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The U.S. just sent a carrier strike group to confront China

Agree there is no law against sailing close to USN ships in international waters. Probably why the U.S navy carried on without much fuss either. Asia will be the next hotspots in world issues/conflict these coming years. Interesting.

Mate, NO country can challenge the U.S navy in the high seas. Only a fool will think otherwise.

Plus Korean war was mainly a land based conflict bordering China and the SOVIET UNION. So I think its logical the U.S,U.K,Australia and other western powers had to fight China. N.Korea and indirectly the Soviet union in Korea farrrrrr away from their country/neighbourhood to a standstill. If anything its still an achievement for the U.S and allies since they didnt lost.
Its like Great Britain taking on say the Australian navy/military in N.Ireland or Russia fighting the U.S in mexico and fighting to a standstill, you cant bet there is nothing for the U.S or U.K to be so proud about, since a big power fighting in its own backyard ought to crushany foreign power who is fighting miles away from its homeland.
I have to disagree. Whatever you have witnessed from the start of the Iraq war are countries who have little or no navy. The US Navy have never met with another power similar to China.
One thing, when push comes to shove, Chinese will not play by the rules of engagement. I can confidently say, the US will think, not twice but a million times to take on China in the high seas.
Talk is cheap, let's just wait and see the outcome and opinions are like an a$$hole, everyone has one.
Interesting, US Navy has all these awesome battle ships, but Seals do not have enough rifles and bullets.

Navy SEALs tell congressman there is a combat rifle shortage - Yahoo News

You do know the Navy SEALs weapon are Speciality, and each individual weapon are custom to their liking, you don't just pick up a government issue M4 and use it if you are a SF member.

They like to "recycle" their weapon because they know they are set and ready to go. If you care to read the reference you supplied you will see this paragraph

Sharing rifles may seem inconsequential. It's not. The weapons, which are outfitted with telescopic targeting sights and laser pointers, are fine-tuned to individual specifications and become intensely personal pieces of gear.

The problem is that those weapon have customized barrel, customized handguard, the bolt are retracted and the ACOG are always zeroed. It's not about how much money you put in it, but how much work.

They are asking to keep their weapon if they are not active. Which would be a big ask, well, they wish. Even each M4 does not cost the government anymore than $1200. And never try to mess up SF weapon, you will be out there doing 3 hours airborne shuffle.

Another reason why they don't have enough "weapon" and "ammunition" to go around is basically they use them all in battle, and also the SOCOM community have expanded 200% over the last 10 years, and they are still getting the same budget over and over.

And finally, always spell with Capital SEAL and small s, otherwise you mean this

The US Navy have never met with another power similar to China.
And the PLAN have never met an opponent like the US Navy.

But what you are saying is not entirely true. In terms of technology, the US Navy have met a similar opponent -- Imperial Japan.

On the other hand, comparing the PLAN to the US Navy is absurd, especially in terms of combat experience.

I can confidently say, the US will think, not twice but a million times to take on China in the high seas.
Talk is cheap, let's just wait and see the outcome and opinions are like an a$$hole, everyone has one.
Also like a$$hole, some opinions are just more shitty than others.
At some extent, Vietnam, North Korea and Mongolia do not know how to become an independent country. You have to rely on extreme nationalism to protect your independence. Clearly Thailand is much better in this area and is the only country not colonized.

And there is no nationalism in China? CCP never stir up Chinese nationalism for it’s own agenda? There are no nationalism in Thailand? Thailand was indeed brilliant in dealing with the issue of colonialism, but for a Chinese to say those things is rather funny, oh the irony. Its like the pot calling the kettle black and lecturing how it ought to be whiter like the cup.

Chinese characters, not Chinese army or American Army, are the most scary to Vietnamese or Korean governments. They are trying to stir nationalism to fight against Chinese cultures and Chinese characters.

Oh really? VN govt fear Chinese characters/cultures and trying to fight against it? Then why are Chinese funded entities like the Confucius institute are welcomed to operate freely inside VN? Why are state-funded VN universities offering Chinese studies?

