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Three Different Radars Recorded The SU-30 Kill

Kindly tell us what particular handicap do you suffer from? e.g.Mongoloid, ADSD, PTSD, Stunted growth, slum upbringing inferiority complex etc
Here is a veritable international coalition of sources that call bullshit on all your claims...Find a non Indian source that agrees with you.





Using open-source evidence and satellite imagery, we were able to confirm the location of the Indian airstrike to be near Balakot, rather than inside it, and firmly within Pakistani territory. The target was supposedly a JEM-led madrassa, but we were unable to confirm that any bombs reached buildings associated with it.

The recent tension between India and Pakistan has been marked by disinformation from both sides. Local media’s reporting of unsubstantiated facts and rumours, together with online trolls, have made it difficult to discern the reality of the situation. The satellite imagery suggests that the claims made by India’s Ministry of External Affairs of ‘a very large number’ of militants being killed in the strike are likely false.

The SPICE-2000 is a precision-guided bomb that should not miss its target by the approximately 100 meters that the impact craters were from the nearest structures. The autonomous nature of the SPICE-2000 adds mystery to why the bombs seemed to miss. Satellite imagery did not suggest that any damage was inflicted to nearby buildings. Vegetation and low imagery resolution could hypothetically obscure structural damage, but this remains highly improbably. Something appears to have gone wrong in the targeting process — exactly what, however, remains unclear in the open-source evidence.




Some people say the US knows it lost an F-16 but can’t admit it for commercial/pride reasons. Let me just say that Pakistan has many enemies in the US bureaucracy and even more on the Hill, and I think if Pakistan lost an F-16 they would gleefully leak it.









You should add Christian Fair tweets to this.... hot extra spicy effect
Both Su-30 were over lofty Pir Panjal range at the time.
On detecting missile fire, the Su-30 carried out a high speed dive behind the mountains to disappear from radar and return back to Halwara. (ground clutter in Pir Panjal is so high that even high flying Awacs radar cannot detect low flying jets over Pir Panjal).
The AMRAAM simply timed out after losing Lock and self detonated and it's debris was found near a village right on the foothills of Pir Panjal.

As IAF jets are forbidden to operate Solo, wingman also flew back to Halwara.

So according to you IAF took refuge behind the terrain, so nothing in this world could able to detect them. Did you massage your planes with some vanishing oil?

Mr Moodi's version is, our planes were hiding behind clouds.
Kindly tell us what particular handicap do you suffer from? e.g.Mongoloid, ADSD, PTSD, Stunted growth, slum upbringing inferiority complex etc
Is there an option for: All the Above

'cause clearly all signs are clear as day.
I just told you what happened then. If we had the Rafales, only the scale of your disaster would have been different.

Thanks. You forgot the indians threatened us with missiles attacks, you backed off because our PM said we will launch 3 for each missile you will launch... why threaten with missiles when you had as you say the upper hand ? Fact is no indian air fart seen near the border after the 27 feb !

That’s speaks more than any excuse you indian can fart.

Kindly tell us what particular handicap do you suffer from? e.g.Mongoloid, ADSD, PTSD, Stunted growth, slum upbringing inferiority complex etc

Just indian syndrome bro :D
Fact is no indian air fart seen near the border after the 27 feb !
That...and the fact they didn't want to increase the % of Crashes/Kills to their (already) outstanding Record.

India can make all the pro-Indian movies they want. They can write all the Articles they'd like. But nothing can be further from the Truth. The Indian Air Force sucks!

Plain & Simple. I mean its not because i'm saying it, because i'm a Pakistani (well actually I am), but just take a look at the Wiki Page for Military Crashes in 2019 (so far) - & it hasn't even been updated...


If you circle IAF in red on the page it'll look like nose bleed.

