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The UK's EU referendum: All you need to know

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

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So using your logic, Russian tanks can rolling in say Kazakhstan which also has a significant ethnic Russian population and carry out a 'referundum' whereby Russia takes back that area under mother Russia. Isnt it? Lmao. Good logic. :lol:
Using your logic China would have conquered and annexed many of its neighbours by now from Indonesia to Malaysia to thailand, since they have a significant chinese population there who will vote to be part of mother China as soon as Chineese tanks roll in there. :lol:
It's not my logic it's called "democracy" and it's not about tanks but about votes.

You're confused ...

Sometime we westerners are accused of "double standard" and rightly so when I read you and some other here.
They will negotiate as equals.

Duty-free trade both ways is the final goal.

UK gets access to the single market, saves 13 billion Euros a year and gains control of it's
borders again.

and we? gain nothing. We get target for isis and russia and instability.

It cant be reversed so easily, the E.U doesn't want to reform. We tried several times to push for reforms invane. The only option left was to leave so E U bureaucrats can come back to their senses and wake up from their slumber.This will be benefitial to europe as a whole, as reforms will now be a priority for the E.U. :)

it doesnt change the fact that we suffer now. Instability, greater terrorism threats and weaker position in the world. Our economy was barely recovering and is pushed down now. its like w family and you are angry with it and go to yoir brothers rooms and smash evrything.

Marcus please my friend. When I was a little boy I travelled all over Europe with my father, a civil engineer. Major European states will never have a visa system between each other.
We haven't broken anything, trade will go on, friendship will go on and defence will go on.

thats not true. All this paralyse europe. ISIS already said they will strike now to vause havoc since EU is breaking apart. Things are already complicated and get worse now. If you do this then Europe will suffer enormous.
and we? gain nothing. We get target for isis and russia and instability.

it doesnt change the fact that we suffer now. Instability, greater terrorism threats and weaker position in the world. Our economy was barely recovering and is pushed down now. its like w family and you are angry with it and go to yoir brothers rooms and smash evrything.

thats not true. All this paralyse europe. ISIS already said they will strike now to vause havoc since EU is breaking apart. Things are already complicated and get worse now. If you do this then Europe will suffer enormous.

Lol Don't fall for project fear slogan.
ISIS wreaking havoc in Europe?? Which type of havoc will they wreak that they are not already doing? Lol ISIS poses no existential threat to Europe, not even near.They can at best carry out isolated terror attacks once in a while, BUT we will keep fighting them in their home turf in Syria, Iraq and libya. Our special forces, air force and army have been doing just that these past years in the middle East and the fighting will remain/be limited to that area.

As for Russia, NATO is there to deter any designs they might have against our European partners. Reason we have been at the forefront of deploying troops and military assets ro the baltics, black sea and eastern Europe to reassure our weaker european friends/brothers of our commitment to defend them and Europe.


So we are still together and we will continue our cooperation as usual. We will just not be part of E.U that's all. We are still in Europe and NATO, so no big deal. :)
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If such a plan went ahead, America could end up with the kind of partner it had always hoped the EU would be but which never showed up in reality.

Basically,the US wanted the European Union to become their political,economic and military lackey,which according to you failed.
Now that your special lackey and supporter of your interests in the EU is gone,what are you going to do ?
No wonder De Gaulle always opposing this country's entry into the EEC saying that they were representing the american's interests and would be the US's trojan horse...
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By leaving EU, UK is fuc!ed. It's not a manufacturing hub and the services it depended on need wider user base than not. It has increased its problems and shunned the support at the same time. People in majority can be stupid and democratically destroy their home making everyone, including themselves suffer.

Let's see who's happy now. Russia, China and stupids in not so great Britain.
Lol Don't fall for project fear slogan.
ISIS wreaking havoc in Europe?? Which type of havoc will they wreak that they are not already doing? Lol ISIS poses no existential threat to Europe, not even near.They can at best carry out isolated terror attacks once in a while, BUT we will keep fighting them in their home turf in Syria, Iraq and libya. Our special forces, air force and army have been doing just that these past years in the middle East and the fighting will remain/be limited to that area.

As for Russia, NATO is there to deter any designs they might have against our European partners. Reason we have been at the forefront of deploying troops and military assets ro the baltics, black sea and eastern Europe to reassure our weaker european friends/brothers of our commitment to defend them and Europe.


So we are still together and we will continue our cooperation as usual. We will just not be part of E.U that's all. We are still in Europe and NATO, so no big deal. :)

No its not like that. NATO is worthless. The EU is far more important. Each memberstate has its unique talents and contributes for the greater good of europe. It is our voice in the world. I still hope common sense prevails in the UK and this idiocy doesnt start.
Yes we have seen how socialist economies are doing around the world, look at Venezuela....We don't need to watch out, the Scots, bar the nationalists are the only ones asking for a referendum. We'll come to that bridge when we need to. :-)
You should focus on India. We don't need your "concerns".

