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This Is the Ultimate MiG-21

the JFT reminds me of the JAS39 Gripen at least in its looks.

the article is quite +ve about the JFT.
JF-17 is the ultimate fighter aircraft for $25,000,000.

That is the Miracle China and Pakistan can brag about.

Dollar for Dollar, no other fighter even comes close to this baby.

You Can't Touch this , Homeboy......

Not exactly. The aircraft still has growth restraints unless better materials and a more powerful engine is put in. But then, that is all speculation given the unknown quantity that is the aircraft's future growth roadmap.
Potential exists, the question is how far are you willing to refine it... Like that other taiwanese fck something, it had potential, but not much effort was put in to keep refining it...or that's what it seems like.
well lets see whether ws-13 does make it to thunder or not. importantly what will be its performance as compared to rd-93
JF17 looks wise looks nothing like the Gripen

Gripen has delta wings

ses below


The JF17 wings look more like the J7 MF which was the last of the F7/MIG21 copies from china

plz note i am talking design not capability

Thanks Sir for your output I am not really good at Air Force stuff so I wanted to know hope to see JF-17 Thunder BLOCK II fully loaded really soon


The better word is 'input' not output---.

Technology has reached a stage where you can take an average aircraft---add a massive radar--jammers and 21st century WVR and BVR's and you have created a monster.

Put this equipment in a decent aircraft and you have a very potent weapons system. On the JF17, the radar will have its limittions because of the size that it can be fitted in and so would be the jamming capabilites---.

The other goodies will perform very well---the bvrs the wvrs the anti ship missiles---the ground strike capabilites---in the end---it would be a numbers game.

The better word is 'input' not output---.

Technology has reached a stage where you can take an average aircraft---add a massive radar--jammers and 21st century WVR and BVR's and you have created a monster.

Put this equipment in a decent aircraft and you have a very potent weapons system. On the JF17, the radar will have its limittions because of the size that it can be fitted in and so would be the jamming capabilites---.

The other goodies will perform very well---the bvrs the wvrs the anti ship missiles---the ground strike capabilites---in the end---it would be a numbers game.
Sorry thanks for correcting me that is good to hear that is good than I hope our economy gets better soon so we can induct JF-17 in large numbers and also go for J-10 B
Sorry thanks for correcting me that is good to hear that is good than I hope our economy gets better soon so we can induct JF-17 in large numbers and also go for J-10 B
Economy will not improve until TTP (alias JI/JUI) swines are eradicated once for all. You are however free to daydream.
Sorry thanks for correcting me that is good to hear that is good than I hope our economy gets better soon so we can induct JF-17 in large numbers and also go for J-10 B


Just think of SPARTA---when the indians talk down of JF17---we are a smaller country----so a lesser in number but very potent aircraft will do the job for us.

In order for them to over power us---they need minimum of three times the numbers----three times the numbers they will never ever have---that is just to face us---. Then they need to cover their six---iechina---.

The u s will not come to their rescue---there is bad blood between the u s nd them----nd the u s never forgets the insults----. They will never get any source code of aim120's---u s will never tell them about any weaknesses in the missiles or the f16's or the radar---.

Remember---pilots are a different breed---american pilots like pakistani pilots---they have a lot of respect fpor the pak pilots.

They would want to learn from the paks how they shot down the SU30---the mirage 2ks and other aircraft----.

Just remeber---when you go to a war---you fight with the weapons that you have---so you better learn how to get the best out of them.

The JF17 has a killer array of weapons---in the end---it would all come down to is numbers---.
Economy will not improve until TTP (alias JI/JUI) swines are eradicated once for all. You are however free to daydream.
well they are not going any where still don't worry peace would come and these planes would be inducted mean while enjoy your wet dreams about USA
well they are not going any where still don't worry peace would come and these planes would be inducted mean while enjoy your wet dreams about USA
They are inshaAllah going to hell, you terrorist supporter and sympathizer. If the GoP will not do it, we the common Pakistanis will do it. Time is not far when these swines along with their supporters and sympathizers will be skinned and hanged with the lamp posts in Pakistan. Just hang on and see what is coming after you.
Master khan. Your making it too simplistic to suggest a big radar and good weapons makes a good fighter.

Good engine with low maintenance
Modern unstable fcs
Low rcs with composite airframe
Open architecture to carry western weapons variety
Real time force multiplers like awacs and GPS satalite
Ew suites of high capability

All add to s good multi role fighters
They are inshaAllah going to hell, you terrorist supporter and sympathizer. If the GoP will not do it, we the common Pakistanis will do it. Time is not far when these swines along with their supporters and sympathizers will be skinned and hanged with the lamp posts in Pakistan. Just hang on and see what is coming after you.
O really common Pakistanis are not going to do anything Mr because they know who became USA pet dogs and betrayed Pashtuns and attacked them which resulted in creation of TTP Mr it was a USA slave like you Musharraf who destroyed our Armed Forces by sending them in and destroyed Pakistan
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