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Three former Turkish generals get 20 years in historic coup trial

I'll highlight it in the article.

What is your point by posting a convicted person`s son-in-law`s article regarding this trail? How do you expect us to believe that Dani Rodrik is a neutral person? Go and get a neutral person instead of him. During the trail, he always tried to manipulate the truth and dilute the trail. I know a lot of people who even did not read indictment, listen to witnesses such as Former Chief of Staffs Hilmi Ozkok and Yasar Buyukanit who testified on the trails and confirmed the accusation of prosecutor against those generals are against this kind of trails because of their ideology or beliefs.

-Before arrests and jailed by AKP's court(with evidence planted by Cultist Police members) why those generals/officers didn't actually made coup when they have power to do so?

- Those generals could not plot the coup because Former Chief of Staff Hilmi Ozkok (he served as Chief of Staff from 2002 to 2006) stood against those generals and did not allow them plot the coup.

-Why didn't army made coup when whole Izmir shout for coup during mass Republic Protests few years ago?[/B]

- If you read the indictment, you can see that the Republic Protestors were organized for aiming to plot the coup. Therefore, evidence and witnesses confirm the aim of the protestors. In addition, Sener Eruygur (Former General Commanders of the Gendarmerie) and Retired General Hursit Tolon who were the one of the orginizers and supporters of those protestors are on the trail because of the planning coup.

-Why same generals/officers simply made Tayyip , his friends and followers of Fethullah Gulen cult disappear? Before all this game started , before 2001 elections and before AKP ever elected when they have power to do anything?[/B]

- I really did not understand what you mean in these questions. Please be more clear.

This is my last words regarding this issue. My purpose was just to announce the result of Balyoz (Sledgehammer) Trail. If I want I can discuss you regarding all coup trails and provide a lot of sources and information as a person who strongly opposed the coups and believes in democracy. But I know those discussions would be just waste of my time. It is extremely hard to convince someone (I mean here general I am not targeting a specific person) who already set his mind.

I hate corrupted and hypocrite politicians as much as I hate coups. But at least we can change those corrupted and hypocrite politicians whenever we want in the elections. On the other hand, there is no chance to get rid of the coup d`eta unless they want to leave. I think founder of our country, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, was thinking same thing and that is why he prohibited army officers to interfere and get into politics.
Abdülhamid resmini koymussun ama daha çok şey öğrenmelisin, Erdoğan din istismarcisi ve milletin sabri taşıyor.

I know one thing, if guys like you oppose something it must be the right path. Capiche?
The same people who term the court judgment is politically motivated didnt utter a single word when elected representative were hanged by the Army sponsored judiciary . What ever people say yet Erdogan is a fearless character.
Don't forget my words here Erdoğan is going to live his life in prison like he's doing, he's going to get what he did to people when AKP falls in a few years which is happening already and new prime minister let's see when all he's friends and him get stuck in a hole, I suggest imrali island is good, they can live together with his friends in there.
Don't forget my words here Erdoğan is going to live his life in prison like he's doing, he's going to get what he did to people when AKP falls in a few years which is happening already and new prime minister let's see when all he's friends and him get stuck in a hole, I suggest imrali island is good, they can live together with his friends in there.

You mean to say with Oclan?
elected representative goes to jail every where in the world and people move on with the political transition. Suppose if Erdogan goes to jail" according to your wish n speculation" then it wont be a big news that time.But jailing of mighty generals of Turkish Armed forces is really a big news and the change of the course in the country.
No not all of them are guilty e.g General Engin Alan because he didn't stand up when Erdoğan came into some place, because he never standed up Erdoğan pressured judges to get him in prison.
Almost every nation writes this kind of scenarios. Two years ago, Germans also constructed a similar scenario exactly like Sledgehammer. It was about a theoritical European war etc. Does it mean Germans are preparing for another World War? Fvck no, it is just a SCENARIO.
'Türk milletine taarruz eden düşman önce Türk subayını aşağılamak ister'

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Possible translation:

'The enemy will first try to humilate the Turkish officers before attacking the Turkish Nation''.

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
No not all of them are guilty e.g General Engin Alan because he didn't stand up when Erdoğan came into some place, because he never standed up Erdoğan pressured judges to get him in prison.

AFAIK Prime Minister comes second in protocol in Turkish constitution , If the any General had done the same in India who would have terminated on the same day.
Not even single one officer/general left country or hide , instead they gone to their own unit headquarters to surrender 1 day after the arrest order issued for them.

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