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Tianenmen Square Incident

After 1989,we chinese went through several periods about mental idea.
1.1989-1999,at that time,USSR collased and USA became unstoppble,most of our officals lost confidence, many people think we would never catch up with USA,they doubt the CPC. USA supressed us by military,economy and politicaly. Russia also was the other target.90th USA was very powerful,the mainstream idea was:the communism was outdated,we needed to adopt western system and made friends with USA.That time was very hard and dangerous for us,our leader had to allow the officals to receive bribery for sustaining their confidence,that was toally a messy time.
2.2000-2010,at that time,USA bombed our embassy in 1999 ,flew to our coastline and collased with our navy plane in 2001,these two humiliation incidents changed the internal politics a lot,many officals realized that USA never accepted our surrender,look at Russia,they surrender to the west but still faced suppression,as a big country like China and Russia,there was no room for us to kneel down. Our mainstream idea was:USA was selfish and untrusted,We had to fight and we cannot surrender,but the democracy system of USA was still attractive to some officials.
3.after 2011,the mainstream idea is:CPC is very good ,we can borrow some good idea from western democracy system,but we will never accept wesrern system directly. From our view,the western democracy system have many shortcomings,we will develop our democracy system step by step. As a big country like us,the biggest enemy is always ourselves,luckily,today is very stable in China.
As for 64 incident,we mainland Chinese are at the stage 3,but the poor guys in HK are still in stage 1. You foreigners always overevaluate the influence of 64 incident,they think we are brainwashed and lied by the CPC,if we knew the truth and we would rebel the CPC. Lol,why you guys are so naive? no one cares 64 incident,because that was a rebel,the involvers were stupid and cheated easily by the west,thanks for the CPC ,orelse we may step on the way to hell.
HK and Taiwan are two tiny examples for our Chinese to evaluate the democracy in Chinese society,franking speaking,the result of Taiwan democracy is very disppointed ,Taiwan become a joke in Mainland China. Our adustment about democracy is very simple:if the system can promote the livingstandard of most people,we adopte it ,if not,we ignore it. One man one vote is not attractive to us,we need the good result not the election course,we Chinese are very very realistic. So Taiwan became a negative democracy example for us. HK as a tiny city is another democracy example for us,we will keep observing and evaluating it,even it fails,it also can teach a lesson to most of us.
People's Republic Of China vs. Republic Of China


The People's Republic of China is commonly known as China and the Republic of China is commonly known as Taiwan. These are separate states with a shared history; China claims sovereignty over Taiwan.

After the Kuomintang reunified China in 1928, most of mainland China was governed by the Republic of China (ROC). The island of Taiwan was under Japanese rule at the time. At the end of World War II in 1945, Japan surrenedered Taiwan to the Republic of China. In 1949, there was a civil war in China and the government (ROC) lost control of mainland China to the Communist Party, which established the People's Republic of China (PRC) and took control of all of mainland China. Only the island of Taiwan remained under the control of the ROC.

Since then, both the ROC and the PRC have been claiming to represent all of "China", and both officially claim each other's territory. In the 1992 consensus, both governments agreed that there is only one "China" but each claimed to be the sole representative of the sovereignty of undivided China. The PRC's (China's) official policy is to reunify Taiwan with mainland China under the formula of "one country, two systems" and refuses to renounce the use of military force, especially if Taiwan seeks a declaration of independence.

In Taiwan political opinion is divided into two camps: the Pan-Blue Coalition (majority Kuomintang) believes that the ROC is the sole legitimate government of "China" but supports eventual Chinese reunification. The opposition Pan-Green Coalition (majority Democratic Progressive Party) regards Taiwan as an independent state and seeks wide diplomatic recognition and an eventual declaration of formal Taiwanese independence.

