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This is why I love the the military wing of Hamas

@Aeronaut with all due respect, all i try to do is expose the full evilness of some select muslim strategies and tactics, that muslims here keep saying is "anti-islam"?? strange, very strange, imo.

but i can ease up on the insults, since it's not having the effect i want. i was hoping to slap you awake with insults, hazzy.

You are not restricted from debate on this topic as long as you are witnin the forum rules.

Please refrain from using euphemisms like 72 virgins etc. Its a western invention at Islam's expense, no such thing exists in the Quran, not even a reference.
You are not restricted from debate on this topic as long as you are witnin the forum rules.

ack, feel free to point those out to me by means of more thread bans, but you might have noticed i've changed my tune already, and will keep it at that more polite tune coz my experiment with arrogance kinda failed.
Please refrain from using euphemisms like 72 virgins etc. Its a western invention at Islam's expense, no such thing exists in the Quran, not even a reference.
that teaches me something new, and eh, will do :)

Where have you criticized your administration? Not like Netherlands has done much wrong, but you consider NATO and Israel to also be your administrations. :lol:

Being loyal to administrations does not mean you can't be loyal to your government.

I am loyal to my government, respect the laws, procedures here, pay taxes, bills, file taxes, etc.. Etc... And am loyal and sympathetic with my government in Michigan.

That doesn't mean I'm loyal to the military industry or the administration in the White House. :D

Sorry to break it to you I am a loyal citizen.

and i bet you stay on the physically peaceful side to be a voice here. a voice i've appreciated in the past sometimes, and today.

i've criticized my administrations on israelmilitary.net and (google search->)republican forum compuserve, among other places. i also regularly inform nato administrations (as they come and go, ever since 9/13/2001) of my worldview as it evolves against the news i have access to. i watch aljazeera too sometimes, and that gives me plenty of ammunitions that i convert to paintball shots sorta say, and then send that to these nato administrations.

You don't need to satisfy my wish, :D, I just had known someone like you who argued with me on middle eastern current events and I got him to change his political mind then he came to me and said he's considering converting to Islam and he is now secretly a Muslim because he would be disavowed by friends and family. :D
FOOOOOORGEEET IT. *I* ain't converting away from my comfy Catholic Church cushion! :D
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Good for you than, I never really had a serious problem with you but it would be nice to understand each other better.
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