I didn't know that I had to be a UK resident to comment on it, you seem to have quite a narrow worldview. I asked you a simple question which you shrugged off initially and within hours my prediction that SNP would ask for another referendum came true.

You are again underestimating the demand for independence in Scotland. When nearly 45% people vote for something with a 80%+ voter turnout, it is not just a few nationalists asking for it. Last time, the young population overwhelmingly voted for independence whereas the older generation wanted stability and voted to remain in the union. Guess what, that stability is out of the way now. This time they will have to decide which union is better for them -- with England or with the EU. Let's see how it unfolds in the next few months. According to a recent opinion poll, there has been a surge in support for independence.

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I didn't know that I had to be a UK resident to comment on it, you seem to have quite a narrow worldview. I asked you a simple question which you shrugged off initially and within hours my prediction that SNP would ask for another referendum came true.

You are again underestimating the demand for independence in Scotland. When nearly 45% people vote for something with a 80%+ voter turnout, it is not just a few nationalists asking for it. Last time, the young population overwhelmingly voted for independence whereas the older generation wanted stability and voted to remain in the union. Guess what, that stability is out of the way now. This time they will have to decide which union is better for them -- with England or with the EU. Let's see how it unfolds in the next few months. According to a recent opinion poll, there has been a surge in support for independence.

Huge Surge is there, even in London there are demands for Independence from the UK coming in :lol: Many people are very emotional and angry right now.

But when the real debate begins & when facts come out regarding currency,income,admission to the EU & the Euro , it will narrowly lose.

& there is still no guarantee whether London will allow a referendum or not.

1.6 million people voted Bremain,but 2 million voted No for scottish independence a few years ago.

But I think a referedum will happen
So someone that does not agree with you is "trolling" ? How mature and adult you are.

The fact that the Ukrainian gov didn't allow the referendum doesn't change anything. It was a democratic one and we must accept it. The people of Crimea has spoken. Deal with it.

Most people in Crimea identify themselves as Russian much more than as Ukrainian that is a fact proven by many polls (even by US poll companies) and a vote.

It was NOT a democratic election, since it violated the constitution of Ukraine and the election result was
controlled by an occupying force.
We do not have to accept it, and evidently we are not.
Russian economy in shatters as a result.
Huge Surge is there, even in London there are demands for Independence from the UK coming in :lol: Many people are very emotional and angry right now.

But when the real debate begins & when facts come out regarding currency,income,admission to the EU & the Euro , it will narrowly lose.

& there is still no guarantee whether London will allow a referendum or not.

1.6 million people voted Bremain,but 2 million voted No for scottish independence a few years ago.

But I think a referedum will happen

Those absolute numbers are meaningless because overall voter turnout was much lower this time. But yes, it won't be easy to get another referendum. First they will have to convince westminster and then get an assurance from the EU that an independent Scotland would get their membership. But I have no doubt that if the public sentiment is strong, SNP would do their best to get it done. They won't get another golden opportunity like this again. The instability in London, with a new Tory PM who would be busy negotiating with the EU for an exit means that the no campaign in Scotland would be much weaker than the last time. Basically Loha garam hai maardo hathoda! :lol:
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Well, i hope this is a domino effect. If the western Europe decides to put in isolationist right wing govt. and dissolves the EU. IT essentially means one pillar of great power on this planet will be gone, making the other pillars Russia and upcoming Asian powers gain power and influence. Now if this also mean economic uncertainty in the former EU countries, more investment for us :D.

Great job UK. let the dominos fall one by one, The Rise of Asia is imminent.
It was NOT a democratic election, since it violated the constitution of Ukraine and the election result was
controlled by an occupying force.
We do not have to accept it, and evidently we are not.
Russian economy in shatters as a result.

When a part of a country wants to leave that country (to be alone or to join something else) at some point it can always be considered as "occupied" by a foreign force. What matters is if it express the desire of the people living here. It should be clear to everyone now, that people living in Crimea wanted to join Russia.

Well, i hope this is a domino effect. If the western Europe decides to put in isolationist right wing govt. and dissolves the EU. IT essentially means one pillar of great power on this planet will be gone, making the other pillars Russia and upcoming Asian powers gain power and influence. Now if this also mean economic uncertainty in the former EU countries, more investment for us :D.

Great job UK. let the dominos fall one by one, The Rise of Asia is imminent.

In your dreams. I don't believe a second to the dominos theory. UK is out yes. But UK was never really in.

You're totally underestimating the resilience of the European project. It will take time and we still have a long road to go but we're building it step by step.

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