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They even admitted they are sending terrorists

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
Dozens of Kuwaitis "fighting Syrian regime"

Dozens of Kuwaitis are fighting with the rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) after crossing from Turkey, the Gulf emirate's Al-Qabas newspaper reported on Sunday, citing the fighters' relatives.

The daily said that "dozens of Kuwaitis have crossed the Turkish-Syrian border with the aim of fighting alongside the FSA against Syrian regime forces."

Relatives of the fighters said they were in contact with them and that "there are large groups from Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Pakistan" ready to join the armed uprising against President Bashar Assad's regime that broke out in March last year.

Calls to fight alongside the FSA have multiplied in recent weeks on online Islamist social networks in Saudi Arabia.

In response, the kingdom's top religious body issued an edict last week prohibiting Saudis from fighting against Assad's regime without prior approval from the government.

The FSA consists mainly of former troops who have deserted the regular army in protest against the government's bloody crackdown.

The Syrian government has long claimed it is fighting a foreign-backed insurgency, with Gulf monarchies supplying weapons and finance for armed rebels to destroy the regime.

The main source also says, the so called FSA gave those terrorists Syrian Citizen Cards (ID) just in case


Two Jordanian Salafis have been arrested as they tried to cross the border into neighboring Syria to fight President Bashar Assad's forces, a security official and relatives said on Tuesday.

"Two men from the southern city of Maan were arrested Sunday on the border when they tried to illegally enter Syria," the security official told AFP.

He did not elaborate, but relatives of the men confirmed the two were jihadists.

"Omar Bazayaah and Khaled Khatib wanted to go to Syria seeking jihad against Assad's army and regime thugs," one of the relatives, who is also Salafi, told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"We have information that they are currently being interrogated."

In April, Jordan, which said it was hosting 120,000 Syrian refugees, arrested eight Sunni jihadis as they attempted to enter Syria.

Analysts have said foreign Sunni jihadis are fighting against Assad's forces, but their numbers were hard to assess.

Damascus has repeatedly charged that foreign powers, chiefly Gulf Arab states, are backing internal armed groups to topple Assad.

Salafis heading for Syria arrested in Jordan | Al Akhbar English
Dozens of Kuwaitis are fighting with the rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) after crossing from Turkey, the Gulf emirate's Al-Qabas newspaper reported on Sunday, citing the fighters' relatives.

Kuwaitis? Srsly?
This real terrorism, those bloodthirsty terrorists are sending arms and terrorists to kill Sunni Syrians

Hezbollah, Iran “significantly” increased aid to Syrian regime

According to a report by Israeli daily Haaretz , Hezbollah and Iran have “significantly” increased their aid to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime but are at the same time preparing for the possibility of its downfall.

The paper based it article on Western intelligence reports.

The reports say that Iranian officers and Hezbollah militants have supplied arms to Syrian troops and trained them, to aid Assad in his months-long effort to crack down on anti-regime protests in the country. They also show that Hezbollah fighters were killed in clashes with rebel forces.

The daily quoted Israeli defense officials this week as saying that the potential fall of the Assad regime prompted Iran and Hezbollah to increase their involvement in the Syrian crisis. According to the officials, even though the Iranians believe Assad will survive the uprising, they are still preparing for a scenario whereby he is toppled, in order to maximize their influence on a post-Assad Syria.

“Iranian assistance to Syria, which has been ongoing for years and is dubbed “the shadow army” by Israel, consists of extensive arms shipments, which include rockets, mortars and anti-aircraft missiles that could be used against a potential air strike campaign by international forces, as well as riot dispersal means. The so-called shadow army was coordinated by Imad Mughniyeh and Mohammed Suleiman, who were killed in two separate incidents in 2008. Syria and Hezbollah claim the two were assassinated by Israel.”The report says and adds

“Iranian and Hezbollah assistance to Assad also includes the training of Syrian troops in urban warfare, as well as drone operations. Western intelligence reports reveal that Iranian Revolutionary Guard officials frequently make top-secret visits to Syria to advise the regime on how to deal with the rebels.”