Comparison chart

People's Republic Of China Republic Of China

Official Name The People's Republic of China (PRC) Republic of China (ROC)
Time zone China Standard Time/Beijing Time (UTC+8) China Standard Time (UTC+8)
Currency Chinese Yuan (also called Renminbi) (¥) (CNY) New Taiwan dollar (NT$) (TWD)
Capital Beijing, China Taipei, Taiwan (Originally Nanjing, China)
Government Single-party state, nominal communist state Presidential republic
Internet TLD .cn, .中國, .中国 .tw, .台灣, .台湾
Demonym Chinese Taiwanese or Chinese or both
Calling code +86 +886
Drives on the Right, except for Hong Kong & Macau which drive on the left Right
Official language(s) Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua) Standard Chinese
National language Mandarin Chinese Standard Chinese
Official script Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese
Largest city Shanghai, China Taipei, Taiwan
National Anthem March of the volunteers Zhōnghuá Míngúo gúogē (National Anthem of the Republic of China)
Date formats YYYY/MM/DD YYYY/MM/DD
Preceded by The Qing Dynasty (expelled Republic of China after civil war) The Qing Dynasty
President Xi Jin-ping Ma Ying-jeou
Vice President Li Yuan -Chao Ngôo Tun-Gī
Proclaimed 1 October 1949 1 January 1912 (original republic in China), 7 December 1949 (after the civil war, retreated to Taiwan )
ISO 3166 Code CN TW
Population (2013) 1,350,695,000 (1st) 23,445,534
Total Area 9, 596, 961 km² (China) 11,418,174 km² (Claims in China), 36,192 km² (Actually in Taiwan)
Density 142 /km² 640 /km² (Taiwan)
Total length of land border 22, 147 km 1,566.3 km (Taiwan)
Ethnic Groups 91.51% Han, 55 Recognised Minorities = 1.30% Zhuang, 0.86% Manchu, 0.79% Uyghur, 0.79% Hui, 0.72%Miao, 0.65% Yi, 0.62% Tujia, 0.47% Mongol, 0.44% Tibetan 0.26% Buyei, 0.15% Korean, 1.05% others 98% Han, 70% Hoklo, 14% Hakka, 14% Mainlanders, 2% Taiwanese aborigines
Description of Flag Red coloured flag with five yellow coloured stars on the top left side. White colored sun in the blue colored sky on the top left site with the whole red colored land on the bottom.
Literacy rate 95.9 % 98.29 %
Nobel laureates 10 1
Total expressways (2012) 84,946 km 1019.9 km (Taiwan)
Regional Divisions Provinces, Municipalities and special administrative regions. Provinces , Yuan municipality, Regions and special administrative regions (China). Provinces (been false in 1998), Municipalities (Taiwan).
General political conditions It is claimed a communist nation but practicing capitalism. Capitalism.
Highest point Mount Everest (8, 848 m) Yushan (3,952m)
Current constitution 1 October 1949 25 December 1946
HDI (Human Development Index)(2011) 0.699 (Medium) 0.890 (Very High)
Religion Freedom Some not allow Yes
Buddhist population 7.8 % 93 %
Christian population 5.2 % 4.5 %
Muslim population 1.8 % 0.2 %
Hindu population 0.01 % 0.008 %
Tallest Building Shanghai World Financial Center (492 m) Taipei 101 (509.2 m)
Urban population 51.27 % (2011) 73 % (2013)
Total internet users 568,192,066 (42%) 9,530,000 (53.6 %)

CPI(Consumer Price Index) 2.0 % (2014) 1.4 % (2012)
Poverty threshold 6.1 % (2013) 1.5 % (2013)
Gini 0.48 (2012) 0.342 (2011)
Unemployment rate 5.1 % (2015) 4.15 % (2013)
GDP US 10,355,000,000,000 (2nd) (2014) US 529,515,000,000 (2014)
PPP US 17,632,000,000,000 (1st) (2014) US 529,515,000,000 (2014)

GDP growth 7.4 % 3.74 % (2014)
Population growth 0.47 % (2009) 0.122 % (2015)
Elderly population 9.4 % (2012) 12.14 % (2015)

