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The U.S. Air Force's New AC-130 Gunships Are Really Bomb Trucks


Oct 15, 2014
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United States

The AC-130 flying gunship fleet is one of the most fabled and feared assets in the entire USAF inventory. Known for its ability to unleash a broadside of cannon fire in the dead of night, the newest of the AC-130 lot is more about smart bombs than raining lead and howitzer shells down on the enemy.

Before the turn of the decade it became clear that the aging AC-130 fleet was in low supply and exceedingly high demand. As a result the Air Force Special Operations Command decided that it should augment the existing fleet on AC-130H and AC-130Us in the short term, as well as replace a portion of them in the long term.


The outcome of this decision was to outfit a portion of the MC-130W Dragon Speer special operations Hercules aircraft with a semi-modular kit called the Precision Strike Packages (PSP), similar to but more elaborate than the Marine's Harvest Hawk kit, which would give these Hercules the ability to perform Close Air Support (CAS), ISTAR (Information, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance), armed over-watch and support Special Forces missions without having to buy an entirely new aircraft. In the longer term the AC-130J, based entirely on the newer and much improved Super Hercules platform, would replace older AC-130Hs that had reached the end of their service lives.

It only took about a year and half to take the AC-130W, dubbed the "Stinger II," concept and turn it into reality. What resulted from this initiative was more of a flying arsenal and sensor ship than a traditional gunship. The idea was to create a gunship with minimal airframe alterations and to provide an indirect precision attack capability to the AC-130 family. A single Bushmaster 30mm cannon was fitted to the forward port side of the aircraft's fuselage, along with a pair of highly capable AN/AAQ-38 FLIR turrets both under the nose and under the port forward fuselage sponson-like structure. Also, a modular Battle Management System (BMS) and advanced communications system, including the latest video and information datalinks, were tied to a series of missionized control stations mounted inside the AC-130W's spacious cargo hold.


The Stinger's real sting comes from its ability to lob GBU-176 "Griffin" air-to-ground missiles, or GBU-44 "Viper Strike" munitions off of its rear ramp. This simple but effective rear ramp arsenal configuration is affectionately called "Gunslinger." Ten of the low-yield Griffins or Viper Strikes can be carried in the cradle mounted on the ramp at any given time, although there is room for more to be stowed in the AC-130's hold until needed. Then there are the aircraft's outboard wing pylons. This is where the AC-130W really deviates from its predecessors, it carries AGM-114 Hellfire missiles (like the Marine's KC-130J Harvest Hawk) and guided bombs — the GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb to be exact.

The GBU-39 is really a remarkable and game-changing piece of technology. These 250lb guided bombs are equipped with a spring loaded winged section that snap open when the weapon is released. This allows the slender bomb to glide its way dozens of miles to a target and strike it with incredible accuracy. In fact, a GBU-39 launched by a fighter aircraft at high-subsonic speed and at higher altitude can glide over fifty miles to its target. Hence it is becoming the weapon of choice for destroying Surface to Air Missile sites and small targets deep within enemy territory as it allows the launching aircraft to remain outside of a threatening anti-aircraft system's "engagement ring," and in some cases totally outside of enemy territory as a whole.

These pint-sized standoff glide bombs can pack different warheads, from one capable of punching through hardened structures, such as aircraft shelters and bunkers, to a high explosive version that is extremely effective againt soft targets and armor. The GBU-39 is guided via GPS and an onboard Inertial Navigation System (INS), so coordinates can be called up from at JTAC (forward air controller), data-linked from an outside sensor source, acquired via high-resolution synthetic aperture radar, or the AC-130W can "squirt" its laser at a target to get accurate GPS coordinates before uploading them into the weapon and punching it off on its way.

The GBU-39 is not cheap, costing over $50,000 each, but they do give the AC-130 community a true standoff attack capability for the first time, which is a good thing seeing as the aircraft, even with its advanced electronic countermeasures, is vulnerable in impermissible airspace, especially to mobile radar guided SAM systems such as the SA-6. Also, the SDB allows a single Stinger gunship to respond to CAS requests in two geographical areas at one time and does not have to orbit right on top of its target in order to have an effect on it.


The second-generation GBU-57 SDB II is on the way and it will give the SDB weapon concept exponentially more capability and accuracy that is measured in single foot integers. It will feature a multi-mode seeker and guidance system, with a combined imaging infrared and millimeter radar seeker and guidance provided by both a GPS and a datalink. This means the SDB II can be targeted using millimeter wave radar under terrible weather conditions and can even hit a moving target under those same conditions. It can also home-in on a moving target using imaging infrared, or both modes simultaneously, giving it extreme accuracy, utility, and resistance to countermeasures. Other SDB warheads are also in the works as well, including ones that have a strong blast but very little fragmentation so that they can be used in urban areas with minimal collateral damage while still possessing a high probability of destroying its target completely.

