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Three killed, 15 injured in Quetta blast 5th Sep 2021

militants leaders often take the route of Gulf countries to reach India where as their foot soliders are mostly Pakistanis who can do anything for the money.
What you are implying is Pakistan is helpless and these attacks will continue on FC..all we know each time how India is sponsoring terroist Activities in Pakistan
..who in sane mind will Invest in a country like this ..facing terrorist activities..it's more then two decades ...this is our failure as a state while India is at peace ...whatever the reason we may generate to justify.
End is we are at receiving end...we better request India to stop this as kahsmir is no longer our interest and we can't do anything there as per our leaders ..why let people die because of there incompetent and inability to do anything
Its ok you won't understand it anyways kid. Grow and cry aloud about Bajwa, Faiz and Imran removal. This is the best you can only do.

So you really believe that TTP has its headquarters in India? :rofl: :rofl:
Moron you can execute both Zardari and Nawaz along with your lord Imran Khan. At least I don't care. Unlike you clowns I don't make idols out of these two faced politicians

But do tell me how TTP and BLA militants are succeeding in hitting your soldiers daily without any break while Indian deaths have gone at all time low in IOK despite what it did on 5th August 2019?

Also tell me what exactly is the plan of your lord Mr handsome Imran Khan plan to avenge deaths of our soldiers and civilians
I suppose some targetted assassinations will occure across the border in AFG taking out senior BLA members. First we are waiting on news about the fate of Saleh.
I suppose some targetted assassinations will occure across the border in AFG taking out senior BLA members. First we are waiting on news about the fate of Saleh.

All of our bets are on Afghan taliban

While we ourselves are doing nothing except cheer leading for Taliban. Even Kashmiris have been left high and dry at mercy of Indian troops while we do nothing but tweet and begging west to take notice of Indian crimes in IOK which would never happen
What you are implying is Pakistan is helpless and these attacks will continue on FC..all we know each time how India is sponsoring terroist Activities in Pakistan

Yes quite helpless since we have plenty of separatists in Pakistan from day first.
Late 60s and 1971, it was Bengalis
In mid 70s, balochs
In late 80s and early 90s, MQM had anti Pakistan militant agenda.
then after 2001, rise of TTP.
All of our bets are on Afghan taliban

While we ourselves are doing nothing except cheer leading for Taliban. Even Kashmiris have been left high and dry at mercy of Indian troops while we do nothing but tweet and begging west to take notice of Indian crimes in IOK which would never happen
Pakistanis are not an aggressive nation. 20 years of turmoil have taken the fight out of us.
I cant see the situation getting any better across Balochestan. Gen Bajwa is a gentleman not a proactive aggressive militery leader.
As unfortunate as it is, more FC and millitery will lose their life. We just dont care.
What you are implying is Pakistan is helpless and these attacks will continue on FC..all we know each time how India is sponsoring terroist Activities in Pakistan
..who in sane mind will Invest in a country like this ..facing terrorist activities..it's more then two decades ...this is our failure as a state while India is at peace ...whatever the reason we may generate to justify.
End is we are at receiving end...we better request India to stop this as kahsmir is no longer our interest and we can't do anything there as per our leaders ..why let people die because of there incompetent and inability to do anything

At the moment, YES we are powerless to do anything. Years of Pakistan being looted by the shariffs, bhuttos/zardaris, the WOT, our economic woes and lack of progress as a nation is now taking it's toll. No one will come to help us. Unless all Pakistanis as a nation decide to focus on the progress and development of Pakistan, we will continue on this path of hopelessness and despair.
For once, Major Gober Arya is right. There are many Pakistanis who are ready to perform terrorist activity for money. All what you need is to provide the money and result will be there in no time.

Its really not easy to provide 95% security in a country like Pakistan. Had it not been ISI and strong army here, Pakistan would had turned into Syria long time back since we already had all the required ingredients to become one.
It is sadly evident that Pakistan can do very little if anything to stop these attacks. Unless we face this reality and adequately address it, NOTHING will change.
Keep posting these pics. They change nothing

Pakistani soldiers are dying in a new high while Indian army deaths are at an all time low

You can post all the pictures that you want to. Keep whining about that shadi all you want to

That however doesn't change the fact if I would be an Indian soldier in IOK then I would be extremely happy with Imran and general Bajwa and would want it to continue for next five years too

Neither would have Pakistan retaliated on Feb 27, in fact that false flag pulwama attack would have been used effectively against Pakistan like Mumbai attacks and Narender league playing the same role as it did when Pakistan was blamed for Mumbai attacks. Forgot Ajmal kasab fiasco, how our army was targeted by these traitors for their own gains.

Without the Pakistan government both Military-Civilian facilitation of Afghan peace process Doha deal and American withdrawal would have never happened. Had any other government been in power in Pakistan nothing would have changed. In fact they would have taken their stand with Ghani.

Let's wait for it, ISI chief was in Kabul for a reason. The nature and theater of war has changed, and due to so much randi rona of these proxies media sympatheziers in the name of missing persons etc there is limited advertisement by official accounts. They are not occupying our territories like previously so the war has shifted to IBO, this is where Afghanistan is so crutial. If you notice all these proxy outfit sympatheziers actively support PDM and are rabidly against PTI and our army.

The only complain I have is their is no active operation against the likes of PTM, Achakzai, BSO type student unions and their media sympatheziers. This is the back bone of their logistics, and manpower recruitment.
That was the peak of TTP at that time. Whole of Fata was under control of TTP hence we were having high casualties

Now with complete Fata under our control what exactly is the reason that Pakistani deaths are at an all time high and Indian deaths are at an all time low

What is your explanation for that?
Most casualties couldve been avoided if we just used MRAPs
IED,s cant penetrate something like a Humvee or its equivalent
All what we can do is to keep fighting and hunt these militants in Pakistan and starve them out since their easy hideouts in Afghanistan are no more. So there might be a hope in few months time when Talibans fully consolidates their position in Afghanistan and can focus on other issues as well like our complains regarding TTP and BLA. For now, we have to give them atleast 6-8 months /1 year grace period since there are many other important things on their heads at the moment.

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