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Three killed, 15 injured in Quetta blast 5th Sep 2021

The only complain I have is their is no active operation against the likes of PTM, Achakzai, BSO type student unions and their media sympatheziers. This is the back bone of their logistics, and manpower recruitment.

Bro, PTM is no more after Mohsin Dawar exit. His new party will create problems but only on twitter, moving forward. As long as they are in our political setup, than we shouldn't worry. Just wait for some years, they will be neutralized with time. Case examples are ANP, MQM and now PTM.
FC check posts are targeted to keep the Balochi smuggling routes clear
Big business in Balochistan. In fact the biggest.
Anything to defend Imran Khan. No matter how illogical and stupid it is
Despite being a supporter of imran khan, I am against his lack of action and basically leaving the security forces to die by the hands of terrorists.
FC check posts are targeted to keep the Balochi smuggling routes clear
Big business in Balochistan. In fact the biggest.

Right, often smugglers are also involved but suicide bombings are trade mark attacks of TTP and BLA only.
Moron you can execute both Zardari and Nawaz along with your lord Imran Khan. At least I don't care. Unlike you clowns I don't make idols out of these two faced politicians

But do tell me how TTP and BLA militants are succeeding in hitting your soldiers daily without any break while Indian deaths have gone at all time low in IOK despite what it did on 5th August 2019?

Also tell me what exactly is the plan of your lord Mr handsome Imran Khan plan to avenge deaths of our soldiers and civilians
Who the hell is making idols of IK? We like him because he is the best PM we couldve had. Anti corruption which is a big thing. Hes not robbing the country of its money.

As for why the TTP and BLA are still attacking us? The BLA havent done a major attack in some time. Their fighting forces have been wiped out during the op in balochistan. It was just that you were too blinded in your hatred of IK and Bajwa to see that. They are probably regrouping in Afghanistan right now.

But you must be dumb to think people do not plan in advance. Not to mention how the terrorists can work off of their own accord. All they need is money which is drying up. This wont end in a day or week. It will take several months.

Oh and for Kashmir. You know nothing dont you? The indians hide their casualties and disguise them as accidents. A few weeks agi i went on kashmir intel twitter and i see the TRF had gunned down a BJP politician. I see the AFF killing some 9 indian soldiers. Just because you dont see it doesnt mean it doesnt happen
The recurring theme here is that the FC is being ignored.
The problem is that no body is being put to task for this. Nobody is being made answerable. I mean had this be some other country, the government, the top brass of the army would been upside down but only in Pakistan its business as usual. Without few heads rolling in the hierarchy this will continue in foreseeable future as well.
We must also closed & fancing the Irani border aswell just like we cover the border line between Afganistan & Pakistan...
Right, often smugglers are also involved but suicide bombings are trade mark attacks of TTP and BLA only.
Suicide bombers can be bought. They are always up for sales by TTP.
Who the hell is making idols of IK? We like him because he is the best PM we couldve had. Anti corruption which is a big thing. Hes not robbing the country of its money.

As for why the TTP and BLA are still attacking us? The BLA havent done a major attack in some time. Their fighting forces have been wiped out during the op in balochistan. It was just that you were too blinded in your hatred of IK and Bajwa to see that. They are probably regrouping in Afghanistan right now.

But you must be dumb to think people do not plan in advance. Not to mention how the terrorists can work off of their own accord. All they need is money which is drying up. This wont end in a day or week. It will take several months.

Oh and for Kashmir. You know nothing dont you? The indians hide their casualties and disguise them as accidents. A few weeks agi i went on kashmir intel twitter and i see the TRF had gunned down a BJP politician. I see the AFF killing some 9 indian soldiers. Just because you dont see it doesnt mean it doesnt happen

Pakistan's success against terrorism cannot be defined by her success at securing corrupt politicians and feudal warlords.

If the country claims to have shifted her scope to geoeconomics and a welfare state, the lowest strata of society must have the strongest protection.

Securing elite neighbourhoods while leaving citizens at the merciful whims of terrorist is a failed concept.

And since you like numbers and facts, why don't you present some to argue for the statement you made about lumber 1 PM.
See the level of support these proxies enjoyed. It's slowly winding down. Arms and ammunition supplies to proxies was a major concern which people ignore.

Ok, Where are our security forces, its not their duty to fck these terrorists?

After Imrani govt, politician to military all are busy to name the Indian Raw and NDS, Why are not stopping these terrorists?
At the moment, YES we are powerless to do anything. Years of Pakistan being looted by the shariffs, bhuttos/zardaris, the WOT, our economic woes and lack of progress as a nation is now taking it's toll. No one will come to help us. Unless all Pakistanis as a nation decide to focus on the progress and development of Pakistan, we will continue on this path of hopelessness and despair.
Those caught should be paraded in front of their family members. Let the terrorist witness their crying parents.
Those caught should be paraded in front of their family members. Let the terrorist witness their crying parents.

Agreed. I think a long term adequate and cost effect solution for most of Pakistan's ills will be to instill a strong sense of patriotism and nationalism in the school curriculum. That way, more Pakistanis will put Pakistan and Pakistan's interests first. That will help reduce terrorism and other social ills.
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The war continues, for every one of ours, ten are killed, injured or captured of the enemy, salute to the braves who are fighting and winning this war.

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