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The West: the most sexually dysfunctional society on the planet

Yes, we in the West are sexual degenerates. Please stay away from us, especially the US. In the US, people have sex, even deviant sex, openly in the streets. Trust me, I live here so I know. It is disgusting. You do not want your children to grow up in the US where they would -- not could -- be sexually exploited.

Please...Please...As I am your fellow human beings, I beg ALL you foreigners to stay away from US.
Yes, we in the West are sexual degenerates. Please stay away from us, especially the US. In the US, people have sex, even deviant sex, openly in the streets. Trust me, I live here so I know. It is disgusting. You do not want your children to grow up in the US where they would -- not could -- be sexually exploited.

Please...Please...As I am your fellow human beings, I beg ALL you foreigners to stay away from US.
where the fcuk is that west..
I am already in west.. do I have to move further to go to real west.. coz I dont see anything mildly as intersting as th article suggest.. :pop:
From Russia's RT:
Putin’s shawl chivalry gets blanket coverage from Western media, Chinese censors — RT News

"Chinese audiences, to whom Xi and Peng are always depicted as a dream power couple, have not had a chance to savor the gossip.

Locals were able to see the moment live on national broadcaster CCTV, with the commentator noting the incident, which also sparked a hash tag on Chinese social networks.

Yet a few hours later, all mention of the incident were erased, and the videos taken down, presumably by one of China’s thousands-strong team of censors.

“China is traditionally conservative on public interaction between unrelated men and women, and the public show of consideration by Putin may provide fodder for jokes, which the big boss probably does not like,” commentator Zhang Lifan told the Guardian."


Suddenly "may provide fodder for jokes" has morphed into "The West: the most sexually dysfunctional society on the planet"

So it looks like a good spin by the Chinese censors to target the fodder makers.
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But at least we don't have fathers stoning their daughters to death, under threat.
Yes, we in the West are sexual degenerates. Please stay away from us, especially the US. In the US, people have sex, even deviant sex, openly in the streets. Trust me, I live here so I know. It is disgusting. You do not want your children to grow up in the US where they would -- not could -- be sexually exploited.

Please...Please...As I am your fellow human beings, I beg ALL you foreigners to stay away from US.

I second that. It is horrible here with the depraved hedonism everywhere, including lots of sexual activity. Oh, the horror of being human!
But at least we don't have fathers stoning their daughters to death, under threat.
The least observant Muslims are actually the ones most likely to commit honour killings. It was legal in Jordan until recently for example and it's currently very bad among the Kurds.
On the whole though I do agree that promiscuity is a very bad thing for society. The millions of children growing up without fathers in the home, the number of STDS and the amount of abortions are clearly something Western societies and many non Western ones need to address.
On the whole though I do agree that promiscuity is a very bad thing for society. The millions of children growing up without fathers in the home, the number of STDS and the amount of abortions are clearly something Western societies and many non Western ones need to address.
How are you going to address it in UK? Just wondering
How are you going to address it in UK? Just wondering
Me? I don't have any power. If you're asking me what I would like to see done it would be to make divorce harder (a divorce is in many ways easier to get out of than a car leasing agreement) and to reduce the amount of government welfare available to single women with children which makes many see fathers as unnecessary.
The problem is when you voice these opinions you are accused of hating single mothers instead of simply wanting what's best for children. I know many women end up on their own with children because the father is abusive or irresponsible but many are just too quick to end their relationships.
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the West has become more degenerate since the 50's
I thought hip-hop and the whole gangsta thing was a fad in the 90's but it's worse than ever
think the sexually degenercy will continue and get worse sadly :hitwall:
where do you draw the line??
freedom and liberalism taken to the extreme :coffee:

Whoever said "$hit happens"

really meant to say

------------- "sex happens".

And it does in every part of the world, in every nook and cranny except on PDF. hahahaha

This is the place for celibate (whether by choice or by prevailing conditions) ahhahaha.

West being project as "sex crazed" place is just a @rse hole view of the West by bunch of Islamists and communists.

Hope this clarifies a bit.
where the fcuk is that west..
I am already in west.. do I have to move further to go to real west.. coz I dont see anything mildly as intersting as th article suggest.. :pop:

you have to fall on your head to see what OP is seeing.

Unless a brain gets severe shocks, they cannot see OP's reality.

p.s. sarcasm off.
Whoever said "$hit happens"

really meant to say

------------- "sex happens".

And it does in every part of the world, in every nook and cranny except on PDF. hahahaha

This is the place for celibate (whether by choice or by prevailing conditions) ahhahaha.

West being project as "sex crazed" place is just a @rse hole view of the West by bunch of Islamists and communists.

Hope this clarifies a bit.
Islamists and communists? What an odd comibination.
Me? I don't have any power. If you're asking me what I would like to see done it would be to make divorce harder (a divorce is in many ways easier to get out of than a car leasing agreement) and to reduce the amount of government welfare available to single women with children which makes many see fathers as unnecessary.
The problem is when you voice these opinions you are accused of hating single mothers instead of simply wanting what's best for children.
With all respect, that wouldn't address the underlying problems. You want to fight the symptoms. Making a divorce harder doesn't equal to succesful relationships. Marriage is just a paper from the government. You can't force people to stay together.
Enlightening article.I hope this will stop people flocking from all over the world to West now.:D
With all respect, that wouldn't address the underlying problems. You want to fight the symptoms. Making a divorce harder doesn't equal to succesful relationships. Marriage is just a paper from the government. You can't force people to stay together.
I'm not saying people should be forced to stay together. People could still seperate even if divorce was completely forbidden. But when divorce becomes easy people don't try to save their relationships in the way they might have done in the past.
Also, because the courts tend to favour women in divorce proceedings, many men see no reason to get married in the first place and so more and more children are born outside of marriage which makes relationships unstable.
Of course the underlying problem is cultural and can't be solved by the government. But government policy has definitely made things much worse, particularly in the case of social welfare benefits.
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