In the end the AC-130W may not have the battleship appeal of the bristling AC-130s that came before it, but it does offer a scaleable and cost effective solution to an urgent need, while also paving the way for new technologies that will be featured on the upcoming AC-130J "Ghostrider."

Although many traditional gunship fans, including those on the ground that have been awed by their ability to obliterate the enemy with streams of hot death, may be disappointed with the new AC-130J configuration as it is almost identical to that of the AC-130W.

The AC-130J "Ghostrider," the first of which has flown recently and is in preliminary testing, will feature the same 30mm cannon, "Gunslinger" rear ramp modification, and the SDB capable wing pylons, along with the command and control interfaces that the AC-130W Stinger uses. There will be no 105mm Howitzer or 40mm Bofors cannon or 25mm gatling gun, and yes, a 105mm artillery shell is way less expensive than a Small Diameter Bomb.

The idea is that the AC-130J could be easily modified back into an MC-130 special operations transport and visa-versa. So purpose built, irreversibly modified gunships these are not and both the AC-130W and AC-130J lack the heavy armor of their predecessors, which will enhance their range and operating altitude but hurt in the down-low survivability department. Seeing as these aircraft are more guided bomb chuckers than anything else, this should not be as big of deal as it sounds as altitude will only a bomb or missile's range.

The new AC-130J will have similar sensors to the AC-130W and a high-power synthetic aperture radar pod that can provide live targeting for SDB IIs and its other weaponry will be in its quiver. It will also feature Helmet Mounted Sights for its pilots for enhanced situational awareness. All these systems can also be reverse upgraded into the AC-130W fleet down the line if need be.


There has also been some talk of a 105mm cannon or 120mm mortor package for these aircraft, one that possibly mounts in the port side rear door, albeit the possibility of these ever getting fielded is questionable considering AFSOC's clear preference towards guided munitions and higher operating altitudes.

Still, AC-130s that are bristling with barrels will be around a lot longer, with the AC-130U fleet having service life still in them. The good thing about these new "bomb truck" AC-130s is that the ability to put up persistent precision fire support over troops in high-risk areas abroad will be enhanced as the fleet of AC-130s will grow to 45 airframes and can be rapidly increased if need be. These include 17 AC-130Us, 12,AC-130Ws and 16 AC-130Js. Still, I think it is time that the USAF change the modern AC-130 moniker from Gunship to Arsenal Ship as the gun part of the equation is becoming a secondary capability over their large magazine of precision guided munitions.


Armament configurations of current AC-130s, although the H model has been officially retired, it is still flying missions and the J model will be online in the coming years:
AC-130H Spectre

  • 1× 40 mm (1.58 in) L/60 Bofors cannon
  • 1× 105 mm (4.13 in) M102 howitzer
AC-130U Spooky II
AC-130W Stinger II & AC-130J

From The U.S. Air Force's New AC-130 Gunships Are Really Bomb Trucks
View attachment 158771

The AC-130 flying gunship fleet is one of the most fabled and feared assets in the entire USAF inventory. Known for its ability to unleash a broadside of cannon fire in the dead of night, the newest of the AC-130 lot is more about smart bombs than raining lead and howitzer shells down on the enemy.

Before the turn of the decade it became clear that the aging AC-130 fleet was in low supply and exceedingly high demand. As a result the Air Force Special Operations Command decided that it should augment the existing fleet on AC-130H and AC-130Us in the short term, as well as replace a portion of them in the long term.

View attachment 158772

The outcome of this decision was to outfit a portion of the MC-130W Dragon Speer special operations Hercules aircraft with a semi-modular kit called the Precision Strike Packages (PSP), similar to but more elaborate than the Marine's Harvest Hawk kit, which would give these Hercules the ability to perform Close Air Support (CAS), ISTAR (Information, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance), armed over-watch and support Special Forces missions without having to buy an entirely new aircraft. In the longer term the AC-130J, based entirely on the newer and much improved Super Hercules platform, would replace older AC-130Hs that had reached the end of their service lives.

It only took about a year and half to take the AC-130W, dubbed the "Stinger II," concept and turn it into reality. What resulted from this initiative was more of a flying arsenal and sensor ship than a traditional gunship. The idea was to create a gunship with minimal airframe alterations and to provide an indirect precision attack capability to the AC-130 family. A single Bushmaster 30mm cannon was fitted to the forward port side of the aircraft's fuselage, along with a pair of highly capable AN/AAQ-38 FLIR turrets both under the nose and under the port forward fuselage sponson-like structure. Also, a modular Battle Management System (BMS) and advanced communications system, including the latest video and information datalinks, were tied to a series of missionized control stations mounted inside the AC-130W's spacious cargo hold.