You have just lost all your credibility. It seems like you are just creating your own little theories, living in your fantasy world disjunct from reality.

I will just let you continue living in your fantasy land.
I have to disagree. Whatever you have witnessed from the start of the Iraq war are countries who have little or no navy. The US Navy have never met with another power similar to China.
One thing, when push comes to shove, Chinese will not play by the rules of engagement. I can confidently say, the US will think, not twice but a million times to take on China in the high seas.
Talk is cheap, let's just wait and see the outcome and opinions are like an a$$hole, everyone has one.

Lol the Japanese Navy was farrr more potent/formidable in its heydays back then than the current Chinese navy both in firepower,experience,skills,discipline and in doctrine.
Yet we all know what happened.

If you really believe the PLAN can challenge/defeat the U.S navy at present in the high seas then good for you.:)
China is a civilization empire, similar to Roman Empires, Islamic Empires, which only could be founded with great philosophers such as Confucian, Dao, Mao, Jesus Christ and Mohamed. Even when this kind of empires falls, different ethnic groups of people under this civilization will work hard to unify it again. Nation states such as Huns, Turks, Japan and German might have a short period of glory, but their impacts can never achieve the levels by civilization empires.

Current PRC is working hard to prove Mao thought can elevate Confucian and adapt to industrial era. It seems that it is working and no one including United States can contain the rise of China.

And there is no nationalism in China? CCP never stir up Chinese nationalism for it’s own agenda? There are no nationalism in Thailand? Thailand was indeed brilliant in dealing with the issue of colonialism, but for a Chinese to say those things is rather funny, oh the irony. Its like the pot calling the kettle black and lecturing it ought to be whiter like the cup.

Oh really? VN govt fear Chinese characters/cultures and trying to fight against it? Then why are Chinese funded entities like the Confucius institute are welcomed to operate freely inside VN? Why are state-funded VN universities offering Chinese studies?

You have just lost all your credibility. It seems like you are just creating your little theories living in your fantasy world disjunct from reality.

I will just let you continue living in your fantasy land.
CCP only dares to manage limited nationalism because the ideology of China is weak compared to Western ideology.
Both Vietnam and South Korea are forced to accept more Chinese cultures and characters, which is driven by business.

Confucius institute is the expansion of Chinese culture. That's why the West doesn't like it. Both Europe and United States always find excuses to close Confucius institutes, even at the cost of academic freedom.

If CCP pursued nationalism as Vietnam, Korea and Japan, China would fall apart just as ROC period. ROC was based on nationalism by Nationalist party. It had never been able to unify China.
@mike2000 is back
Also, the Chinese had no technological superiority advantage during the Korean War. They even had one rifle for two soldiers to share. It's was not technology which pushed the USA to the 38th parallel, it was tactics! You'll be blown away, if you were ever to find out what tactics Chinese use during war times. To name one, "Sun Tzu". I can only tell you this, be afraid, be very afraid, if you take on China.
You still live in past, I wonder what's the propaganda they feed you guys with. "that USA is an indestructible force?". If then USA does lose this war, the country will collapse. They will lose their hegemony status. The dollar will come crashing down.
You must realize, besides the carrier, the number of destroyers and frigate are on par with the US. Oh, not to mention the number of submarines the Chinese have are 80 and how many subs does the US have? Will they send their entire navy to SCS? I don't think so. Think!
Last but not the least, China will never start a war in a war that they cannot win. I am so sure, they have thought this over a zillion times before provoking the USA. It's probably the other way round, it's China that wants to destroy the USA and they (US) are falling right in their trap.
Confucius institute is the expansion of Chinese culture...

Exactly, and VN govt allows CI to operate freely inside VN...which contradicts your theory that VN govt fears “chinese chraracters/cultures” and is trying to fight against it.

