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"This is no hope of India becoming the next China..."

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When they talk about becoming next China what they mean is a country that develops in the same speed as China has done. Who wouldn't want that?:crazy:

Nope, we have already outpaced china in the terms of speed of development, what they are talking about is the size of the economy, we dont want to emulate china when it comes to economic and other policies.
They say you are as big as your dreams..
India should be appreciated for having this dream of being the next China.
But some dreams are meant to materialize while others always stay dreams.
Too many problems to solve before this dreams becomes a reality..India is a big country having huge problems.
Authorianism will not work in India. Democracy is only the way of life in India, and the economic principles that comes with it.
How come a demaocracy country is more corrupt than a n authoritarian country according to each year's report by the international transparency? ironic,huh?

I think the analyst in suit is a pakistani pretending to an Indian to piss off Indian viewers,the impressions Indians struck me as were all highflutin,boastful and ungrounded,never saw pessimistic one like him:D
How come a demaocracy country is more corrupt than a n authoritarian country according to each year's report by the international transparency? ironic,huh?

I think the analyst in suit is a pakistani pretending to an Indian to piss off Indian viewers,the impressions Indians struck me as were all highflutin,boastful and ungrounded,never saw pessimistic one like him:D

China is more corrupt than India.

Unlike in China, Indian people are not ready to nod at whatever the government says. And that is a problem to impose authoritarian regime in India
China is more corrupt than India.

Unlike in China, Indian people are not ready to nod at whatever the government says. And that is a problem to impose authoritarian regime in India
You only slightly ranked ahead of us for a single time only in 2015,i can't believe you still have the face to mention that))))

As to the freedom of choosing to agree or disagree on the government's propositions,yea,good for you,you are indeed more free than us on that issue,but far as I heard is that Indian government only talks or brags about propositions,Chinese government tends to implement them and make them come to tangible fruitions))))
We will be the first and only "India".

We will forge our unique path and one that other's will wish to emulate.

No thanks, we don't wish to be like China.

Indians do not have the Manufacturing base, Organisational midset and decisevness of the chinease people.


India will never grow to be as BIG OR AS STRONG as China. IMO humbly
India WILL grow and attain a very creditable place to be very strong regional power ie The Fourth Biggest GDP on the plant by 2030 with ease.

This will give india plenty of clout IN COMING DECADE as a very important country.

BUT INDIA will never achieve high living standards for all.


PER CAPITA INCOME WILL remain low compared to 70% of the world even by 2030 AND infracstucture will still be way behind china S Korea Japan etc.
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