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This UAE General worships Bin Zayed and gets guidance from him.

Luffy 500

Jan 2, 2012
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Look at this pathetic slave mentality UAE general. If these kind of cretins qualify to become generals in the UAE- then UAE has a dysfunctional military IMHO. I am putting his Islam nullifying cringe worthy statement verbatim below (watch the video from 1.08 min to 1.15 min):

"I think they should listen to Muhammad Bin Zayed, because he is our guidance and wisdom comes out of that man, and we look at him and we just worship him".

Apparently this general gets giudance from Bin zayed and worships bin zayed instead of Allah (swt). Nauzubillah. You can't make this up. Does this guy being an arab not know the very basic creed and vernacular of Islam. No wonder UAE is the most islamophobic state in ME at the moment.


@Iqbal Ali @war&peace @Psychic @Khafee @Apprentice @Banglar Bir @dsr478 @Zarvan @AUz @Dai Toruko @Verve @HAKIKAT @Arsalan @Samlee @Max @Khafee @jamal18 @Narendra Trump @mb444 @Mirzah @shah_123 @Avicenna
@Meengla @Lagay Raho @Dawood Ibrahim @simple Brain @Malik Abdullah @Mrc @Fledgingwings @tesla @Timur
Figurative speech, even the first question was edited! however, people are free to lighten up their hearts.

jet set go............
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