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Thousands of Muslim pilgrims brave COVID-19 to gather in Indonesia


May 12, 2010
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Thousands of Muslim pilgrims brave COVID-19 to gather in Indonesia

Workers from the local disaster management authority spray disinfectant at a mosque in Surabaya, East Java, on Mar 17, 2020, amid concerns of the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. (Photo: AFP/Juni Kriswanto)

18 Mar 2020 07:55PM(Updated: 18 Mar 2020 08:00PM)

JAKARTA: Thousands of Muslim pilgrims from across Asia gathered in Indonesia on Wednesday (Mar 18), despite fears that their meeting could fuel the spread of a coronavirus, just two weeks after a similar event in Malaysia caused more than 500 infections.

Organisers and regional officials said the event in the world's fourth most populous nation had begun, although the regional police chief said he was making a last ditch-effort to persuade organisers to call it off.

"We are more afraid of God," one of the organisers, Mustari Bahranuddin, told Reuters, when asked about the risk of participants spreading the virus at the event in Gowa in Indonesia's province of South Sulawesi.

"Because everyone's human, we fear illnesses, death," he said. "But there's something more to the body, which is our soul."

Organisers had rejected a formal request from authorities to postpone the gathering, said a regional official, Arifuddin Saeni.

He estimated that 8,695 people had already assembled in Gowa, near the provincial city of Makassar, adding that the numbers would make it hard to put a halt to the proceedings.

"They are still coming," he said. "There are people from Thailand, Arabia, India and the Philippines."

The Malaysian event, held from Feb 27 to Mar 1, drew 16,000 followers.

Both gatherings in Indonesia and Malaysia were organised by members of Tablighi Jama'at, a global movement of evangelical Muslims that promotes proselytising, known as dakwah.


About two-thirds of Malaysia’s 790 infections have been traced to the meeting at a mosque complex on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, the capital.

Tiny neighbour Brunei has confirmed 50 infections linked to it, while Cambodia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam have also said citizens were infected there.

Organisers in Indonesia were checking pilgrims' temperatures as a precaution, Bahranuddin added. Saeni said health officials had visited the site and asked to monitor participants.

By Wednesday, Indonesia's tally of infections stood at 227, with 19 deaths. The nation of 260 million had run just 1,255 tests by Tuesday. By contrast, South Korea, with a population of a fifth that size, is doing more than 15,000 tests a day.

The Indonesian and Malaysian meetings had been organised by different groups, Bahranuddin said. Even so, he added, "Our purpose is one, even if the name changes, which is how we take religion to other people."

The same social media accounts were used to promote both events. One Facebook account displayed a photograph of a prominent Indian Tablighi cleric, Sheikh Maulana Ibrahim Dewla, leaving Kuala Lumpur airport on Tuesday for the Indonesia event.

Images on the account, Aalmi Tablighi Shura Elders, showed men setting up huge tents at the Indonesia site, and described them as having arrived early from Gulf nations to offer help.

Promotional material for the Indonesian gathering reviewed by Reuters read, "The pleasure of living in this world is only a little, compared to the afterlife."

Source: Reuters/ad


This event (from Mar 18 - ???) in Indonesia is separate from the one in Malaysia (Feb 27- Mar 1)
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Not sure if there is any travel restrictions imposed by Indonesia yet. Seems this event, like the one in Malaysia also have people coming from all over the world. A gathering of thousands at this time is not a good idea.

Same thing happened in BD as well.:hitwall:

Look like a Muslim group who are fanatics to their own leader interpretation rather than following what their prophet had said:

If you hear of an outbreak of plague in a land, do not enter it; if the plague breaks out in a place while you are in it, do not leave that place,” according to Sahih Al-Bukhari.
In Indonesia, no one fears about coronavirus.

Especially, in my city, even an entire province.

It just reminds me of Italy just days before the outbreak, people are so confident.

Psychologically, that is what most people feel and think around the world.

Even people who get a worse car accident, still hard to believe something like that can happens to them, but it's happened.

When you get a near-death experience, it's truly an eye-opening moment, that how fragile actually we are.

We are not a child anymore, who still have parents who take care of and protect us.

Everything seems fine and full of miracles (but we don't know behind the scene, our parents do everything for us).

When we grow up, we actually are like a car driver, driving our life.

Many people still feel it's like dreaming.
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So do you scared of Allah or corona...

Apart from there being explicit religious decrees for this exact situation, as quoted by @Indos, Islam forbids idiocy in pursuit of supposed religious goals. If any religious practice endangers the rights of others, anyone's health or the greater good then you are forbidden from indulging in it. If you do not then you are an epic moron who will be judged for transgressing against the divine law and the rights of others. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of lives that you will be endangering. You will be judged for every single life lost as well. Jahilana arguments of "you scared of Allah or corona" will not save you.