Seems like you still don’t get the point, oh well, off-topic anyway.
If you understand the difference between civilization state and nation state, you can understand why the fierce battles among China, Soviet Unions and United States are not on the battle fields, but the ideology. Gorbachev removed Soviet ideology, Soviet collapsed within years. If United States removed the killing rights of police to defend laws, United States could be turned into chaos within years.
And the PLAN have never met an opponent like the US Navy.

But what you are saying is not entirely true. In terms of technology, the US Navy have met a similar opponent -- Imperial Japan.

On the other hand, comparing the PLAN to the US Navy is absurd, especially in terms of combat experience.

Also like a$$hole, some opinions are just more shitty than others.
What experience? Lol... Experience with the Imperial. Japan? Wow... Those sailors must live 1000 years. The closest experience you've ever had was with the middle eastern countries and that was like a decade or two ago? And let's see, those sailors were probably 20 to 30 years when they engaged with Iraq? Add 20 years to sailors who were 20 or 30 years old. Do you think they'd still be around in the US Navy?
Opinions are like a$$holes, especially when it comes from a Viet!
That is because unlike the PLA's special forces, the SEALs actually do something -- like combat -- with their weapons. And of course, the harder you fight, the harder it will be on the gear.

I agree that there is no way that PLA can compare its battle experience with US force. They have not killed anyone in past quarter century, while US has engaged in countless wars/conflicts around the world, and may have eliminated half millions enemies.
Hmm, I'm kind of suspicious of this whole ordeal... Why US choose to confront China in SCS now when it's already too late? US did help China expel the Japanese from the mainland back then. Also remember the financial crisis right after Beijing olympics in 2008? I doubt China would be where she's at right now, if billions weren't forced to save and buy cheap stuff from China as a result of a bad global economy (thnx to the financial crisis caused directly by the US).

I'm thinking US is heavily invested in China. Chinese economy goes up USA investors win. The only way to continue to prop up Chinese economy is destroy those around it, namely the countries involved in the TPP... What you think? Is USA move concerning SCS backed by USA investors and hence colluding with Chinese government?

Seems to me like what is happening in the SCS is something like a wrestling match, where the players throw fake punches and slams just to wow the spectators... (the fake punches would be the warships / SAMs / carrier groups / China's next response to the carrier groups, where each player takes turn screaming into the TV camera and news channel about how the other side wants hegemony over the area, while they both belong to the same organization that profits from a strong China...)

At the end of the day USA had historically helped China more than it had hurt. Can't say the same for Japan...

As to what USA would gain if China controlled the entire SCS. It's hard for me to say at this point, but USA is kind of being overtaken by non-Whites as we speak. The future looks kind of bleak in US where the elites must live behind the safety of walled communities. Perhaps they want to make China their future home...

In the past USA had favored Japan d/t its technological advancement. Then, they realized they could do so much more with China. And USA also knows China is benign, not bent on world conquest, which is why China is currently USA's main interest.

I'm saying all of this b/c there is an element of conspiracy in all of this SCS affair. At the end of the day Chinese workers become more productive if they have something to feel nationalistic about. And there can be no glory for the light light w/o the dark, which is why US is there in the SCS to stage the "dark element" to benefit the overall scheme...

(Btw, I think it was clear b4 USA even made its 1st FONP that the end game is to let China win. The win can only be glorious if there is a losing side. Eventually, USA will back out of the SCS to give the Chinese [economy] an ego boost. But before that the [fake] show/wrestling match will only get more intense to attract the widest audience possible!)
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The United States is like Scar from the Lion King movie, it uses its gang of hyenas for its own ambitions. And just like the Lion King movie, Scar betrays his hyenas and also blames them for fault, this in turn turns the hyenas on Scar. We see in history USA (Scar) uses his gang of hyenas to invade other countries, some of the former hyenas also turn into enemies of the USA after seeing the true face of the USA.

Interesting analysis.....

@21stCentury , i admit, i like the Japanese version better. Voice is much stronger, ha ha ha !

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