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The unwritten script after President Zardari


Apr 24, 2007
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The unwritten script after President Zardari


Friday, December 04, 2009

By Shaheen Sehbai

WASHINGTON: As the super large bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan begins the fateful hearing of the NRO on December 7, the writing on the wall is getting clear that Pakistan is quickly entering the post-Zardari phase.

In this scenario either Mr Asif Ali Zardari will ultimately throw in the towel and retire overseas or he will stay bunkered as a lame duck inside the presidency facing public humiliation in the courts, the media and before the people every day.

In both cases the power will shift to the Prime Minister who will then become the focus of the media, the nation and the world. How he delivers will determine where the democratic system goes.

That the noose around Mr Zardari’s neck (this expression should not be taken in physical terms as many do in his camp) is tightening is evident from the panic and desperation inside the presidency where the entire focus is on how to escape the many high-speed freight trains, without working brakes, charging in his direction from many directions. These trains are no fiction or a product of any one’s imagination.

The fact that Mr Zardari got so desperate and cornered that he hit out at some media persons, including me, as a counter attack in his famous address to the uninterested PPP followers at the Mazar of the Quaid-e-Azam, shows that he has no plan and vision to stop these oncoming train wrecks.

The fact that the 007-Geneva operation ordered by Mr Zardari and conducted by an otherwise respected Wajid Shamsul Hasan has left the country with the thought that the gang sitting in Islamabad is on the run and trying to cover up its tracks, cannot be denied.

The fact that the boxes of hard evidence of the Swiss money laundering cases collected in Geneva and airlifted to London the same day have disappeared and no one is ready to own them, despite mute claims by NAB, shows how scared the Zardari camp is fearing the fate which is in store. That these cases may be reopened is a high possibility.

The fact that Zardari’s closest ministers and cronies (Babar Awan for one) are now being publicly named in multi-million rupees scandals, not by the media but by affected parties in the highest courts of the country, shows they will also soon be in the dock inside crowded court rooms, if they do not pay off their way to escape overseas.

The fact that a front-man of Mr Zardari has come on record to state that he had actually bought the Islamabad land years ago and kept it as an “amanat” (sacred trust) of Mr Zardari has confirmed that the president has been involved in such deals but has been hiding behind his political facade. That his involvement is a direct and blatant case of conflict of interest is obvious.

The fact that Zardari’s point-man for Pakistan Steel, infamous business manipulator Riaz Laljee, has escaped from the country and is now enjoying life in Dubai, where he was last seen with the step brother of Mr Zardari, Tuppee (his nick name), in a super latest sports Rolls Royce driven by Tuppee and with three sensational beauties, in front of Dubai’s biggest shopping mall, indicates these guys have made enough money to throw it publicly and worry about no one. That Riaz Laljee was not put on the ECL was also noted by Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Choudhry in a recent suo moto case on the Pakistan Steel.

The fact that as the NRO’s fate is decided in coming days and weeks, many more cases challenging the qualification of President Zardari will be filed and heard by the Supreme Court is ominous.

The fact that all the other cronies of Mr Zardari who are not protected by any immunity will have to face the music once the NRO is struck down as a bad law which violated the constitution, ab initio, is already causing panic in the presidential camp and rats are jumping the sinking ship. Dr Asim Hussain of NRB and Petroleum Ministry is the latest example. Laljee has already escaped.

The fact that Zardari’s closest partner Zulfikar Mirza has already launched the Sindh card by picking up the ridiculous non-issue of violation of the sanctity of the Sindhi cap in a Geo TV talk show, shows how bankrupt the presidential camp is to defend itself. Will saving the Sindhi cap, which no one ever wants to desecrate or insult, save Mr Zardari and will Sindh pick up arms to separate from Pakistan for the ajrak or cap, is not even a debatable question.

The fact that the military and civilian establishment has now started dealing full time with Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, as the man who is and should run the country, has already put in effect the so-called and dreaded Minus-1 formula in which Mr Zardari stays as a Rafiq Tarar with no direct say in government affairs, or goes away if he is allowed to.

The fact that during his historic Afghan strategy Obama speech and interviews later by Hillary Clinton nowhere was the government or Zardari offered any support or protection, but always it was the democratic system which was mentioned and was to be protected.