  • Taiwan’s GDP per capita is 5 times more than that of China. Even though China’s economy has been growing rapidly, the gap between Taiwan and China has actually remained the same.
  • In terms of PPP, Taiwan ranks 39th in the world whereas China ranks 133rd.
  • China’s infant mortality (21.96/1000 live births) is 4 times of that in Taiwan (5.45).
  • In China, 8% of the population live under the poverty line whereas there’s only 0.95% in Taiwan.
  • The unemployment in Taiwan was 3.9% when the DPP handed it to the KMT and it’s now over 4% after Ma took over but the unemployment in China is estimated to be between 15-20%.
  • On average, each individual in Taiwan have 1.06 mobile phones but those in China only have 0.41. In Taiwan, 57% of population have access and use the internet but there’s only 19% in China.
  • Looking at Gini Index (the level of economic inequality, the greater the figure, the worse the inequality), Taiwan got 33 in 2000 and fell steadily between 2001 and 2006. China got 41 in 2001 and 47 in 2007. Well, inequality in a ‘communist’ regime is greater than a country generally considered ‘capitalist’?
  • Taiwan’s corruption index is 5.7 but China is only 3.5 (worse). Corruption in China seems to be prevalent.
  • Most importantly, Taiwan’s press freedom is 10, which ranks 32nd in the world but China is only 89, which is the 163rd place in the world and only better than 6 other countries. In other words, there’s literally NO press freedom in China!
  • On average, 550,000 Taiwanese share an airport but in China, 2,840,000 people share an airport.
  • The life expectancy in Taiwan is 4.6 years longer than that in China.
  • Looking at the Global Competitiveness Index, Taiwan is the 14thworldwide (5.25) and China comes the 34th (4.57).
Actually, the kmt government who brought Taiwan into prosperity is considered dictatorship...especially the later president, Chiang Ching-kuo, is the eldest son of the former president, Chiang Kai-shek. And I personally view China today hardly as a socialist economy. Taiwan embraced the free market a lot earlier than the mainland did, it is reasonable for a more advanced economy. And actually, Taiwan is considered a bad example of populism rather than democracy among Chinese nitizens, pretty ironic....
People's Republic Of China vs. Republic Of China


The People's Republic of China is commonly known as China and the Republic of China is commonly known as Taiwan. These are separate states with a shared history; China claims sovereignty over Taiwan.

After the Kuomintang reunified China in 1928, most of mainland China was governed by the Republic of China (ROC). The island of Taiwan was under Japanese rule at the time. At the end of World War II in 1945, Japan surrenedered Taiwan to the Republic of China. In 1949, there was a civil war in China and the government (ROC) lost control of mainland China to the Communist Party, which established the People's Republic of China (PRC) and took control of all of mainland China. Only the island of Taiwan remained under the control of the ROC.

Since then, both the ROC and the PRC have been claiming to represent all of "China", and both officially claim each other's territory. In the 1992 consensus, both governments agreed that there is only one "China" but each claimed to be the sole representative of the sovereignty of undivided China. The PRC's (China's) official policy is to reunify Taiwan with mainland China under the formula of "one country, two systems" and refuses to renounce the use of military force, especially if Taiwan seeks a declaration of independence.

In Taiwan political opinion is divided into two camps: the Pan-Blue Coalition (majority Kuomintang) believes that the ROC is the sole legitimate government of "China" but supports eventual Chinese reunification. The opposition Pan-Green Coalition (majority Democratic Progressive Party) regards Taiwan as an independent state and seeks wide diplomatic recognition and an eventual declaration of formal Taiwanese independence.

Comparison chart

People's Republic Of China Republic Of China

Official Name The People's Republic of China (PRC) Republic of China (ROC)
Time zone China Standard Time/Beijing Time (UTC+8) China Standard Time (UTC+8)
Currency Chinese Yuan (also called Renminbi) (¥) (CNY) New Taiwan dollar (NT$) (TWD)
Capital Beijing, China Taipei, Taiwan (Originally Nanjing, China)
Government Single-party state, nominal communist state Presidential republic
Internet TLD .cn, .中國, .中国 .tw, .台灣, .台湾
Demonym Chinese Taiwanese or Chinese or both
Calling code +86 +886
Drives on the Right, except for Hong Kong & Macau which drive on the left Right
Official language(s) Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua) Standard Chinese
National language Mandarin Chinese Standard Chinese
Official script Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese
Largest city Shanghai, China Taipei, Taiwan
National Anthem March of the volunteers Zhōnghuá Míngúo gúogē (National Anthem of the Republic of China)
Date formats YYYY/MM/DD YYYY/MM/DD
Preceded by The Qing Dynasty (expelled Republic of China after civil war) The Qing Dynasty
President Xi Jin-ping Ma Ying-jeou
Vice President Li Yuan -Chao Ngôo Tun-Gī
Proclaimed 1 October 1949 1 January 1912 (original republic in China), 7 December 1949 (after the civil war, retreated to Taiwan )
ISO 3166 Code CN TW
Population (2013) 1,350,695,000 (1st) 23,445,534
Total Area 9, 596, 961 km² (China) 11,418,174 km² (Claims in China), 36,192 km² (Actually in Taiwan)
Density 142 /km² 640 /km² (Taiwan)
Total length of land border 22, 147 km 1,566.3 km (Taiwan)
Ethnic Groups 91.51% Han, 55 Recognised Minorities = 1.30% Zhuang, 0.86% Manchu, 0.79% Uyghur, 0.79% Hui, 0.72%Miao, 0.65% Yi, 0.62% Tujia, 0.47% Mongol, 0.44% Tibetan 0.26% Buyei, 0.15% Korean, 1.05% others 98% Han, 70% Hoklo, 14% Hakka, 14% Mainlanders, 2% Taiwanese aborigines
Description of Flag Red coloured flag with five yellow coloured stars on the top left side. White colored sun in the blue colored sky on the top left site with the whole red colored land on the bottom.
Literacy rate 95.9 % 98.29 %
Nobel laureates 10 1
Total expressways (2012) 84,946 km 1019.9 km (Taiwan)
Regional Divisions Provinces, Municipalities and special administrative regions. Provinces , Yuan municipality, Regions and special administrative regions (China). Provinces (been false in 1998), Municipalities (Taiwan).
General political conditions It is claimed a communist nation but practicing capitalism. Capitalism.
Highest point Mount Everest (8, 848 m) Yushan (3,952m)
Current constitution 1 October 1949 25 December 1946
HDI (Human Development Index)(2011) 0.699 (Medium) 0.890 (Very High)
Religion Freedom Some not allow Yes
Buddhist population 7.8 % 93 %
Christian population 5.2 % 4.5 %
Muslim population 1.8 % 0.2 %
Hindu population 0.01 % 0.008 %
Tallest Building Shanghai World Financial Center (492 m) Taipei 101 (509.2 m)
Urban population 51.27 % (2011) 73 % (2013)
Total internet users 568,192,066 (42%) 9,530,000 (53.6 %)

