Europe isn’t dying. It’s already dead. PIGS are a basket case and Germany is the only thing holding that continent together. And no, Europe don’t have an independent foreign policy. Europe is essentially a vassal of the American empire. Almost all the European politicians are under the control of the American intelligence community. You can’t do a damn thing about it because Europe is a weak and helpless child.
France and the UK do anything to keep down a successful and competitive PIGS.
Been that way since Greek independence. And was from the start of Italian reunification. And Italian reunification looted the successful Southern Italians to the benefit of undeveloped and poor Northern Italians. Northern Italians were given the jobs and Southern Italians flocked away from the south due to deliberate suppression of success of Southern Italy. I have relatives on 4 continents. It is a case not of lazy Greeks and Mediterraneans, there was a division in the cia to destroy Italian-American success and went particularly to destroy the vibrant Italian neighborhoods (IE: Michael Jones, a cia bot, documented this cia mission to destroy Italians in the usa decades ago). Before there was a war on successful Chinese, there was the 100 years war on successful Italians in Italy Diaspora. The problem is Stockholm syndrome is very high among PIGS. These individuals have become a lost cause because cia bots those who are trying to destroy Mediterraneans with racial hatred and poverty (ie: Greece), have bought the BBC narrative and CNN narrative and Newsmax narrative hook line and sinker.
The cia manages these euro trash, to back onto the cia reservations to get these idiots into supporting those which destroyed Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal. Case in point, E Michael Jones, who is pro-Iran and anti-cia. Yet is a trump supporter 100%. How mentally ill do you have to be to be 100% pro-Iran, then believe trump is fighting the cia and is pro-Iran too. The last movement of sane Europeans was occupy wall street and the ron paul revolution. The cia hated these movements. Fast forward 10 years, and these same europeans are nearly 100% supporting the cia to stop the rise of Asia. Not only does this prove that these individuals are knee jerk racists, it proves the individuals have negative iq levels. And there is no reaching them. For instance if there is some economic crisis, Washington is gonna blame chi-nuh and real estate, not that the usa economy being a house of cards that export crisis and inflation and disaster economics. So these euro trash are gonna buy BBC lies about blame Chi-nuh. There is no reaching those who want slavery to anglo racists. I view them as more stupid than cia trash.
For instance Jeff Rense is a cia bot, much like E Michael Jones and here is what Rense knows about the fake usa economy:
trump was the take over and shut down of the resistance to the cia, and each anti-cia person online spreading the truth fell for either following trump or being anti-communist cia bot. I have not found any Ron Paul supporters that defend the Chinese. There aren't any remaining. The resistance is with places like the Gravel Institute (euro left wing) and the Chinese pro-China bloggers. These libertarians and the rest of the europeans are not the same that were online 10 years ago. Each psy-op worked on these. There is no libertarian forum I can go to, to tell about the new cia psy-ops and warn the libertarians not to fall for the cia. Because these cia bot libertarians are in that dead reality of the cia, posting exactly what the cia agents would post. The libertarian movement is 100% cia. The pro-Europe/defend Europe is 100% cia. I found out that Angela Merkel was hated by actual cia trolls online, not only the cia bots that follow the cia trolls. That means the cia wants a weak and docile European and Merkel was on a limited good side of another option other than Washington.
For Greeks, there is no independent thought, simply "we want to get rid of these refugees and I align with the far Reichers to rid Europe of immigrants." So cia works on that racism.
Watch a classic movie called They Live. And that is what happened to most of Europe. Those who were supposedly fighting the cia, are now bought out:
There is no fellowship with sellouts. And I am a Novatianist. I suggest Chinese to follow the principle of Novatian. Who rejected the lapsed. You can use them, however, there is no fellowship.
You know who worships anglos, Hindutva Indians. when you mirror the racist Hindutvas, it is not a healthy sign.