The fact is that despite all his political gimmickry and manipulation, Zardari had to sign away his powers to keep the nuclear button under his thumb and the NCA was transferred to the PM. This was a clear message to the presidency that powers could be taken away from him, despite his staying in that fortified palace, no matter what his political standing. The same may happen with the 17th Amendment powers and appointment of services chiefs etc. It is now clear that no one wants to trust or deal with Mr Zardari as a responsible leader of the country.

There may be many more such facts, which have eaten away Mr Zardari’s moral, political and executive authority to call the shots, as he had been doing in the last 18 months. His power tenure is almost over and the country has to move on.

At such a crucial stage enters Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani with full powers. Here lies the most serious challenge to the country’s developing and nascent democratic set-up. Mr Gilani will have to show that he is up to the job and will have to quickly get out of the shadows of Mr Zardari to remove the impression that he was being remote-controlled from the presidency.

For this the script writers already have a sketch of how he should move quickly, if he really wants to save the system and take control. This unwritten script for Mr Gilani could be the ultimate yardstick to judge where Pakistan will go.

Firstly, without losing a day, Mr Gilani will have to get rid of the tainted and corrupt cronies of Mr Zardari from his cabinet. This may be a little unpalatable for the presidency but the PM has to put his foot down.

Then he has to get the 17th Amendment out of his way as quickly as possible and get the PML-N leadership on board in his cabinet, with important portfolios so that the much desired and much needed credibility and consensus, backed by the force of a moral popular authority, is built.

The next task of Mr Gilani would be to let the chips fall where they may by allowing the courts to judge the NRO beneficiaries on their merits, acquit or punish them. Similar should be the case for all cases against the president and if he is disqualified, Mr Gilani should be ready to nominate and get a new president elected, as soon as possible, someone with integrity and having a moral face to provide respect to the system.

The most important task of the PM would be to show good governance and cut corruption. For this he needs the services of the best available, clean and honest, bureaucrats from the civilian and military bureaucracy, whether in active service or retired. He still has a small reservoir of upright and competent civil servants who may be ready to provide stability and vision to his government, despite the pressure of political jugglers sitting as ministers.

The present set-up of challenged bureaucrats has to go immediately with Mrs Nargis Sethi, (nothing against her personally) posted out to an appropriate position but a seasoned, competent and respected officer brought in her place to handle the bureaucracy.

If Mr Gilani does not handle this properly his government will soon fall short of space and then the entire democratic and elected set-up will be attacked by all the hawks in the political, civil and military establishment, saying the politicians are simply incapable of running the country.

Mr Gilani has also to convince Mian Nawaz Sharif to immediately get himself elected to the National Assembly and sit in the Parliament to lend it strength and support. He should be included in top decision-making and a team of experts, technocrats, retired judges, executives and others may be formed on the side as a super think tank to provide the vision and strategic depth to the elected government.

This is critical as Pakistan has to face the new American strategy in Afghanistan, fight off the terrorists at home, control the desperate helplessness of the people who have lost all hope and are being crushed under the burden of spiralling inflation and unemployment. The money flowing into Pakistan has to be spent for the people, in a transparent and effective manner.

Mr Zardari has already wasted his chance to become a national visionary leader who could take the country forward. But as I had stated before he ran for the office of the president, he was just not fit for that job, did not have the capacity to handle or grow into it and he would drown in his own corrupt juices, trying to extricate himself. The more he did that, the more the noose tightened around his neck and he is now about to hang himself. That was a political prediction, which is about to come true in a matter of days or weeks.

But it is now Mr Gilani’s neck on the line and he has to rise and fill the big shoes. He needs the support of all those who want the democratic system to work and the PM has to show vision, tolerance and patience to accommodate all points of view. He has to be upright and transparent in his dealings. Mr Gilani has tons of unwanted debris lying at his doorstep, thanks to Mr Zardari’s tunnel vision, arrogance, corruption and incompetence.
Then he has to get the 17th Amendment out of his way as quickly as possible and get the PML-N leadership on board in his cabinet, with important portfolios so that the much desired and much needed credibility and consensus, backed by the force of a moral popular authority, is built.

First of all among all the facts, author easily forgets about the corruption of Nawaz Sharif. This bias is not acceptable. Both Zaradri and Nawaz Sharif are corrupt and should have no place in Pakistani politics.