If you're not interested in going through that list, take the time out & watch the video from their own 'The Quint':

I just told you what happened then. If we had the Rafales, only the scale of your disaster would have been different.
I remember a decade ago someone saying if we had SU30 somethings would be different.. isn't that the lamest excuse like ever?
I say not Rafael if you had balls maybe somethings would indeed be different..
There isn’t much in the way of “evidence on the ground”. It's missile parameters and target behavior that fuel the claim along with some confusing intel.
In other words the PAF was expecting the Indian sources (IAF, government and media) to verify her claim. Such a confirmation never came. Instead IAF insisted that all Amraams were 'dodged'

Technically it should not have been claimed publicly from the start or retracted
Once the PAF had realized that the IAF is refusing to back up her claim it should have listed the kill as 'probable' until further evidence presented itself
His wingman Sqn Ldr N Singh safely returned back to Halwara after evading an AMRAAM.
Which is why 51 sqn also got AMRAAM dodger patch along with 221 Sqn Sukhois.

The job of the IAF pilots/Su-30s is to dodge PAF missiles and not fight back? Well, then Pakistan is in a pretty great shape. No wonder “had we had the Rafaels results would be different” statement is now India’s favorite excuse for feb 27th humiliation. Pakistan has nothing to worry about lol
I remember a decade ago someone saying if we had SU30 somethings would be different.. isn't that the lamest excuse like ever?
I say not Rafael if you had balls maybe somethings would indeed be different..
Lol. We followed you back in your own territory when you attacked. You just sat twiddling your thumbs when we attacked you. Speaks volumes about who has balls and who doesn't.

Thanks. You forgot the indians threatened us with missiles attacks, you backed off because our PM said we will launch 3 for each missile you will launch... why threaten with missiles when you had as you say the upper hand ? Fact is no indian air fart seen near the border after the 27 feb !

That’s speaks more than any excuse you indian can fart.

Just indian syndrome bro :D
Lol. India attacked when it chose to and you quickly fell in line and returner Abhinandan after serving him fantastic tea within 24 hours. Not heard of any LeT or JeM rallies since.

If you weren't scared you wouldn't have done any of this and instead started getting your missiles ready.

Listen Jackass as soon as the world learned of attack hundreds of satellites zoomed in to the location of so called strike.

Geo TV was there 48 hours later ( due to remote ovation and no roads on hills). Guess what they found: that Indians missed their target by a mile and killed a crow defending the target.

You cowards sneaked in at night ( under Modi’s instructions to hide under the clouds for stealth!!!!)

We came in broad day light after announcing that we are coming. Why was your border not defended ??? Oh wait it was defended but your pilots got scared and ran away.

We came we banged your brigade headquarters along with five other targets . That’s what your defence ministry said. Please check.

Modi has two holes in his back..... one from where he shits and talks and another where AMRAAM got stuck.

What disaster jackass .... you would have killed more crows and trees and made even smaller holes in tin roofs?
Lol. Except here is the reality —

Stopped thrice on 9 days. Just what did you need to clear?
Lol. We followed you back in your own territory when you attacked. You just sat twiddling your thumbs when we attacked you. Speaks volumes about who has balls and who doesn't.

Lol. India attacked when it chose to and you quickly fell in line and returner Abhinandan after serving him fantastic tea within 24 hours. Not heard of any LeT or JeM rallies since.

If you weren't scared you wouldn't have done any of this and instead started getting your missiles ready.

Pff what use could he been to us ? Nothing. We sent him back for his wife.

Cleaning house was already stated policy if im not mistaken.

It would have stupid from our part if you were threatening us with missiles attacks, and we stayed idle. Any country would have getting its own missiles ready. LET or JEM were in the target right or wrongly due to FAFT biais.

I would like to remember to all europeans that resistents during the second world war were considered as terrorists by nazis. But targetting people fighting for their freedom is same as insulting those resistents who gave their life for the freedom of their own country. And they were many who gave their life.

They voted for the plebiscite for the Kashmiris people but they themselve denie it so... what to do now ? Only waiting third world war to start.
India showed radar images with missing bips, and there were 10thousand explanations given.
Pakistan comes back with similar idea, it becomes gospel truth...

Heights of understanding technology ....
By the way what took you months to come up with same...guys had to learn mspaint ?
After the counting of F-16s by a third party, india was proved wrong.
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