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The Saudi-UAE media attack on Erdoğan

Does Mud slinging by GCC regimes at Turkey NOT prove that Erdogan's actions appeals to GCC muslims?

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It is becoming an unhealthy habit of some to bash Saudi Arabia and UAE at every forum.

Turkey has visible state-to-state relations with Israel.

People are literally clueless about antics of Tayyip Erdogan. He is not only an opportunist but is known to back-stab his friends and allies when it suit his agenda. He and Gullen used to be friends in the past but they drifted apart due to Erdogan's aristocratic mentality.

What I see in this case is the height of irony on the part of Turkish leadership. And Erdoganists.
im waiting for a time when we dont getting the blame of other countries problems
ardogan has problemtic charecter and alot of countries in the region understand that
As much as every muslim has respect and a sense of brotherly kinship with Arabs, it is so disappointing to see the Arab rulers as being the prime backstabbers to the Ummah.
Not getting into Erdogan vs Arab rulers but lately Arab rulers have been ridiculous ,clueless, spineless and outright idiots who are hell bent in dragging the region to flames.
Let me tell you dear Saudis, this ignorant in the guise of a reformist which you call MBS, will take you towards your end and destruction. A destruction which will destroy the fabric of your society and will make you humiliated infront of your enemies. One day you will recall these days as good old ones in which the only issue you had was 'wahabi extremism'.
The path being undertaken by MBS will bring much more dreadful days.
@Luffy 500 I could not imagine Saudi Arabia working on an agenda that is against the interests of Muslims. It just shows Saudi rulers use their position as custodians of the two Holy Mosque to promote their political agnda in the Arab and Muslim world.

The attack on Turkey shows that the conscience of these two countries - UAE and Saudi Arabia has been pricked. Erdogan message was for all Muslim world. He did not pick or criticize any country yet these countries are the forefront slandering Erdogan and Turkey.

At this moment, Saudi and Israeli agenda coincides in Middle East. This is enough to shame Saudis.
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