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Three giant spaceships to attack Earth in 2012?

If I am not mistaken, Islam does mention another world that is much of advanced than us. And very far away. But, it doesn't say what they look like.

They could either be but ugly:

Or they could be damn beautiful:

We humans stereotype too much.

lol..where does Islam mention this?
@Sajan do you know that Reptilians house named as PAATAL? (in Reptilians language).... In Sanskrit PAATAL LOK means HELL (which is below Earth and base of Reptilians).... How did Ancient indians knew the name? Its very simple. Hell is indeed Real.... Hell created by Reptilians and Heaven created by Arcturians and Elohims.... When we die then our Soul goes into Starship ATHENA and Arcturians gets Positive energy from our Souls and Arcturians decideds what life we get again. We only go in ATHENA if we did good KARMA. If we did bad Karma we goes in PAATAL LOK aka Reptilians base inside earth (about 15 km to upto 1850 km deep).... There our soul been tortured. Reptilians Takes soul energy and they also do alot Kidnappings of Alive humans (specialy kids. its believed over 1 billion Humans were kidnaped upto to date) and they eat flesh and drink our Blood and removes DNA before drinking Blood (DNA used for experiment and creating new deadly future ace).... i have the video of a russian scientists who while digging Earth heard sound of Hell. He said it felt like Millions of Soul been burned alive and kept on frying pan burning eternaly.... That was Reptilians Torturing humans who been kidnaped.... Want to hear that Sound of Hell?.... That sound really scary....
So what i guessed was right.. And mate what is a 'Soul'? is there a proof of a 'Soul'? How can it be burn or fry when it doesn't have a body. Do aliens die and dont they have souls to get fried in hell?:cheesy:
Can the 'Soul' in any way be called conscience, that make us feel guilty after doing something bad?
Are there ways for finding out what i was in last birth, and will ones 'Soul' be born again ? i mean will my soul be reborn as another human? If so why he never remembers his previous life?
isro222@ are you an atheist? i think an atheist does not believe in aliens or Gods...:rolleyes:
I think its about heaven and hell mentioned in all religious books as another world. Or could it be another planets where we go after death???:what:
I think isro2222 is a Reptilian alien sympathiser who is scaring humans so that we produce -ve energy,which will benefit reptilians to defeate Arcturians or Humanoid aliens in the war to conquer earth.:cheesy::cheesy:

lol..where does Islam mention this?

No idea. I said, may be.

How Islam Nurtured Science Fiction - Faith & the Sciences - Health & Science - OnIslam.net

The subject isn't discussed enough in detail.
It may be true... The bodies foundin the Indus Valley Civilization in Mohejandaro in Pakistan look like they've been through nuclear radiation and traces of uranium have been found in them..
@Sajan a Soul is not from a Heart.... A soul is Brain energy that we have in every human. It was told by Arcturians that Soul is Brain energy of human which got memories.... People believed that Soul is in our Heart and when we die the Soul leaves our Heart but a Heart dont have Memory. A boy from india proved it.... When he born and became 4 years old he told parents he a scientist from america. He never went school but yet he knew phD.... He told he wanted to know do we born again and he found out that we born again after death.... He said our Soul is white orb energy from Brain. The Brain energy travels and goes in heaven in sky or hell below earth. He went up in sky and been told by Brightest light (Arcturians) to born again as human. Now he teaches in university at age 15. His handwriting matched with the scientist and he met his family who lived in america. He told he indeed family member. The Reptilians got the technology to torture our brain energy. While arcturians too knows how to take positive energy.... The reptilians is in lower 4th dimension while arcturians are in lower 6th dimension. We are in 3rd dimension and we use only 10percent of our brain. There is 10 dimension but in our galaxy the hightest is 6th dimention (higher must be in other galaxy).... The higher dimension the higher technology advanced....
Chances are..in the unlikely event that it does happen..
There will be a section of the human race willing to sell the rest of us out.. if only to serve as alien pets..

@JonAsad few years ago i didn't believe in aliens until i have seen UFO over mumbai airport.... Then i started meditation and then i concentrated on Right frequency to meet Arcturians.... Atlast i met them in my dream.... It wasnt a dream and i know it. i have talked with Arcturian violet (one of rays) and he told me they created Hindu Gods, christian God, muslim God etc etc.... anyone can meet them. Ask me if u want to meet them.... (by the way they live on our positive energy)....

My mom always said no to drugs....:).Now i can see the side effect...:-)Funny boy
In mahabharata its written that Atlantis Empire destroyed Rama Empire and then indian Gods made Atlantis empire dissapeared out of planet (made them sunk).... In Mahabharata its written that Atlantis empire had same technology like Rama empire (ufo fleets and Nuclear bombs).... They written that Atlantis empire and Rama empire faught on Moon too (why would they fight each other on moon? Unless until they fighting someone else together).... Now my theory is that i doubt Atlantis empire and Rama empire faught each other.... It must be Reptilian vs Human war. Atlantis empire knew rama Empire powerful and had same technology. Both Atlantis empire and Rama empire came together and decided to fight Reptilians but both Empires been nuked by Reptilians.... The evidence is in indus valley. There radio active human bones found. In that war in the end came Lord Vishnu, Lord Krishna and Thunder bolt God Lord Dev indra (all were Alien created Powerful Gods. They were Aliens with special power).... They launched an attack on Reptilians and defeated them and thats how humans got chance to live and increase population....
In mahabharata its written that Atlantis Empire destroyed Rama Empire and then indian Gods made Atlantis empire dissapeared out of planet (made them sunk).... In Mahabharata its written that Atlantis empire had same technology like Rama empire (ufo fleets and Nuclear bombs).... They written that Atlantis empire and Rama empire faught on Moon too (why would they fight each other on moon? Unless until they fighting someone else together).... Now my theory is that i doubt Atlantis empire and Rama empire faught each other.... It must be Reptilian vs Human war. Atlantis empire knew rama Empire powerful and had same technology. Both Atlantis empire and Rama empire came together and decided to fight Reptilians but both Empires been nuked by Reptilians.... The evidence is in indus valley. There radio active human bones found. In that war in the end came Lord Vishnu, Lord Krishna and Thunder bolt God Lord Dev indra (all were Alien created Powerful Gods. They were Aliens with special power).... They launched an attack on Reptilians and defeated them and thats how humans got chance to live and increase population....

Whoa. No shyte!
Why America (goverment) loves the Greys and Reptilians so much?.... Answer is very simple. Its the Reptilians that made America super power of world through War.... Its the Reptilians who told America to launch an war in short gap for making economy strong.... Reptilians loves war and so do America. Now i tell you why Reptilians loves America.... War brings money for America and Negative energy for Reptilians (people panic and fear in war) In india RAHU is a most powerful moon node (to me its my lord too).... RAHU known as dragon HEAD and has magical powers.... Its a lord of 6th sence.... RAHU rules number 4 in Numerology.... America celebrates indepence day on 4th of July.... President obama birthday too comes on 4th.... Planet rahu rules gemstone Garnet (hessonite).... America stone is garnet.... Anyone who got Rahu strong in horoscope chart likely to become president of America.... George Bush worshiped Rahu. So do mr obama. The Reptilians communicate with America through Greys. Anyone who try to expose greys gets killed by secret biological weapon (chemical)....
YouTube - Dr. Karla Turner MURDERED for Exposing Alien Greys - Full 2-Hr Lecture
@Zabaniya we all are Aliens.... We are hybrid between Apes and Alien Humanoids.... This was expriment done by Aliens and they still doing expriment by our DNA and making new Hybrid for other Planets.... Aliens created us all....
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