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The War Games are over but North Korea hasn't blinked. US is running out of options


Apr 17, 2010
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So, the USS George Washington is steaming back towards Japan after four days of joint exercises in the Yellow Sea, and here we still are. However, while the immediate danger of further conflagration may have passed, the situation on the Korean peninsula remains perilous.

Seoul has already announced further exercises for next week (it was a live fire drill that Pyongyang used as a pretext for last week’s bombardment) and is talking about stationing short-range missiles on the island that was attacked. This might be posturing on the part of the Lee government – which is under serious pressure at home not to “turn the other cheek” if the North attacks again – but it will certainly keep that disputed sea border on a hair-trigger for the forseeable future.

Equally worrying is the diplomatic deadlock which has put China flatly at odds with America (and South Korea and Japan) over how to handle Pyongyang. The divisions were made abundantly clear from the fact that the US, Japan and South Korea are planning talks in Washington (not Beijing) next week, while China has blocked all attempts to get a censure of North Korea at the UN in New York.

There has been much talk, following the WikiLeaks “revelations” this week, that China is ready to “abandon” North Korea, but you only have to look at China’s reaction to the events of the past week to see that that is a fanciful notion.

The point is that right from the word go, the Chinese have acted as a virtual spokesman for the North Korean position. The houses were still burning when the Chinese foreign ministry spokesman was at his rostrum calling for an “immediate return to the Six Party talks”.

This is exactly what Pyongyang wants. Kim Jong-il couldn’t have put it any better if it he’d scripted the remarks himself. This doesn’t mean China is happy with North Korea’s belligerence, but rather that from a self-interested perspective it sees that talks are the only way to put a lid on the Korean situation before it gets out of control and something really nasty happens.

Washington, Seoul and Tokyo are talking tough for now, but with war not an option, they don’t honestly have a better proposal. Their refusal to talk really comes down to a matter of timing – ie talks, yes, but not now, otherwise it would look like Pyongyang was shelling and torpedoing its way to the table.

But talk they must, however unpalatable that might be, and the longer the Korean hiatus continues, the greater the chance that an “accident will happen”. The Chinese are right about that.
And there is, of course, one final nuclear elephant in the room here. The Obama and Lee administrations want North Korea to give up their nuclear weapons in return for handsome aid packages. That was the deal that was almost struck a few years ago when the Six Party talks were on, but it fell apart when it became clear that Pyongyang wasn’t honouring its side of the bargain.

Trouble is, I haven’t spoken to a single North Korean expert or analyst – Chinese or American – who seriously believes that North Korea’s hyper-militarist regime would give up its strongest bargaining counter, viz. its nuclear ace. If you were Kim (Snr or Jnr) would you?

Which means the entire concept of an “aid for nukes” deal is built on a premise that all sides know to be false: hence the deadlock and the diplomatic vacuum which North Korea is increasingly filling with fire. It really is a game of high-stakes poker, with both sides – Pyongyang and Washington/Seoul – in their own ways trying to tough it out, in the hope that the other side will blink first.

Viewed from that perspective, China’s position of talks, based onrealpolitik and throwing the dog a bone (instead of threatening to club him on the head) starts to look rather more sensible.

The War Games are over, but North Korea hasn't blinked. The US is running out of options – Telegraph Blogs
US doesn't want to get in more wars. let's just focus more on economy.
hey... i did mention on the other thread.. don't try n bluff this mad kim, he will call it!! & he did.. who's the pretty boy now??
hey... i did mention on the other thread.. don't try n bluff this mad kim, he will call it!! & he did.. who's the pretty boy now??

judging by the avatar, defiantly not you. :D
kim's not crazy. do you know why china was able to reform and open up? because we had nukes to prevent ourselves from being conquered. during the 80's, our defense spending was at historical lows, near 1%. how were we able to do this when surrounded by soviets, US, japan all at once? because we had nukes and could afford to do so.

kim just needs nukes for the same reason: so NK can't be conquered while it is focusing on economy.
Dear South Korea,

North Korea warned you many times not to perform this exercise so close to the North Korea border. They also warned of further attacks. But you ignored them again (like you did before the Yeonpyeong shelling) and you proceeded.

So don't come whining to the world if North Korea shells you again.
kim's not crazy. do you know why china was able to reform and open up? because we had nukes to prevent ourselves from being conquered. during the 80's, our defense spending was at historical lows, near 1%. how were we able to do this when surrounded by soviets, US, japan all at once? because we had nukes and could afford to do so.

kim just needs nukes for the same reason: so NK can't be conquered while it is focusing on economy.

Sorry but what a load of bull crap, guess what NZ doesnt have any nukes and OMG we havent been invaded, neither have Japan, Canada, Chili,Egypt...etc etc

As for Kim isnt crazy :rofl::rofl:

China cant or wont bring him to heel fine doesnt really matter which.

The US realises that they give aid Kim lies, takes it and then does what he wants.
The US realises that an attack would be disasterous so the status quo will continue till the north throws one childish tantrum too many.

The goverment in the south is given the choice retaliate or GTFO by the Korean people.
Things escalate, millions die, millions flee into china or attempt to and are turned back by the Chinese army.

Enjoy your lips pity the price of keeping your teeth warm will be the lives of many.
Sorry but what a load of bull crap, guess what NZ doesnt have any nukes and OMG we havent been invaded, neither have Japan, Canada, Chili,Egypt...etc etc

You're white and you might want to cross Japan, Chile, Egypt off list.
Sorry but what a load of bull crap, guess what NZ doesnt have any nukes and OMG we havent been invaded, neither have Japan, Canada, Chili,Egypt...etc etc

As for Kim isnt crazy :rofl::rofl:

China cant or wont bring him to heel fine doesnt really matter which.

The US realises that they give aid Kim lies, takes it and then does what he wants.
The US realises that an attack would be disasterous so the status quo will continue till the north throws one childish tantrum too many.

The goverment in the south is given the choice retaliate or GTFO by the Korean people.
Things escalate, millions die, millions flee into china or attempt to and are turned back by the Chinese army.

Enjoy your lips pity the price of keeping your teeth warm will be the lives of many.

you live in new zealand, far away from the centers of world conflict. there's nothing in new zealand. we live, unfortunately, in a region where the US military presence and therefore the risk of conflict is high. the US isn't after north korea. no one hits for the lips. in a fight, you want to knock the teeth out. US is aiming its guns at us. every country on your list has been invaded before too.
kim's not crazy. do you know why china was able to reform and open up? because we had nukes to prevent ourselves from being conquered. during the 80's, our defense spending was at historical lows, near 1%. how were we able to do this when surrounded by soviets, US, japan all at once? because we had nukes and could afford to do so.

kim just needs nukes for the same reason: so NK can't be conquered while it is focusing on economy.

The US killed 30% of North Korean population during the Korean war by their carpet bombing. Security is a prime issue for them.
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