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There is no Terrorism in India" Nawaz Sharif - Kamran Khan responds by a 'T

Because he is a failed politician, he is using this....just like Gillani.

India has it's share of problems and let's not forget the Gujarat riots..that are were not in so distant past...

what about the karachi riots that take place every year throughout the year in your country ?

gujarat happened a decade ago .

---------- Post added at 12:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 AM ----------

The would be Musharraf that pulled off kargil and then sent sharif Packing as well.
Your best hopes for peace lie with civilian leadership and not with military dictators.Just refuse to acknowledge them.

The funny thing is there are so many members on this forum who criticise the democratic govt .and support the military . Who should India repose its faith in ?

when we support a military ruler like mussharaf the anti military pakistanis start criticising us and when we support the democrazy( as pakistanis call it) the pro military people start attacking our intentions .
what about the karachi riots that take place every year throughout the year in your country ?

gujarat happened a decade ago .

---------- Post added at 12:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 AM ----------

The funny thing is there are so many members on this forum who criticise the democratic govt .and support the military . Who should India repose its faith in ?

when we support a military ruler like mussharaf the anti military pakistanis start criticising us and when we support the democrazy( as pakistanis call it) the pro military people start attacking our intentions .

What riots? If you mean those for getting premiere tickets for Mission impossible 4 then I must add that it was a minor incident.

Pakistani's are pro-"whatever feeds us".
If a dictator filled their stomachs they will praise him till he makes a mistake then drag him down to the ground.
You support what is the correct process, that is a representative government of the people.
This government may not represent all the people, but the next one will do better.. and the one after that better.
Democracy must grow here..and India must encourage it.
The would be Musharraf that pulled off kargil and then sent sharif Packing as well.
Your best hopes for peace lie with civilian leadership and not with military dictators.Just refuse to acknowledge them.

cant afford to be indifferent to reality...policy matters regarding india and pretty much every other country) is decided in pindi and not in isloo...
Democracy must grow here..and India must encourage it.

We will send few ambassadors from our side as role model for Pakistan,

Mayavati, Lalu, Koda(if he gets bail) Mulayam...anybody else you want pls acknowledge.
Last time I checked, there were:

- Sikhs revolting for Khalistan
- North east fighting for independence
- Maoists wreaking havoc for the red corridor
- Tamil Nadu and other southern states seeking independence
- Bengalis seeking a separate Muslim state
- Of course let's not forget the beloved "Kashmiris"
- Brahmins terrorising every other religious community
- Hyderabad, Goa, Maharashtra etc, etc.

Whatever happened to that?
Yeah he is right there is no terrorism in india just like no terrorism in Iraq no terrrorism in afghanistan....

he is right & we say he is not loyal....
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