CPI(Consumer Price Index) 2.0 % (2014) 1.4 % (2012)
Poverty threshold 6.1 % (2013) 1.5 % (2013)
Gini 0.48 (2012) 0.342 (2011)
Unemployment rate 5.1 % (2015) 4.15 % (2013)
GDP US 10,355,000,000,000 (2nd) (2014) US 529,515,000,000 (2014)
PPP US 17,632,000,000,000 (1st) (2014) US 529,515,000,000 (2014)

GDP growth 7.4 % 3.74 % (2014)
Population growth 0.47 % (2009) 0.122 % (2015)
Elderly population 9.4 % (2012) 12.14 % (2015)

  • Taiwan’s GDP per capita is 5 times more than that of China. Even though China’s economy has been growing rapidly, the gap between Taiwan and China has actually remained the same.
  • In terms of PPP, Taiwan ranks 39th in the world whereas China ranks 133rd.
  • China’s infant mortality (21.96/1000 live births) is 4 times of that in Taiwan (5.45).
  • In China, 8% of the population live under the poverty line whereas there’s only 0.95% in Taiwan.
  • The unemployment in Taiwan was 3.9% when the DPP handed it to the KMT and it’s now over 4% after Ma took over but the unemployment in China is estimated to be between 15-20%.
  • On average, each individual in Taiwan have 1.06 mobile phones but those in China only have 0.41. In Taiwan, 57% of population have access and use the internet but there’s only 19% in China.
  • Looking at Gini Index (the level of economic inequality, the greater the figure, the worse the inequality), Taiwan got 33 in 2000 and fell steadily between 2001 and 2006. China got 41 in 2001 and 47 in 2007. Well, inequality in a ‘communist’ regime is greater than a country generally considered ‘capitalist’?
  • Taiwan’s corruption index is 5.7 but China is only 3.5 (worse). Corruption in China seems to be prevalent.
  • Most importantly, Taiwan’s press freedom is 10, which ranks 32nd in the world but China is only 89, which is the 163rd place in the world and only better than 6 other countries. In other words, there’s literally NO press freedom in China!
  • On average, 550,000 Taiwanese share an airport but in China, 2,840,000 people share an airport.
  • The life expectancy in Taiwan is 4.6 years longer than that in China.
  • Looking at the Global Competitiveness Index, Taiwan is the 14thworldwide (5.25) and China comes the 34th (4.57).
This is a wrong comparison actually. Taiwan was not a democracy until early 1990's, and Taiwan miracle was led by its authoritarian government under Chiang's family. Same thing with Republic of Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong, to some extent Japan as well as Japan was under defacto one party rule for almost 50 years after WWII . What you should compare is how did Taiwan do economically after it became a democracy to when it wasn't.
This is a wrong comparison actually. Taiwan was not a democracy until early 1990's, and Taiwan miracle was led by its authoritarian government under Chiang's family. Same thing with Republic of Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong, to some extent Japan as well as Japan was under defacto one party rule for almost 50 years after WWII . What you should compare is how did Taiwan do economically after it became a democracy to when it wasn't.
No need to lecture Indian about democracy which they just proud of.
And they must thinking in different way for they are our only enemy which occupying our large amount of territory.
People's Republic Of China vs. Republic Of China


The People's Republic of China is commonly known as China and the Republic of China is commonly known as Taiwan. These are separate states with a shared history; China claims sovereignty over Taiwan.

