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Thousands In Israel Chanting For Pak Army To Liberate Jerusalem

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Albeit it's from last year, the video shows that of all the countries in the Muslim world, the Palestinians call out to Pakistan Army to liberate Jerusalem.

No Pakistan can't take that duty right now first they we liberate Kashmir and then concentrate on Jerusalem.
we feel proud when they chat pakistan zindabad .......... you know what that means your army has failed in kashmir ... in their hearts they still love pakistan ... we feel really proud tell me one place in pakistan chat this for india ??
Continue to feel proud..while your own motherland gets plundered...why would India mind.
Forget about it ; let us not derail the thread

My initial point is still valid that
IF Pakistan has to spend money and manpower to liberate some place
it must be Kashmir not Jeruselam
so you want us to liberate kashmir great ..............how come you are indian ....o_Oo_O you have raised good point and i agree with you but you see Jerusalem has more importance to the Muslims than any other place in the world try to read some history before uttering any word ..

No Pakistan can't take that duty right now first they we liberate Kashmir and then concentrate on Jerusalem.
Here comes Indian troll under the banned of Bangla flag ..... For Muslims Jerusalem is more important than any other place
Continue to feel proud..while your own motherland gets plundered...why would India mind.
my mother land is secured but your media cries every day about that you scared from us look at your media they cry every day

I want Pakistan to START something ; so that we can TAKE IT FURTHER ..... :p:
pakistan is not bangladesh where your bsf would kill every day :p:
Why are they not chanting for Kashmir in return?

Here in London so many Pakistanis and South Asians attended a rally for Palestine. But no one attended for Kashmir. Where is reciprocation?

Its all about me me me. Self interested morons. They don't care if Pakistan explodes in the process, its all about them.

F**k that, recognize Israel and time to build relations with civilized people of the world. Not these mosquitoes.
Why are they not chanting for Kashmir in return?

Here in London so many Pakistanis and South Asians attended a rally for Palestine. But no one attended for Kashmir. Where is reciprocation?

Its all about me me me. Self interested morons. They don't care if Pakistan explodes in the process, its all about them.

F**k that, recognize Israel and time to build relations with civilized people of the world. Not these mosquitoes.

Just look at how much help the arabs have been on the issue of Kashmir...

But they want us to go all gun blazing in for them, look at Saudia right now and our leaders running after them like dogs..
my mother land is secured but your media cries every day about that you scared from us look at your media they cry every day

pakistan is not bangladesh where your bsf would kill every day :p:

Of course not ; but we have a HUGE Army and IAF waiting for some action on Pakistan border


Please let us not derail this thread with Kashmir

Please stop all references on Kashmir
Of course not ; but we have a HUGE Army and IAF waiting for some action on Pakistan border
You dont knwo about the history than ..... read some history and it is filled with stories how the smaller armies defeated the bigger ones ................. The bigger you are the harder you fall ..........end of argument with you
how they can ever be stable when they are attacking yemen and working for the monarchs.
pakistan army is fighting inside the country
pakistan army is fighting inside the country

inside not finished, kashmir still hanging, attacking yemen for sake of money from monarchs. no signs of stabilization.
We feel an adrenaline rush to shoot such traitor bastards. It also helps in traget practice for young army recruits. :sniper:
indian has put years of investment in kashmir yet they chant

PAKISTAN ZINDABAD:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

how does that feel ..........
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