Secondly, why in the world should PPPP share cabinet with PML-N?? Reputation of PM Gillani is far better than that pof Zaradri and if he continues like this then he will most certainly leave NS behind as well.

PPPP has won fair and square and have the right to lead Pakistan. There shouldn't be any power sharing because it will be un-natural. PML-N is a pro-Taliban right wing party and PPPP is a left wing party. There will be so much friction and blame gane that Pakistan's system will surely collapsed.
First of all among all the facts, author easily forgets about the corruption of Nawaz Sharif. This bias is not acceptable. Both Zaradri and Nawaz Sharif are corrupt and should have no place in Pakistani politics.

Secondly, why in the world should PPPP share cabinet with PML-N?? Reputation of PM Gillani is far better than that pof Zaradri and if he continues like this then he will most certainly leave NS behind as well.

PPPP has won fair and square and have the right to lead Pakistan. There shouldn't be any power sharing because it will be un-natural. PML-N is a pro-Taliban right wing party and PPPP is a left wing party. There will be so much friction and blame gane that Pakistan's system will surely collapsed.[/COLOR]

if it hasn't already!
To write about Shaheen Sehbai is tantamount to bad own mouth. He is a rotten egg and enemy of Pakistan. His all the analysis has been proven wrong. With so many errors, one must begin to wonder if the problem is his sources, his analysis, or his personal agenda clouding his reason. Earlier Mr. Sehbai’s predictions about falling US support for the Zardari government have been cut down by the Americans themselves.Following Secretary Clinton’s October 2009 trip to Pakistan, Shaheen Sehbai wrote that President Zardari’s time in office was limited and that “the Americans have pulled the rug” from under his support. Mr. Sehbai quoted a number of anonymous people saying that Mr. Zardari had lost his support with the Americans, and that even Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had “her entire perceptions changed.”However, speaking with Pakistani journalists, Secretary Clinton said that the United States would like “strong vibrant democracy in Pakistan and that is what we will continue to support in Pakistan.” In contrast to Mr Sehbai’s assertions, Secretary Clinton’s statements showed that the United States intends to support the civilian democratic government in Pakistan. “I know there are all kinds of challenges to the current government, but that is for the people of Pakistan and your political process to work out,” she said.Now the talking about post Zardari scenario, shows his much will of dislodging democratically elected President. What could be the aims of Shaheen Sehbai, one can guess. Pakistan is already in trouble and any attempt to dislodge Zardari through undemocratic way would further bitter the situation but people like Shaheen Sehbai has nothing to do with it.
if it hasn't already!

That was a different situation though and PML-N left on their own will. Situation now is different because we have a PM in Gillani who is trying to work as cleanly as possible.

Both have the tendency of blaming the other partner. First budget was prepared by Dar but PML-N didn't share any responsibility.

If they work together then they wil blame each other for their failures and it will only hurt the people of Pakistan. '

Look what has happened to Punjab.
To write about Shaheen Sehbai is tantamount to bad own mouth. He is a rotten egg and enemy of Pakistan. His all the analysis has been proven wrong. With so many errors, one must begin to wonder if the problem is his sources, his analysis, or his personal agenda clouding his reason. Earlier Mr. Sehbai’s predictions about falling US support for the Zardari government have been cut down by the Americans themselves.Following Secretary Clinton’s October 2009 trip to Pakistan, Shaheen Sehbai wrote that President Zardari’s time in office was limited and that “the Americans have pulled the rug” from under his support. Mr. Sehbai quoted a number of anonymous people saying that Mr. Zardari had lost his support with the Americans, and that even Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had “her entire perceptions changed.”However, speaking with Pakistani journalists, Secretary Clinton said that the United States would like “strong vibrant democracy in Pakistan and that is what we will continue to support in Pakistan.” In contrast to Mr Sehbai’s assertions, Secretary Clinton’s statements showed that the United States intends to support the civilian democratic government in Pakistan. “I know there are all kinds of challenges to the current government, but that is for the people of Pakistan and your political process to work out,” she said.Now the talking about post Zardari scenario, shows his much will of dislodging democratically elected President. What could be the aims of Shaheen Sehbai, one can guess. Pakistan is already in trouble and any attempt to dislodge Zardari through undemocratic way would further bitter the situation but people like Shaheen Sehbai has nothing to do with it.

