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Sep 5, 2011
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Richard Weitz

Chinese analysts have been pleasantly surprised by the stupendous growth in their cultural, economic, and political ties with Turkey after the Cold War. They describe both China and Turkey as two emerging powers that are now entering a new strategic partnership that could reshape Eurasia. Chinese scholars consider Turkey an increasingly important country for China due to its growing economy, increasingly independent and influential diplomacy, and pivotal location between Europe, Eurasia, and the Middle East.


BACKGROUND: Chinese academics and officials stress Turkey‘s geopolitical importance to China. They note that Turkey is a Turkic-speaking nation closely linked with Central Asia, a Middle Eastern country whose regional influence has been rising, and a member of the NATO and EU candidate (and in terms of some economic conditions that interest the Chinese more than that). Beijing has strived to improve relations with the Turkic peoples, including in Xinjiang, considers the Middle East and especially Central Asia as regions important for China’s development and security, and is aiming to improve ties with both NATO and the EU. Turkey can serve as a conduit for China to exert both direct and indirect influence in these other regions.

In addition, Chinese analysts view Turkey as one variant of the rising number of overly Islamic oriented governments arising in Eurasia and the Middle East. They also perceive Turkey as the best of these variants, contrasting Turkey’s moderate, stable and secular political system with the less stable regimes in their client state of Pakistan and the aggressively extremist form of Islamic government seen in Iran. They prefer that the Arab Spring yield more governments like Turkey rather than more regimes like Pakistan and Iran.

China’s Turkey specialists express grudging admiration for the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) despite suspicions of its overtly religious ties. They note that Turkey’s AKP-led government has pursued a more independent foreign policy than its predecessors that has seen Turkey distance itself from the United States and especially Israel. More recently, the AKP has deftly developed good ties with the governments of Libya and Syria and then abandoned them when these regimes have fallen into trouble. Although they express suspicions about the AKP’s sympathies for their fellow Muslims in Xinjiang, they accept that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s harsh comments following the July 2009 ethnic riots were made for domestic political reasons—to resonate with the popular sentiment in Turkey against Beijing’s crackdown. They note that Erdoğan quietly sent his special envoy, State Minister Zafer Çağlayan, the following month to Beijing, who expressed understanding for the Chinese policies and hope that the incident would not undermine bilateral ties. They further note that Erdoğan refrained from denouncing China’s Uighur policies when Prime Minister Wen Jiabao visited Turkey in October 2010. The Chinese and Turkish governments agreed to establish a strategic partnership, again manifesting Erdoğan’s policy of forgetting about the Uighurs in order to develop bilateral sate-to-state ties with the People’s Republic of China.

A current Chinese fear is that religious and other ties could serve as a transmission belt for importing Middle Eastern chaos into the Muslim-majority nations of Central Asia and potentially Xinjiang, with its large Muslim Uighur minority. Central Asian countries are also energy suppliers but are more important to China due to their proximity and the growing Chinese investment in Central Asia, whose governments are more inviting to Chinese businesses than those of the Middle East, where Chinese companies most often engage in projects under contract. In fact, the Chinese worry that the new Arab regimes will not respect China’s commercial interests due to their collusion with Western governments to constrain Chinese business opportunities in these countries. Another concern is that the Middle Eastern disorders, which Chinese experts believe will last for months if not years, will help keep world oil and other commodity prices unnaturally elevated.

Chinese analysts hope to exploit what they list as the many reasons Turkey wants to improve bilateral ties. First, Turks want to develop economic ties with China, especially to sell goods and attract Chinese investment. Secondly, Ankara is exploring developing further military ties with the People’s Liberation Army. Thirdly, China is a leading world power. For example, its status as a permanent member of the UN Security Council gives Beijing considerable say over issues of concern to Ankara, including Cyprus, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and the Middle East peace process. Fourth, China’s economic and political influence in Central Asia is growing; and Turkey wants to work with Beijing to increase their mutual influence in this important region, which Chinese analysts emphasize could serve as a bridge between their two countries. Both governments have expressed interest in elevating Turkey’s ties with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which Beijing uses to co-manage Central Asia with Moscow. Fifth, Chinese officials do not attack Ankara’s policies towards the Kurds, talk about an Armenian Genocide, criticize Turkey’s repression of media freedoms, or otherwise seek to interfere in Turkey’s internal affairs. Finally, Turkey has failed to achieve problem-free relations with Europe, the Arab states, Iran, or Israel. Aligning with China could help Ankara gain leverage in these other relations as well as compensate for these strained ties.


