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Thousands of ISIS fighters regrouping in Afghanistan. Russian FSB chief.

They seem to have good training, funding and arms. Look at their uniforms , seem to be a branch of a military than ISIS fanatics. How come they haven't been infiltrated yet which means they must be new and flown in for the party.
USA gonna use 'em against Iran. We all know that ISIS has created by America-israel-UK.
They use those terrorists to redesign, reform the state which is a problem for Ziyonist Israel.
Second terror group is YPG/SDF-PKK .they have created it against Turkey.
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According to dr shahid masood hizbollah is coming to Afghanistan!!!!

With the yanks pressuring Pakistan economically in a bid to control talibs and if there any truth in iran launching hizbollah. The game is getting out of hand in afghani ville.

I highly doubt isis will succeed because the region wont allow it. But if the yanks Indians and other allies want to keep thei tentacles then lets see what they pull out of their hats.
If anyone had any doubts, now it is time to bury them. Support Taliban to kick out Daesh from Afghanistan.

Interesting tho the Russians have double played on their stance with the Indians the Russians see CA as they are near abroad hence they are on alert we should take advantage of their concerns sane with Chinese in Xinjiang
USA gonna use 'em against Iran. We all know that ISIS has created by America-israel-UK.
They use those terrorists to redesign, reform the state which is a problem for Ziyonist Israel.
Second terror group is YPG/SDF-PKK .they have created it against Turkey.
FYI: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/mapp...ation-inherent-resolve-to-defeat-isis.618878/

US created SDF to counter ISIS movement in Syria, kurd had the numbers to get the job done. Some people do not realize this but ISIS was a much bigger monster than PKK could ever hope to be, and defeating ISIS was necessary. Now that ISIS is neutralized across the Middle East, Turkey have tacit approval from US to take PKK to task: https://m.yenisafak.com/en/world/turkish-jets-deal-major-blow-to-pkk-terrorists-in-n-iraq-3481675

Russia = 'information warfare' to shape narratives. They do not want PAK - US relations to normalize. Russians are as trustworthy as Indians - propaganda masters.

Afghanistan is in chaos and a breeding ground for terrorists, what is new?
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