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The world's largest radio telescope in Guizhou foundation


Jan 27, 2010
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FAST engineering diagram invested nearly 700 million yuan, is expected to be completed in 2014, will greatly enhance China's ability to space-based observation and control as well as the world's largest

single-aperture radio telescope recently (December 26) in Guizhou Province Qiannan Pingtang project groundbreaking ceremony was held.
Learned that the major scientific projects of investment of 6.67 billion yuan, the construction period estimated to be 5 and a half years.
Full name of the telescope 500 m aperture spherical radio telescope (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope), referred to as FAST. It will set up in Pingtang the "Dawodang" karst depressions among the receiving area of ​​about 30 football fields. With the world's largest single-aperture telescope, built in the United States, Puerto Rico Arecibo 305 m telescope compared, FAST's overall performance by about 10 times.
The telescope will be laying in the pit of thousands of hollow block unit consisting of 500 m coronal ball reflector, and through active control to the formation of parabolic convergence wave. In addition, it will drag parallel robot using a light cable, point the telescope to achieve tracking. In other words, a diameter of 500 meters, "Heaven pot" will be set up in this piece of pits on top. Moreover, the huge "pot day" can also rotate.
FAST completed, multi-disciplinary basic research will provide a unique platform. According to the introduction of the project office, FAST observations can be extended to the neutral hydrogen edge of the universe, dark matter and dark energy observations to find the first generation of objects; can also be used about 7,000 inspections a year pulsars, and is expected to find exotic binary stars and black holes and so on.
The telescope can also be used to identify possible search for interstellar communications signals, looking for extraterrestrial civilizations. Project's chief scientist, researcher at the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of South East Ren have been in the "Science in China Series G" magazine, wrote: "SETI (search for extraterrestrial) is self-evident risk subjects, but it is, if successful, will overshadowed all human scientific achievement ... ... FAST may give us a huge huge opportunities, even if no share of luck, you can also visit program as NASA HRMS as microwave, scanning billions of frequencies simultaneously, diagnosis weak narrow band of space signal, the value of its national security is not self-evident. "
In addition, FAST can be monitoring and control capabilities of China's space by the Earth's orbit extended to the outer solar system and deep space communications downlink data rate of 100 times, strongly support China the future of manned spaceflight, lunar and deep space exploration programs.
The project hosted by the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the country more than 20 universities and research institutes to participate in, pre-study for up to ten years. In July 2007, the National Development and Reform Commission officially approved the FAST project. End of October 2008, the National Development and Reform Commission approved the project feasibility study report.
Reporters learned from the project office, FAST total investment of $ 667.23 million, of which 647.25 million state investment, involved in the project to build the Guizhou provincial government invested 19.98 million. The project is expected in the first quarter of 2009, officially opened the construction.
Dawodang degree of depression in Pingtang grams of town six water village, about 85 km away from Pingtang county. The station site from the south hundreds of karst depressions in Guizhou picked. The regional groundwater level is generally 50 to 200 meters, leading to depression in the groundwater systems are the channel, submerged during the rainy season there is no fear; area did not record the earthquake and active fault.
In addition, this band low population density, economic development lags behind, with karst peaks of the barrier, but also to ensure that the radio station sites to enjoy a quiet environment, more conducive to space observations.

The world's largest radio telescope in Guizhou foundation_Chinahourly

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