After the Kuomintang reunified China in 1928, most of mainland China was governed by the Republic of China (ROC). The island of Taiwan was under Japanese rule at the time. At the end of World War II in 1945, Japan surrenedered Taiwan to the Republic of China. In 1949, there was a civil war in China and the government (ROC) lost control of mainland China to the Communist Party, which established the People's Republic of China (PRC) and took control of all of mainland China. Only the island of Taiwan remained under the control of the ROC.

Since then, both the ROC and the PRC have been claiming to represent all of "China", and both officially claim each other's territory. In the 1992 consensus, both governments agreed that there is only one "China" but each claimed to be the sole representative of the sovereignty of undivided China. The PRC's (China's) official policy is to reunify Taiwan with mainland China under the formula of "one country, two systems" and refuses to renounce the use of military force, especially if Taiwan seeks a declaration of independence.

In Taiwan political opinion is divided into two camps: the Pan-Blue Coalition (majority Kuomintang) believes that the ROC is the sole legitimate government of "China" but supports eventual Chinese reunification. The opposition Pan-Green Coalition (majority Democratic Progressive Party) regards Taiwan as an independent state and seeks wide diplomatic recognition and an eventual declaration of formal Taiwanese independence.

Comparison chart

People's Republic Of China Republic Of China

Official Name The People's Republic of China (PRC) Republic of China (ROC)
Time zone China Standard Time/Beijing Time (UTC+8) China Standard Time (UTC+8)
Currency Chinese Yuan (also called Renminbi) (¥) (CNY) New Taiwan dollar (NT$) (TWD)
Capital Beijing, China Taipei, Taiwan (Originally Nanjing, China)
Government Single-party state, nominal communist state Presidential republic
Internet TLD .cn, .中國, .中国 .tw, .台灣, .台湾
Demonym Chinese Taiwanese or Chinese or both
Calling code +86 +886
Drives on the Right, except for Hong Kong & Macau which drive on the left Right
Official language(s) Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua) Standard Chinese
National language Mandarin Chinese Standard Chinese
Official script Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese
Largest city Shanghai, China Taipei, Taiwan
National Anthem March of the volunteers Zhōnghuá Míngúo gúogē (National Anthem of the Republic of China)
Date formats YYYY/MM/DD YYYY/MM/DD
Preceded by The Qing Dynasty (expelled Republic of China after civil war) The Qing Dynasty
President Xi Jin-ping Ma Ying-jeou
Vice President Li Yuan -Chao Ngôo Tun-Gī
Proclaimed 1 October 1949 1 January 1912 (original republic in China), 7 December 1949 (after the civil war, retreated to Taiwan )
ISO 3166 Code CN TW
Population (2013) 1,350,695,000 (1st) 23,445,534
Total Area 9, 596, 961 km² (China) 11,418,174 km² (Claims in China), 36,192 km² (Actually in Taiwan)
Density 142 /km² 640 /km² (Taiwan)
Total length of land border 22, 147 km 1,566.3 km (Taiwan)
Ethnic Groups 91.51% Han, 55 Recognised Minorities = 1.30% Zhuang, 0.86% Manchu, 0.79% Uyghur, 0.79% Hui, 0.72%Miao, 0.65% Yi, 0.62% Tujia, 0.47% Mongol, 0.44% Tibetan 0.26% Buyei, 0.15% Korean, 1.05% others 98% Han, 70% Hoklo, 14% Hakka, 14% Mainlanders, 2% Taiwanese aborigines
Description of Flag Red coloured flag with five yellow coloured stars on the top left side. White colored sun in the blue colored sky on the top left site with the whole red colored land on the bottom.
Literacy rate 95.9 % 98.29 %
Nobel laureates 10 1
Total expressways (2012) 84,946 km 1019.9 km (Taiwan)
Regional Divisions Provinces, Municipalities and special administrative regions. Provinces , Yuan municipality, Regions and special administrative regions (China). Provinces (been false in 1998), Municipalities (Taiwan).
General political conditions It is claimed a communist nation but practicing capitalism. Capitalism.
Highest point Mount Everest (8, 848 m) Yushan (3,952m)
Current constitution 1 October 1949 25 December 1946
HDI (Human Development Index)(2011) 0.699 (Medium) 0.890 (Very High)
Religion Freedom Some not allow Yes
Buddhist population 7.8 % 93 %
Christian population 5.2 % 4.5 %
Muslim population 1.8 % 0.2 %
Hindu population 0.01 % 0.008 %
Tallest Building Shanghai World Financial Center (492 m) Taipei 101 (509.2 m)
Urban population 51.27 % (2011) 73 % (2013)
Total internet users 568,192,066 (42%) 9,530,000 (53.6 %)