Interestingly all of these rumour mill jouranlists work for the Jang Group. There need to be some laws for media.
Minus Z formula should do it.

Can't wait till Dec 7th... Imagine 8000 Pakistani big shots under trial.
Minus Z formula should do it.

Can't wait till Dec 7th... Imagine 8000 Pakistani big shots under trial.

nothing is going to happen. This is all a big deal and nothing else.

In order to save the system, SCoP may delay the cases OR close all the cases for lack of evidence. It will be something similar to what was done to NS`cases.
First of all among all the facts, author easily forgets about the corruption of Nawaz Sharif. This bias is not acceptable. Both Zaradri and Nawaz Sharif are corrupt and should have no place in Pakistani politics.
What is the focus of the article? The title is “The unwritten script after President Zardari” and the material followed the title is about the title. This is not a book or research paper written on the corruption among the political parties. If you are very interested in such a piece of work, go ahead, write something, and get it published.

Secondly, why in the world should PPPP share cabinet with PML-N?? Reputation of PM Gillani is far better than that of Zaradri and if he continues like this then he will most certainly leave NS behind as well.
Because PML(N) has 91 seats, second next to 124 seats of PPP in the national assembly. If the PPP and PML(N) share the cabinet, the government will come in a stronger position to make difficult political decision which will be acceptable for the majority of the Pakistani people. Where this nation is standing today, it needs more unity than ever and that is not going to be achieved by making ‘dairh eent ki masjid’ as you are suggesting.

PPPP has won fair and square and have the right to lead Pakistan. There shouldn't be any power sharing because it will be un-natural. PML-N is a pro-Taliban right wing party and PPPP is a left wing party. There will be so much friction and blame game that Pakistan's system will surely collapsed.
No power sharing is unnatural; rather apposite of it would be unnatural. It is not that 100% of Pakistanis have voted for PPP, a considerable number of Pakistanis have chosen PML (N), PML(Q), MQM, ANP, and other smaller parties as well. Ignoring these parties (and their supporters) while making ‘make or break’ kind of decision will lead to more split, more chaos, and more weakening of the political as well as social system, which in the present times, we simply can not afford.

Your allegation that PML(N) is pro-Taliban is utter dishonesty. When did PML(N) support the actions or terrorist activities of the Taliban (TTP)? Now the PML(N) has a different philosophy than the PPP is all right, why not? It is not PML(N) that is a right wing party but Jamaat Islami (JI), and Jamiat Ulma Islam (JUI) (F) which are right wing parties and open sympathizers as well supporters of the right-wing philosophy of the TTP. If JUI(F) can sit in the lap of Musharraf and now in the lap of Zardari, why PPP and PML(N) cant work together? Whatever collapse happens as a result of PPP and PML(N) coalition, it will still be far less than what we have witnessed in the time of Musharraf.

Interestingly all of these rumour mill jouranlists work for the Jang Group. There need to be some laws for media.
It really makes me angry when people deliberately tell lies, or talk without proper home work. Following newspapers/magazines are published under the auspicious of the Jang group:

Daily News
Daily Jang (Urdu)
Daily Awam (Urdu)
Weekly Akhbar-e-Jehan (Urdu)
The Weekly MAG

If the able member bothers to read the following newspapers, he will learn that it is not only the so called Jang group that is reporting against the corruption of the government, but also others.

Daily Dawn
Daily Nation
Pak Tribune
Pakistan Observer
Pakistan Times
Daily Express (Urdu)
Daily Nawai Waqt (Urdu)
Daily Khabrain (Urdu)
Daily Mashriq (Urdu)

But who bothers to do proper homework? Why not cook things up at home, or in ones own mind based on pre-existing prejudice towards print/electronic media and vomit it out? Who is going to catch? I would say, we need some rules and regulations for the members who cook things up and deliberately spread disinformation on this forum while totally ignoring the hard facts.
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Minus Z formula should do it.

