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Think Tanks - Please help!


Well yea, thats my top choice, and ill see to it :D
A couple of things to consider mate,

1. No chicks
Who cares about them anyway?
I mean, everything is difficult, but arent there engineers in the world?
Arent there men, who are better than other?
Do Istikhara and mashwara.
Sure will, Inshallah :)
First things first, you must not go against your parents. That means you should try to convince them using reason, not emotional drama. Find out what their concerns are and try to communicate to them why you want to join the services, and I am sure after they've seen your passion, they will agree. Tell them that even in civilian life as a regular engineer, you will be subject to your seniors' will and will, likely, need to kiss-butt anyway. At least if you do your time in the Army/Air Force, you will be rewarded. In civilian live, with all the bureaucracy and politics, there is no guarantee you will succeed.

If it comes down to it, tell them to come with you to a recruiting and have them speak to the recruiters directly.

Out of high-school, one option I had was to join the Canadian Forces and complete my education at the Royal Military Academy, serve the mandatory 5 years, and then go to Pak to join PA/PAF. After speaking with my dad, I realized the many problems with this idea, and changed my mind. It took a few months, but gradually I started seeing things from my parents' perspective. I am so glad I did that.

Conversely, a Vietnamese-Canadian friend of mine joined the Canadian Forces against his parents will, and quit in less than a year. He hadn't thought it through and didn't discuss it with his parents. Now, he's too old to go back to high school and too under-skilled to get a have a serious career. In the last 5 years, he's joined the Army, Police Academy, Security Guards, etc. Each time he's quit in under a year.

That is an opinion. Most people believe Electrical Engineering to be the toughest, particularly the Electromagnetics and Systems Control fields. The field of Nuclear Engineering is also very difficult.

In India and Pakistan, Aero is very easy, mostly due to the level of R&D. My fellow-students in Aero dropped out of IIT and came to UofT for its Aero program.

Yeah, i am not going against them. I wont either.
I am currently 15 and have nearly 2 years to think over it.
This is a 'switch' in life, that depends on you future and success.
Hopefully i will make wise decision.
But, all i want to do is serve the country directly, in anyway i can.
Maybe ill decide between PA and Aero Engg, as my dad supports me in being a aerosapace engg :tup:

Thanks all for help, seeking for more posts from experts! :tup::tup:
Dont hesitate dude take aeronautical engg, and who says it is tough ,jab sher kuch karne ki thante hain to mushkilein apne aap unka rasta chhod detin hain.
Well, Overall Engineering is hard but that doesnt meat u cant do it. All you have to do is study hard and put in more effort. But make sure you choose your specialization in that particular field. I wos better off if i had taken Propulsion than Aircraft Design and Engineering, i got nothing. No Job :/
Yeah aeronautics is very hard...You r in the first year and I already am one , are u willing to go towards maintenance ?

Oh! Are you? That's nice. Yeah it indeed is difficult but it's worth it you know. And it's not even that hard, you've just gotta be on your toes all the time. That's it. I haven't decided yet but, I definitely wanna go in either designing or maintenance. Which one do you reckon is highest paid? Help pls? :)
Oh! Are you? That's nice. Yeah it indeed is difficult but it's worth it you know. And it's not even that hard, you've just gotta be on your toes all the time. That's it. I haven't decided yet but, I definitely wanna go in either designing or maintenance. Which one do you reckon is highest paid? Help pls? :)

Yes I am and currently a Masters. Regarding pays overall aviation jobs have higher pays but it all depends on your work experience + Dont do aeronautics for money keep it as ur interest or ull get lost in the way. If your seeking to go towards maintenance then its a different route. You need licenses in that case ur degree just counts as a side qualification whilst with designing u can apply in different companies although not boeing and airbus or ur lucky enough to , you have a chance in defence industry though. Propulsion or avionics will be good choice for ur bachelors degree. hope this helps u and my Pakistani brother :)
Yes I am and currently a Masters. Regarding pays overall aviation jobs have higher pays but it all depends on your work experience + Dont do aeronautics for money keep it as ur interest or ull get lost in the way. If your seeking to go towards maintenance then its a different route. You need licenses in that case ur degree just counts as a side qualification whilst with designing u can apply in different companies although not boeing and airbus or ur lucky enough to , you have a chance in defence industry though. Propulsion or avionics will be good choice for ur bachelors degree. hope this helps u and my Pakistani brother :)

Oh thank you for the advice. :) :tup:

The measure of success is whether or not you are having fun doing what you want to do -- so if you find that being a aeronautical engineer is what you really want to do - then I strongly encourage you to do just that -- you may find that you will have a number of competing interests, I hope you do and I hope you will make a effort to satisfy your interests. All the best -- make yourself proud of yourself, Pakistan will follow .:pakistan::cheers:
A wannabe engineer do not waste time on forums. You are 15 years old and trust me you are very late cause you are just deciding now. Please share (very brief) what is your present preparation, how you are grooming your self for the next big task ahead. Finish SSC sylabus before getting admissinon in SSC level. You now what I mean? Many like me did/does it in Inda.

Stop mucking around the clock is ticking. Stop asking others just go for it. Be ready to face the music things will come to you.

A brotherly advice from a professional, i hope you wont mind my blunt words.

The measure of success is whether or not you are having fun doing what you want to do -- so if you find that being a aeronautical engineer is what you really want to do - then I strongly encourage you to do just that -- you may find that you will have a number of competing interests, I hope you do and I hope you will make a effort to satisfy your interests. All the best -- make yourself proud of yourself, Pakistan will follow .:pakistan::cheers:
Thank you for that.
And what ever i do, ill do it so greatly that will make Pakistan follow. Just want ot serve this gret nation!
A wannabe engineer do not waste time on forums. You are 15 years old and trust me you are very late cause you are just deciding now. Please share (very brief) what is your present preparation, how you are grooming your self for the next big task ahead. Finish SSC sylabus before getting admissinon in SSC level. You now what I mean? Many like me did/does it in Inda.

Stop mucking around the clock is ticking. Stop asking others just go for it. Be ready to face the music things will come to you.

A brotherly advice from a professional, i hope you wont mind my blunt words.

I am in IGCSE nw and my O lev are in July 2012.
I have got smooth time.
Thank you for that.
And what ever i do, ill do it so greatly that will make Pakistan follow. Just want ot serve this gret nation!

You're welcome and please do feel free to employ a spell checker:pakistan:

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