CPI(Consumer Price Index) 2.0 % (2014) 1.4 % (2012)
Poverty threshold 6.1 % (2013) 1.5 % (2013)
Gini 0.48 (2012) 0.342 (2011)
Unemployment rate 5.1 % (2015) 4.15 % (2013)
GDP US 10,355,000,000,000 (2nd) (2014) US 529,515,000,000 (2014)
PPP US 17,632,000,000,000 (1st) (2014) US 529,515,000,000 (2014)

GDP growth 7.4 % 3.74 % (2014)
Population growth 0.47 % (2009) 0.122 % (2015)
Elderly population 9.4 % (2012) 12.14 % (2015)

  • Taiwan’s GDP per capita is 5 times more than that of China. Even though China’s economy has been growing rapidly, the gap between Taiwan and China has actually remained the same.
  • In terms of PPP, Taiwan ranks 39th in the world whereas China ranks 133rd.
  • China’s infant mortality (21.96/1000 live births) is 4 times of that in Taiwan (5.45).
  • In China, 8% of the population live under the poverty line whereas there’s only 0.95% in Taiwan.
  • The unemployment in Taiwan was 3.9% when the DPP handed it to the KMT and it’s now over 4% after Ma took over but the unemployment in China is estimated to be between 15-20%.
  • On average, each individual in Taiwan have 1.06 mobile phones but those in China only have 0.41. In Taiwan, 57% of population have access and use the internet but there’s only 19% in China.
  • Looking at Gini Index (the level of economic inequality, the greater the figure, the worse the inequality), Taiwan got 33 in 2000 and fell steadily between 2001 and 2006. China got 41 in 2001 and 47 in 2007. Well, inequality in a ‘communist’ regime is greater than a country generally considered ‘capitalist’?
  • Taiwan’s corruption index is 5.7 but China is only 3.5 (worse). Corruption in China seems to be prevalent.
  • Most importantly, Taiwan’s press freedom is 10, which ranks 32nd in the world but China is only 89, which is the 163rd place in the world and only better than 6 other countries. In other words, there’s literally NO press freedom in China!
  • On average, 550,000 Taiwanese share an airport but in China, 2,840,000 people share an airport.
  • The life expectancy in Taiwan is 4.6 years longer than that in China.
  • Looking at the Global Competitiveness Index, Taiwan is the 14thworldwide (5.25) and China comes the 34th (4.57).
Thanks for your comment,but you did not realize the truth . As Chinese,we know the truth of Taiwan much better than foreigners. Personally, I wish to see Taiwan develop a real Chinese style democracy system ,that can provide us some experience,but the result is very bad and show us “the one man one vote ”system is not suitable in Chinese society,the election course is easy,but it cannot promote the livingstandard,different parties attack each other and no one can do any right job.Taiwan democarcy system is a standard west democracy,before Taiwan democracy ,we Chinese envy democracy and think it is good,the distance created beauty. After that ,we can observe the democracy in Chinese society closely,we realize this is a wrong direction ,more worse,you cannot turnback just as the dying old Europe.
Today,China is confident about our political system,the CPC mixed with captilism,communism and confusiam is the biggest advantage of us,but the west never face the truth and it is good for us, I donot like other countries to adopt CPC system either.
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then, how does this matter to you?

BTW, just a side note, do you consider Romania, Western?
You people don't like ordinary peoples participation in decision making and choosing his choice of leader?

Is it the most polluted city.?

Do I want someone with no knowledge on operation of a nation, do not spending time to understand history and only interested his/her own pocket to participate in choosing the nation's leader? Gee, I wonder.

BTW, US has less than half of the GDP per capita of Luxembourg and less human development index than Norway. That must mean Luxembourg and Norway are better countries than USA, am I right? :crazy:
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