Can't wait till Dec 7th... Imagine 8000 Pakistani big shots under trial.

and the day finally comes.
there is news of PM fully restructuring his cabinet with almost all the NROs gone. if PML N decides to join in, it will be gud for pakistan at this critical stage. but so far PML N havent created any hurdle for the gov except on some really solid issues lik NRO or Judiciary which was supported by many pakistanis as well.

i doubt zardari will be goin anywhere. but with 17th amendment gone, he will only be a figure head. however being a PPP head, he ll still have influence of PM.

i think some of the journalists go over the fence but again everyone is free to agree or disagree with them.
I have strong dislikes for PPP and PML-N but i still would like them to share power and deliver on what they promised to the people since the people elected them.
The judiciary and Army are also working hard solely in their primary roles and that too was something we could not imagine long time ago.
It takes time and patience and many failures before we get it right.

Nawaz Sharif has to come in and prove his sincerity.
If he is sincere then that is good but if he resorts to past practice of passive critic role and minting money via his private ventures...then let him be warned that this is not Pakistan of 10 years ago...he will surely see all his transgressions in the media if he chooses to go down that road.
As such i see eventually a good coming out of it whether he does well or not, either way he shall be judged like never before, be sure of that.

The media has many faces but one thing is working superbly for Pakistan, media is balancing the unchecked corruption of politicians and affecting their popularity ratings tremendously...

Regarding the likes of JI and JUI...more and more they are becoming ridiculed by the average man who sees them being unable to present logic in the media and just tow the conspiracy theory line.
Surely they will not be devoid of retards to support them but they are being neutered by the media due to their own failure to recognize the multidimensional threat being faced by Pakistan.
The political death of JI and JUI will also be a pleasant change in the future which looks probable now more than ever, though it may take time.
Firstly, without losing a day, Mr Gilani will have to get rid of the tainted and corrupt cronies of Mr Zardari from his cabinet. This may be a little unpalatable for the presidency but the PM has to put his foot down.

Then he has to get the 17th Amendment out of his way as quickly as possible and get the PML-N leadership on board in his cabinet, with important portfolios so that the much desired and much needed credibility and consensus, backed by the force of a moral popular authority, is built.

The next task of Mr Gilani would be to let the chips fall where they may by allowing the courts to judge the NRO beneficiaries on their merits, acquit or punish them. Similar should be the case for all cases against the president and if he is disqualified, Mr Gilani should be ready to nominate and get a new president elected, as soon as possible, someone with integrity and having a moral face to provide respect to the system.

The most important task of the PM would be to show good governance and cut corruption. For this he needs the services of the best available, clean and honest, bureaucrats from the civilian and military bureaucracy, whether in active service or retired. He still has a small reservoir of upright and competent civil servants who may be ready to provide stability and vision to his government, despite the pressure of political jugglers sitting as ministers.

The present set-up of challenged bureaucrats has to go immediately with Mrs Nargis Sethi, (nothing against her personally) posted out to an appropriate position but a seasoned, competent and respected officer brought in her place to handle the bureaucracy.

If Mr Gilani does not handle this properly his government will soon fall short of space and then the entire democratic and elected set-up will be attacked by all the hawks in the political, civil and military establishment, saying the politicians are simply incapable of running the country.

Mr Gilani has also to convince Mian Nawaz Sharif to immediately get himself elected to the National Assembly and sit in the Parliament to lend it strength and support. He should be included in top decision-making and a team of experts, technocrats, retired judges, executives and others may be formed on the side as a super think tank to provide the vision and strategic depth to the elected government.

I think its workabale . Sindh card wont help zardari and would only alienate him not only among the major political parties but also within his own party . All the NRO benefeciries names should be included in the exit control list and they should be forced to resign .
The media has many faces but one thing is working superbly for Pakistan, media is balancing the unchecked corruption of politicians and affecting their popularity ratings tremendously...

My friend media bias have to stop. It can't pick and choose from our politicians. Role of the media is to provide news to the people of Pakistan instead of misguiding the people of Pakistan.

Check this link out:

Rauf Klasra Corruption Scandal | Pakistan News | News, Videos, Articles, Current Affairs, Politics, Entertainment | Geo TV | Dawn | The News | Ten Sports | Geo Super | India News

Rauf Klasra is the one of the main reporters of the Jang Group, now who is watching media? No one, because if anyone tries to put a system to maintain check and balance for media, he will be targetted by the media.

Why I hate Jang Group because they close their eyes about tehir corruption of Nawas Sharif and MQM. They just blackmail the people in power to get money and tax benefits.
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