of someone, whom we considered brother, but who betrayed us.

Anyway, compare this "worst humiliation" of India ... with China's worst humiliation:

1. Did it happen in a remote corner of your country ... or were the Japanese marching through the heartland of China?
2. Did the Japanese betray you, after showing brotherly feelings .... or they just made it plain clear: they will come and rape you?
3. Do you really think Japanese would have stopped raping you, unless USA (yes, USA) military made it a condition that they spare China?

Generations upon generations of Chinese will come .... and each will be indebted to USA, for all times to come.

And you want to compare this with the "1962 incident" as a "worst humiliation"?

Dear Sir, the term "worst humiliation" if applied to both 1937 and 1962, will have altogether different definition in the two cases.
Excuse me, can you explain to me why you Indians all have the blood of your former Muslim rulers like Timur, Akbar... running in your veins?

Did something happen to ancient Hindu kingdoms whom the Mughals considered "idolators" that totally changed the subcontinent?

Do you know what "Hindu Kush" means?
An Asia that respects China's sovereignty. Not an Asia that panders to the West against China.

This works as long as China doesn't invent its own history to make new claims of sovereignty. The Chinese aggression is what is driving your neighbors to look for alliances to protect their own sovereignty against Chinese advances.

---------- Post added at 07:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 PM ----------

All these disturbances are organized by foreign secret operations, not the spontaneous desires of the local Tibetans. To get the to heart of the problem, we need to flatten Dharmsala and silence the lamas there forever.

Don't you see the absurdity in your own statements? This highhandedness is what is fuelling the Tibetan issue in the first place. In which other country do you hear of the government locking up people under the guise of political education?
Like I've said before Their wasting their time and life simple as that.
Excuse me, can you explain to me why you Indians all have the blood of your former Muslim rulers like Timur, Akbar... running in your veins?

Did something happen to ancient Hindu kingdoms whom the Mughals considered "idolators" that totally changed the subcontinent?

Do you know what "Hindu Kush" means?

Atleast this should make "China Hyper Power" start quoting 1092, instead of 1962.

Btw.. this proves your lack knowledge about Indian history.

Timur was an invader, don't name him in the same sentence as Akbar.

Just for your info, Akbar was:

(i) born in India (Rajasthan),
(ii) laid the first foundations of a secular India (see Din-e-Ilahi),
(iii) is famous in India for Akbar - Birbal episodes

So, don't waste your time trying to make a villain out of Akbar.
It is better to have India permanently break up. ^^ Less threat to China and Pakistan forever.

Keep dreaming... before that China will break the same way that happened in SU...
before dreaming extraordinary things first you select which breakup part of China would be your home..
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