IMPLICATIONS: China’s Turkey specialists argue that their relations with Turkey have made considerable progress despite many obstacles. For example, traditionally a major source of tension has been Beijing’s treatment of its ethnic Uighur minority in Xinjiang. The Uighurs are a Turkic-speaking Muslim minority in western China and share religious, ethnic, historical, and other ties with the other Turkic peoples of Central Asia as well as Turkey itself. For decades, Turkish governments offered asylum to Uighur migrants, some of whom established associations advocating independence for what they called the state of East Turkistan. These included the Eastern Turkistan Cultural Association, the Eastern Turkistan Women Association, the Eastern Turkistan Youth Union, the Eastern Turkistan Refugee Committee, the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement, and the Eastern Turkistan National Center. Many Turks have sympathized with the Uighurs as victims of Chinese communist persecution. When the Turkish nations of Central Asia gained independence in the early 1990s, many Turks hoped those in Xinjiang would soon follow suit.

But by the end of the decade, Turkish officials had ended their practice of giving Uighurs leaving the China automatic Turkish citizenship, recognized Xinjiang as an inalienable part of China, and forced many independence-advocating East Turkistan groups to close shop or leave the country, often to Germany or the United States. In December 1998, Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz banned Turkish officials from participating in anti-Beijing activities relating to East Turkistan. Beijing rewarded Turkey’s new Uighur policies, as well as its restrained response to the June 1989 Tiananmen Square killings, by not criticizing the Turkish government’s use of military force in Kurdish areas. The Chinese government also adopted a neutral stance toward the Cyprus issue.

Both Turkish and Chinese officials have since prioritized the values of territorial integrity, national sovereignty, and the fight against what officials in Beijing denounce as the “three evil forces” of transnational terrorism, ethnic separatism and religious extremism. The disappearance of their common Soviet threat and the independent national economic reform processes in the two counties, which aimed to integrate them more into international markets, also led both governments to focus more on developing bilateral economic connections even as new political issues emerged that led to more joint discussions: the newly independent Central Asian countries, the Middle East peace process, Afghanistan, the Iraq War and the war in terror. During his April 2002 visit to Turkey, Prime Minister Zhu Rongji and his host Bülent Ecevit signed four agreements, including a China-Turkey Agreement on Customs Affairs Cooperation and Mutual Assistance, which was soon followed by the establishment of a Joint Economic and Trade Committee. During the next decade, bilateral trade tripled, reaching $1.2 billion in 2010. Growth areas included energy, transportation, metallurgy, and telecommunication.


CONCLUSIONS: The China-Turkey relationship looks set to become even more important in coming years, both independently and to each other, due to the two countries’ status as rising global powers and their current governments’ inclination to embrace new partnerships and opportunities. In the view of Chinese analysts, the close cultural and historical affinity between the Uighurs in China and other Turkic peoples should enable them to serve as a bridge between China and Turkey as well as Central Asia.

Although China’s trade with the Turkic nations remains low in relative terms, and dwarfed by China’s enormous commerce with other regions like East Asia, Western Europe, and North America, trade with Turkey and Central Asia is nonetheless important for not least Xinjiang, since its peripheral location has limited the region’s trade ties with China’s larger markets. Chinese plans to import more Caspian Basin oil and natural gas will fortify Xinjiang’s westward orientation. Turkey may eventually also become more important for the rest of China since the two countries’ national economies are expanding much faster than the global average, and have sustained exceptionally high GDP growth rates despite the global recession, elevating their global economic importance.

Richard Weitz is Senior Fellow and Director of the Hudson Institute Center for Political-Military Analysis. He is the author, among other works, of Kazakhstan and the New International Politics of Eurasia (Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, 2008).

© Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program Joint Center, 2010. This article may be reprinted provided that the following sentence be included: "This article was first published in the Turkey Analyst (www.turkeyanalyst.org), a biweekly publication of the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program Joint Center".

Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Program
Chinese woman’s passion for Turkey outweighed everything else

09 October 2011, Sunday / REYHAN GÜL, İSTANBUL


Li Shuzhen is the head of the Chinese language and literature department at Fatih University. What makes her different from her colleagues is her passion for Turkey and the Turkish language.

She left everything, her hometown, friends, family, career, husband and, most importantly, her 8-year-old son behind for the sake of her love for Turkey.

First introduced to Turkey by a book she read about the Silk Road, the country drew her attention and she started learning about Turkey. Her interest grew as she learned. She became very curious and wanted to visit one day.

Her Turkish students also told her about Turkey and, when she finally decided to learn Turkish, they encouraged her, saying that Turkish was a mathematical language and therefore very easy to learn. With this encouragement, she headed to Turkey for a one-month-language course in İstanbul.

Contrary to her expectations, Li was not able to speak Turkish at the end of the course. She could only greet in Turkish. She had learned that Turkish was not easy to learn in one month and noticed that Turkish was very different from Chinese. The syntactic structures of the two languages in particular had nothing in common.

