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TIB urges government to ensure level playing field for all parties

BD has no need for any elections.

It needs to continue under AL quasi-dictatorship till 2030 at least.
দিনগুলি মোর সোনার খাঁচায়, রইল না,সেই যে আমার নানান রঙের দিন গুলি! :undecided:

Iye Kiya ho rahanain @UKBengali ji! Aap hee ney to usi din kaha tha ki isilogoka din thankfully khatam go gaya Hain.

Lagtahain aap ka prophecy phir ek bar failed hua! :undecided:
BD has no need for any elections.

It needs to continue under AL quasi-dictatorship till 2030 at least.
Yes, if BAL stays in power till 2030, BD will become another Japan or Germany, no doubt!! But, ask your BAL mentors to start producing at least high tension bolts, or sewing needles in the country.

I don't know about Germany, but Japan started producing all its Juki other sewing machines in 1938 and Japan became ultimately the first country in Asia to rival European countries in every field.

On the other hand, BAL/ BD is a country that loves to borrow and waste. Japan never borrowed from others even after the 2nd WW. Because its main policy has been to become self-reliant in every technology.

Now, can your BAL party preside over the manufacturing of these small machines? Stay without elections if BAL can do these tiny things inland.
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Even the US says we need elections (carrots). Or else more sanctions and maybe even regime change (sticks).

And they are one of the main benefactors of this country's economy i.e. AL govt.

So what will it be - more carrots or more sticks?
But what if Hasina herself is planning her own safe exit? Like ruthless attack on BNP and later military takeover like 1/11? Who knows what's going inside curtain?

The national unity govt with a technocrat head where all parties will have representative? Since no political head of govt , so it will be easier for everyone to accept?

And the govt won't take any action against Hasina! What if she is planning the same kind of safe exit?

Are you fine with it?

So called utopia of “national unity” government never work.

Too many egos.

They will brief and thwart each other.

Creating chaos.
So called utopia of “national unity” government never work.

Too many egos.

They will brief and thwart each other.

Creating chaos.
It's not utopia. But desire to stay in power forever is utopia. Even the sun of the British empire set, that was supposed to never set!

In Bangladesh armed forces intelligence can make nastik and mullah drink from the same pond , as tiger and buffalo!

So it's not very hard to make BNP and BAL drink from same pond!

It's not utopia. After all who said it will be national unity govt? It will be imposed forcibly I think. And all must obey and you will see!

However I wouldn't be surprised if Hasina is planning for something.

It's better to exit safely than dishonorable exit like Ershad!
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It's not utopia. But desire to stay in power forever is utopia. Even the sun of the British empire set, that was supposed to never set!

In Bangladesh armed forces intelligence can make nastik and mullah drink from the same pond , as tiger and buffalo!

So it's not very hard to make BNP and BAL drink from same pond!

It's not utopia. After all who said it will be national unity govt? It will be imposed forcibly I think. And all must obey and you will see!

However I wouldn't be surprised if Hasina is planning for something.

It's better to exit safely than dishonorable exit like Ershad!

Ershad was a terrible leader.

BD economy was a basket case under Mujib, Major Zia and Ershad.

First BNP government under Saifur Rahman was quite good. Second one under Tariq was awful.

Hasina’s decade stint is the best we have ever had.
Ershad was a terrible leader.

BD economy was a basket case under Mujib, Major Zia and Ershad.
It was Ershad who started the development project. Read some history other than BAL textbook history. Ask your bosom buddy @UKBengali . Even once he used to admit that Ershad started development.

Another thing , Ershad started the development of armed forces, he started to educate armed forces from other countries.

So don't compare him with others. He was the best ruler of Bangladesh.

Hasina’s decade stint is the best we have ever had.
Till 2018. After it Hasina lost the way. From 2018 BAL has been failing miserably.

Perhaps you knew from your relatives in Bangladesh that covid management was nice.

But in reality covid 19 mismanagement destroyed all reputation of the govt.

Still if you think that changing decision in every few hours is a good way to manage covid 19 ; creating more gathering is a good way to manage covid 19 , then I've nothing to say!
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It was Ershad who started the development project. Read some history other than BAL textbook history. Ask your bosom buddy @UKBengali . Even once he used to admit that Ershad started development.

Another thing , Ershad started the development of armed forces, he started to educate armed forces from other countries.

So don't compare him with others. He was the best ruler of Bangladesh.

Till 2018. After it Hasina lost the way. From 2018 BAL has been failing miserably.

Perhaps you knew from your relatives in Bangladesh that covid management was nice.

But in reality covid 19 mismanagement destroyed all reputation of the govt.

Still if you think that changing decision in every few hours is a good way to manage covid 19 ; creating more gathering is a good way to manage covid 19 , then I've nothing to say!

Yes! Armed forces were well fed during the Ershad regime.

But average Bangladeshi was piss poor.

And sylhetis had to pay extortion at Dhaka airport. 50% of the extortion money went to military generals.

These uncouth military men used to beg Sylhetis for “londoni soap and perfume”.

Once they tried to hijack a pressure cooker from my aunt. But my cunning aunt hid the nozzle. And told them it would be useless without the nozzle 🤣🤣🤣

My aunt frequently tells this story about “Dhakaya beggars” and has us in stitches 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Extortion of sylhetis at airports only stopped once Hasina became PM.

One reason why Hasina is soo popular amongst Sylhetis.

Sylhetis do not want the utterly corrupt military back in power.
Yes! Armed forces were well fed during the Ershad regime.

But average Bangladeshi was piss poor.

And sylhetis had to pay extortion at Dhaka airport. 50% of the extortion money went to military generals.

These uncouth military men used to beg Sylhetis for “londoni soap and perfume”.

Once they tried to hijack a pressure cooker from my aunt. But my cunning aunt hid the nozzle. And told them it would be useless without the nozzle 🤣🤣🤣

My aunt frequently tells this story about “Dhakaya beggars” and has us in stitches 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Extortion of sylhetis at airports only stopped once Hasina became PM.

One reason why Hasina is soo popular amongst Sylhetis.

Sylhetis do not want the utterly corrupt military back in power.
A jest Driven hard, loses its point!
I also like sheikh Hasina you know. But it looks even many die hard Hasina fans will lose respect for her , only because of some people ( it looks you are one of them) ! 😂

According to lots of your messages, everyone ( including armed forces ) in Bangladesh are thief, bad , corrupted , criminal, and only Sheikh Hasina is flawless angel , sent by God from heaven! Oh boy! 🤣
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A jest Driven hard, loses its point!
I also like sheikh Hasina you know. But it looks even many die hard Hasina fans will lose respect for her , only because of some people ( it looks you are one of them) ! 😂

According to lots of your messages, everyone ( including armed forces ) in Bangladesh are thief, bad , corrupted , criminal, and only Sheikh Hasina is flawless angel , sent by God from heaven! Oh boy! 🤣

Who says Hasina is honest?

Average south Asian is dishonest and easily bribed.

But there are degrees of dishonesty.

Tariq chora is obviously king.
Followed by the generals and BAL.

All I am saying is why Hasina is popular amongst sylhetis especially the British Sylhetis.

She has a special connection with Sylhetis that no other non Sylheti politician has.

Zia clan and Ershad are aliens to Sylhetis.

I will never defend BAL.

But I will defend Hasina.
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