Meanwhile, Hezbollah has according to the report beefed up the deployment of its troops along the Lebanon-Syria border, in an attempt to prevent arms spillover from Lebanon to Sunni opposition groups. Unlike Hamas, which ended its presence in Syria almost overnight after the crisis began, Hezbollah still maintains close ties with the Syrian regime and uses bases and ammunition reservoirs on Syrian territory.
don't worry these terrorists rats are getting slaughtered.

please saudi send your troops, I will love to see saudis getting heads shoved up their camel *****.
don't worry these terrorists rats are getting slaughtered.

please saudi send your troops, I will love to see saudis getting heads shoved up their camel *****.
don't worry these terrorists rats are getting slaughtered.

please saudi send your troops, I will love to see saudis getting heads shoved up their camel *****.

Too bad, you are not in Iran to watch the coming fireworks. :disagree:
what fireworks? you mean your gonna start blowing each other up again? sorry I don't want to see some suicide bomers.


Go blow yourself now.
Hi Greek Christian Loser!
The reports say that the jihadist include Pakistanis as well, so Saudis, Kuwaitis, Algerians & Pakistanis.

صحيفة كويتية: عشرات الكويتيين يقاتلون إلى جانب سعوديين بالجيش السوري الحر

أكدت صحيفة كويتية أن عشرات الكويتيين عبروا الحدود التركية إلى سوريا بقصد الجهاد إلى جانب الجيش السوري الحر ضد قوات النظام السوري وأنهم يقاتلون مع مجموعات كبيرة من السعوديين والجزائريين والباكستانيين.

ونقلت صحيفة “القبس” عن أقارب لهؤلاء المواطنين الذين توجهوا إلى سوريا أنهم على تواصل معهم، وأن هناك مجموعات كبيرة من السعودية والجزائر وباكستان والكويت تنظم صفوفها للدخول في القتال.

وأوضح هؤلاء الأقارب أنه بمجرد دخول الشباب المتطوعين للجهاد إلى الحدود السورية التقوا بممثلين عن الجيش السوري الحر وتم تزويدهم بالأسلحة، واندمجوا في وحدات قتالية توزع بطريقة معينة، كما وُزعت عليهم هويات سورية خشية الوقوع في الأسر، وتركوا إثباتاتهم في مكاتب الارتباط التابعة للجيش الحر على الحدود التركية.

كما أشاروا كذلك إلى أن الجيش السوري الحر رفض مشاركة عدد من الشباب الكويتي في القتال بسبب صغر سنهم، إذ إن أعمارهم لم تتعد الـ 18 عاماً، وأن هؤلاء عادوا مؤخراً إلى الكويت، كاشفين عن وجود كميات كبيرة من الأسلحة على الحدود.
Hi Greek Christian Loser!
The reports say that the jihadist include Pakistanis as well, so Saudis, Kuwaitis, Algerians & Pakistanis.

saudis+kuwaits+algerian+pakistani Vs Iran+russia+china
LMAO, maybe when your nation is getting nuked Israel will come to help you?:lol:
saudis+kuwaits+algerian+pakistani Vs Iran+russia+china
LMAO, maybe when your nation is getting nuked Israel will come to help you?:lol:
Russia & China!
You think Russia and China will risk war with the NATO for Bashar!:rofl:
Their suppordthas and will always remain with words. Nothing more

@ Crusader left overs enjoy:
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Russia & China!
You think Russia and China will risk war with the NATO for Bashar!:rofl:
Their supported has and will always remain with words. Nothing more

Alright then stop claiming Russia and China are supporting Syria's government by sending weapons :azn:
Russia & China!
You think Russia and China will risk war with the NATO for Bashar!:rofl:
Their supported has and will always remain with words. Nothing more

Russia knows very well that if they loose Syria bases then they have lost something very important.

SCO is a rising power with the economical power houses Vs a organisation filled with bankrupt nations.
LOL kiddo go ride your camel and day dream about assad falling.:rofl:
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