“Of course each language has its difficulties,” says Li, who is delighted with linguistic structure and verb conjugations in Turkish. She comments that she loves the Turkish language very much, and the passion is visible in her sparkling eyes.

Towards the end of her course, she heard from one of her students that Fatih University was starting a Chinese language and literature department and that they were going to hire Chinese instructors. Li applied, negotiated her situation with the university administration and decided to prolong her stay for six months. As a result, she gained time to improve her Turkish and share her vocational experiences while teaching Chinese to Turkish students.

Actually, Li was planning to return to China after she launched the department and improved her Turkish in the meantime. She had been missing her family, husband and little son for a long time. At the end of six months, she said that she should not leave her students in the middle of the semester so she decided to stay until the end. At the end of the semester, she made up another excuse to prolong her stay in Turkey. She had become attached to the country and her students and could not leave them behind. Her students needed her.

When her husband asked her when she was coming back to China, she answered that she wanted to stay until her students got their bachelor’s degrees. Then time flew. This year she is witnessing the graduation of her fourth group of students. This makes 16 years, as it normally takes four years for a group to graduate.

The woman who had intended to stay only for one month but has now spent over 16 years in Turkey says she is grateful to the Turks who helped her when she first came to Turkey, she feels indebted to them and wants to serve their country. In addition to her devotion to her students, her gratitude has played an important role in extending her stay in Turkey.

Actually, her family was bothered by her constantly lengthening stay at the beginning. Many of her relatives questioned her, saying, “What will you do in Turkey?” or “Why Turkey?” and suggested that she come back. They mentioned her son, saying that he needed his mother. She loved her son very much, but at the same time, she was still thinking of her students.

“My son is in the hands of reliable and loving people. He has you, but what will happen to my students? Who will take care of them if I leave?” she told her family. After that, her family respected her decision. Her husband keeps asking when she will be back. As a response, she jokes with him saying: “You are about to retire. Maybe you should come to Turkey.”

Li’s son is 23 years old now and he is doing postgraduate study at his mother’s university. His grandmother raised him and his mother only saw him on holidays as he was growing up. Li is aware of the results of her choice. She accepts that she was not an ideal mother to her son or an ideal wife to her husband, adding that the outcomes of her decision were very hard for her, too. However, she is content with her decision and grateful to her family for their understanding.

If Li had returned to China, she would be a professor now. Most of the students she lectured 16 years ago have become professors in China, but in Turkey the procedure for foreign instructors is quite different. Therefore, she is still an associate professor. This shows that she did not stay in Turkey because of career concerns.

‘I feel at home in Turkey’

According to Li, China and Turkey are not two different countries. She feels that they make up a whole and that she belongs to it and loves them both. She even warns people against littering and polluting the environment. However, people get upset and tell her: “The pollution of our country does not bother you. Go to your country and warn people there.” In response to this Li says to them: “I am living in Turkey so Turkey is my hometown and my country. Both you and I should be very concerned about Turkey.”

Chinese woman

The 40th anniversary of the Turkey-China relations were celebrated in a ceremony in Ankara. Performances of traditional Chinese music and martial arts were put on stage at the ceremony. Turkish songs played by Chinese musicians delighted the audience.


Turkey-China relations were celebrated with various activities. Prepared to mark the 40th anniversary of bilateral ties, a book titled "Turkey-China Friendship: Cooperation and Development" was promoted in the ceremony in Ankara. Telling the story of diplomatic relations between the two nations, the book also includes the photographts of Turkish and Chinese leaders.

China's Ambassador to Ankara Gong Xiaosheng, Foreign Ministry Deputy Undersecretary Ambassador Birnur Fertekligil and senior bureaucrats from both countries attended the reception. Speeches delivered at the ceremony expressed the wish that the bilateral relations shall further strengthen.

Turkish Foreign Ministry Deputy Undersecretary Birnur Fertekligil said "Maintaining the momentum in relations that we've reached with the 40th year should be among our goals. And we should increase the witnesses of Turkish-Chinese friendship."

Chinese Ambassador to Ankara Gong Xiaosheng said "Let's boost our friendship that began with the Silk Road and secure a grand future in our relations."

Participants watched with great interest pieces of Chinese music performed with traditional instruments. Turkish songs of "Üsküdar'a Giderken" and "Ilgaz" performed by Chinese musicians were given a round of applause.

A master of Chinese martial arts staged a performance where he punctured a balloon with a needle while standing behind a glass. The event ended with colourful shows of Chinese martial arts.

Turkey, China mark 40 years of bilateral relations/TRT-English

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