My Dad just turned away a troop of tablighis a couple of hours ago. Those idiots are going door to door endangering every single household that they visit. What brave men. Good thing I wasn't there.

Islam sides with logic and common sense, not religious dogma. This is not bravery, this is jahalat and outright murder.
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Thousands of Muslim pilgrims brave COVID-19 to gather in Indonesia

Workers from the local disaster management authority spray disinfectant at a mosque in Surabaya, East Java, on Mar 17, 2020, amid concerns of the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. (Photo: AFP/Juni Kriswanto)

18 Mar 2020 07:55PM(Updated: 18 Mar 2020 08:00PM)

JAKARTA: Thousands of Muslim pilgrims from across Asia gathered in Indonesia on Wednesday (Mar 18), despite fears that their meeting could fuel the spread of a coronavirus, just two weeks after a similar event in Malaysia caused more than 500 infections.

Organisers and regional officials said the event in the world's fourth most populous nation had begun, although the regional police chief said he was making a last ditch-effort to persuade organisers to call it off.

"We are more afraid of God," one of the organisers, Mustari Bahranuddin, told Reuters, when asked about the risk of participants spreading the virus at the event in Gowa in Indonesia's province of South Sulawesi.

"Because everyone's human, we fear illnesses, death," he said. "But there's something more to the body, which is our soul."

Organisers had rejected a formal request from authorities to postpone the gathering, said a regional official, Arifuddin Saeni.

He estimated that 8,695 people had already assembled in Gowa, near the provincial city of Makassar, adding that the numbers would make it hard to put a halt to the proceedings.

"They are still coming," he said. "There are people from Thailand, Arabia, India and the Philippines."

The Malaysian event, held from Feb 27 to Mar 1, drew 16,000 followers.

Both gatherings in Indonesia and Malaysia were organised by members of Tablighi Jama'at, a global movement of evangelical Muslims that promotes proselytising, known as dakwah.


About two-thirds of Malaysia’s 790 infections have been traced to the meeting at a mosque complex on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, the capital.

Tiny neighbour Brunei has confirmed 50 infections linked to it, while Cambodia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam have also said citizens were infected there.

Organisers in Indonesia were checking pilgrims' temperatures as a precaution, Bahranuddin added. Saeni said health officials had visited the site and asked to monitor participants.

By Wednesday, Indonesia's tally of infections stood at 227, with 19 deaths. The nation of 260 million had run just 1,255 tests by Tuesday. By contrast, South Korea, with a population of a fifth that size, is doing more than 15,000 tests a day.

The Indonesian and Malaysian meetings had been organised by different groups, Bahranuddin said. Even so, he added, "Our purpose is one, even if the name changes, which is how we take religion to other people."

The same social media accounts were used to promote both events. One Facebook account displayed a photograph of a prominent Indian Tablighi cleric, Sheikh Maulana Ibrahim Dewla, leaving Kuala Lumpur airport on Tuesday for the Indonesia event.

Images on the account, Aalmi Tablighi Shura Elders, showed men setting up huge tents at the Indonesia site, and described them as having arrived early from Gulf nations to offer help.

Promotional material for the Indonesian gathering reviewed by Reuters read, "The pleasure of living in this world is only a little, compared to the afterlife."

Source: Reuters/ad


RETARDS. May Allah give them some sense.

bunch of fucking moron, i am a moslem but this kinda action and thinking make a bad name for islam


So do you scared of Allah or corona...

IF you are scared of Allah, then you will firstly learn the religion in all of its detail --- which will then reveal that you should NOT carry on with such events when there is a virus that you can get infected with and spread to others. So, in conclusion, these idiots are clearly not scared of Allah

This is what prophet Muhammad had said:

If you hear of an outbreak of plague in a land, do not enter it; if the plague breaks out in a place while you are in it, do not leave that place,” according to Sahih Al-Bukhari.

Exactly! But there's just too much idiocy.

Apart from there being explicit religious decrees for this exact situation, as quoted by @Indos, Islam forbids idiocy in pursuit of supposed religious goals. If any religious practice endangers the rights of others, anyone's health or the greater good then you are forbidden from indulging in it. If you do not then you are an epic moron who will be judged for transgressing against the divine law and the rights of others. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of lives that you will be endangering. You will be judged for every single life lost as well. Jahilana arguments of "you scared of Allah or corona" will not save you.

Islam sides with logic and common sense, not religious dogma. This is not bravery, this is jahalat.

Precisely. Trust in God but tie your camel!!!

These morons should be banned from hospitals (pray to Allah), should never be vaccinated (ask Allah for protection) and should be left to bleed out if they are ever injured/shot.
So do you scared of Allah or corona...
There is an option to pray at home and prevent spread of disease by avoiding crowded place. There is a reason why numerous prayer events have been cancelled in countries around the world.
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