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The war will not stop us: Syria's academics

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
This war will not stop us from achieving excellence in academics, education is our weapon, we will fight with a pen and paper, even when those western backed terrorists bomb our universities, destroy our schools, kill our professors, assassinate our doctors and kill our scientists, WE WILL ALWAYS MOVE ON FORWARD FOR SYRIA!


Syria wins two medals in International Chemistry Olympiad
Jul 23, 2013


The Syrian team participating in the 45th International Chemistry Olympiad, which was concluded on Monday in Russia, won two medals.

Students Yazan Ghannam and Issam al-Anouf won the medals for the team.

Last week, Syrian student Osama Yaghi won a bronze medal in the International Physics Olympiad held in Denmark.

Head of the National Commission of the Syrian Science Olympiad Imad al-Azzb told SANA reporter that the success that has been achieved today is unprecedented for Syria due to the participation of 77 countries, pointing out that this was the 5th participation of Syria in this world competition.

Al-Azzab explained that the Syrian national maths team is currently participating in the global maths Olympiad, which kicked off today in Colombia and would last for three days, hoping that the Syrian team would achieve remarkable outcome.


Premier al-Halqi honors dentist Rashad Murad for cutting-edge invention
Jul 14, 2013


Delegated by President Bashar al-Assad, Prime Minister, Dr. Wael al-Halqi granted professor and dentist Rashad Murad the order of devotion of the first degree for his dedication to work and invention of a modern technology in fixing dental braces.

Dr. al-Halqi highlighted President al-Assad's interest in promoting scientific and technological research in the Syrian universities for spurring scientific innovations that serve the development process in all fields.


''Despite pain and wounds, the will to move forward in life is sure to triumph,'' al-Halqi affirmed, adding that Syria is the meeting place of civilizations and religions and ''is a model of coexistence, and no subversive thought can wear away the Syrian fabric.''

Honoring creative Syrians confirm the Syrians' determination to rebuild Syria as to remain an example of amity and coexistence, Dr. al-Halqi pointed out.

He underlined the importance of supporting creative citizens and providing for them an atmosphere conducive to innovation, underlining the role of the Ministry of Higher Education in encouraging scientific research through establishing research centers in colleges and universalities, and upgrading curricula.


Dr. Murad thanked the government for honoring innovative citizens, considering this event a major turning point in his professional life.

"The invention crowns a stage of professional maturity, '' Murad said in a statement to journalists following the honoring ceremony.


He considered honoring scientists a turning point in the history of peoples and an incentive to all students to indulge in scientific research.


Addressing Syrian students, Dr. Murad said ''Science and knowledge is our weapon and future, that's why we need to preserve science and scientific establishments as a weapon for the sake of the generations to come and for Syria's future.''

Dr. Murad graduated as a dentist from al-Baath University in 1992 and as a pharmacist from Damascus University in 1999. He holds a PhD in pharmacology. Dr. Murad served as director of oral health at the Health Ministry in 2002 and is the author of several books in dentistry.



Tishreen University partakes in International Computer Programming Contest finals in Moscow
Jul 07, 2013

A team from Tishreen University participated in the finals of the International Computer Programming Contest in St. Petersburg along with teams from 90 countries.

The Syrian embassy in Moscow and the Syrian community in Russia held a festival in honor of the Syrian team.

Syria's Ambassador in Moscow, Riad Haddad, said that the Syrian leadership gives great importance to informatics in the country.

For his part, supervisor of the Syrian team, Jaafar al-Khair, expressed satisfaction over the performance of the team in the finals, adding that the contest witnessed the participation of worldwide universities.

The team's members expressed pride over the results of the contest, expressing hope that there will be other participations in such events.

9900 team from 2332 universities partook in the regional qualifications, 120 teams from 91 countries qualified to the finals.

Syria's students defy challenges, pass 9th grade with a high passing rate
Jun 22, 2013

Education process in Syria is running successfully despite all the challenges facing the students, teachers and the concerned state institutions due to the practices of the armed terrorist groups.

Exam results for Basic Education (ninth grade) Certificate for 2013 came out earlier on the day, with the examination passing rate reaching 78.21 compared to 78.79 of 2012 examination session.

Minister of Education, Hazwan al-Wazz, announced in a press conference that 190981 students passed the exams out of 244184.

The Minister pointed out that the number of students who got the full marks (310) reached 38 from different provinces, while those who obtained 309 marks are 47.

He indicated an increase in the passing rate in Aleppo province coming first above all the other provinces in terms of the number of students who obtained full marks which amounted to 15.

Al-Wazz noted that an extraordinary examination session will be held on June 30th for students who could not make it to exam centers due to reasons related to the terrorist acts.

Prime Minister instructs establishments to update Arab Academy with contemporary terms
Jul 17, 2013

Prime Minister Dr. Wael al-Halqi issued a memo instructing all state ministries and establishments to update the Arab Academy in Damascus with contemporary terms and words that are relevant to their fields of work.

This memo seeks to standardize and correct these terms and words before they become widespread and to keep the Arabic language up to date with scientific and technological advances.

Current legislations name the Arab Academy in Damascus the highest authority on affairs of Arabic language.


And much more achievements but could only find it in Arabic....

Anyways the main reason I opened this thread is to show that Syrians will never give up, we will keep advancing, no war will stop us, we will always stand in the face of ignorance and terrorism that is back by many regional countries and their masters in the west...
i congratulate them all and SYRIA
this a major achievement as there is a war in the country
wish they does good great for Syria and also for other
They are traitors betraying the people

Syria, Iran and Egypt was the center of great Civilizations long before the rise of Arab in 6th Century, it is no surprise if they still can made any achievement in the field of science, literature and so on despite international sanctions or whatever obstacle the west impose on them.
All I can tell my Syrian " sahaliess " are bold and beautiful....And intelligent. They have amazing beauty ...
They are traitors betraying the people

Furthering their country's development through education during a time of war is something only a handful of brave and gifted individuals can do. If these guys are traitors then what are the FSA? they aren't elected by the syrian people and have brought destruction to Syria for saudi and qatari pay checks so they cant even be classed as revolutionaries/freedom fighters.
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