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Third firing of Astra maximum range of approximately 90 km

Water Car Engineer

Sep 25, 2010
Reaction score
United States
Anything less than 200+ kms is useless at this point in time.

Astra has a long way to go before it can take on PL-15.

Not meant to take on PL15. A whole other missile program is intended for that. Both Astra mark 1 and 2 a very much relevant.
Thanks. Noted.
along with their longer range version, so 100 km BVR is not useless as you assume USAF using AMRAAM C-5 with a range of 105 km/ Russia using basic version of R-77 with a range of 80-100 km/ Chinese using basic SD-10 with a range of 70-80 km @PaulSimon
We should make mark2 version of it as we cannot let enemy have range advantage over us in BVR engagements. Our Flankers had to go defensive and dodge the AMRAAMSs on feb 27 when paf pilot fired their missile from around 100 kms away and fled. Although Flankers easily dodged them as in terminal stages A2A missiles are easy to dodge but that snatched away the opportunity from the Flanker pilots to shoot down Pakistani plane due the range limitation of their 70 km R77s. In all future engagements Pakistani will try to avoid getting in WVR engagements with us as it would mean certain death for them as they cannot outmaneuver the Su30 that is why we need a missile like meteor with 200+ km range.
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