View attachment 158773

The Stinger's real sting comes from its ability to lob GBU-176 "Griffin" air-to-ground missiles, or GBU-44 "Viper Strike" munitions off of its rear ramp. This simple but effective rear ramp arsenal configuration is affectionately called "Gunslinger." Ten of the low-yield Griffins or Viper Strikes can be carried in the cradle mounted on the ramp at any given time, although there is room for more to be stowed in the AC-130's hold until needed. Then there are the aircraft's outboard wing pylons. This is where the AC-130W really deviates from its predecessors, it carries AGM-114 Hellfire missiles (like the Marine's KC-130J Harvest Hawk) and guided bombs — the GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb to be exact.

The GBU-39 is really a remarkable and game-changing piece of technology. These 250lb guided bombs are equipped with a spring loaded winged section that snap open when the weapon is released. This allows the slender bomb to glide its way dozens of miles to a target and strike it with incredible accuracy. In fact, a GBU-39 launched by a fighter aircraft at high-subsonic speed and at higher altitude can glide over fifty miles to its target. Hence it is becoming the weapon of choice for destroying Surface to Air Missile sites and small targets deep within enemy territory as it allows the launching aircraft to remain outside of a threatening anti-aircraft system's "engagement ring," and in some cases totally outside of enemy territory as a whole.

These pint-sized standoff glide bombs can pack different warheads, from one capable of punching through hardened structures, such as aircraft shelters and bunkers, to a high explosive version that is extremely effective againt soft targets and armor. The GBU-39 is guided via GPS and an onboard Inertial Navigation System (INS), so coordinates can be called up from at JTAC (forward air controller), data-linked from an outside sensor source, acquired via high-resolution synthetic aperture radar, or the AC-130W can "squirt" its laser at a target to get accurate GPS coordinates before uploading them into the weapon and punching it off on its way.

The GBU-39 is not cheap, costing over $50,000 each, but they do give the AC-130 community a true standoff attack capability for the first time, which is a good thing seeing as the aircraft, even with its advanced electronic countermeasures, is vulnerable in impermissible airspace, especially to mobile radar guided SAM systems such as the SA-6. Also, the SDB allows a single Stinger gunship to respond to CAS requests in two geographical areas at one time and does not have to orbit right on top of its target in order to have an effect on it.

View attachment 158774

The second-generation GBU-57 SDB II is on the way and it will give the SDB weapon concept exponentially more capability and accuracy that is measured in single foot integers. It will feature a multi-mode seeker and guidance system, with a combined imaging infrared and millimeter radar seeker and guidance provided by both a GPS and a datalink. This means the SDB II can be targeted using millimeter wave radar under terrible weather conditions and can even hit a moving target under those same conditions. It can also home-in on a moving target using imaging infrared, or both modes simultaneously, giving it extreme accuracy, utility, and resistance to countermeasures. Other SDB warheads are also in the works as well, including ones that have a strong blast but very little fragmentation so that they can be used in urban areas with minimal collateral damage while still possessing a high probability of destroying its target completely.

In the end the AC-130W may not have the battleship appeal of the bristling AC-130s that came before it, but it does offer a scaleable and cost effective solution to an urgent need, while also paving the way for new technologies that will be featured on the upcoming AC-130J "Ghostrider."

Although many traditional gunship fans, including those on the ground that have been awed by their ability to obliterate the enemy with streams of hot death, may be disappointed with the new AC-130J configuration as it is almost identical to that of the AC-130W.

The AC-130J "Ghostrider," the first of which has flown recently and is in preliminary testing, will feature the same 30mm cannon, "Gunslinger" rear ramp modification, and the SDB capable wing pylons, along with the command and control interfaces that the AC-130W Stinger uses. There will be no 105mm Howitzer or 40mm Bofors cannon or 25mm gatling gun, and yes, a 105mm artillery shell is way less expensive than a Small Diameter Bomb.

The idea is that the AC-130J could be easily modified back into an MC-130 special operations transport and visa-versa. So purpose built, irreversibly modified gunships these are not and both the AC-130W and AC-130J lack the heavy armor of their predecessors, which will enhance their range and operating altitude but hurt in the down-low survivability department. Seeing as these aircraft are more guided bomb chuckers than anything else, this should not be as big of deal as it sounds as altitude will only a bomb or missile's range.

The new AC-130J will have similar sensors to the AC-130W and a high-power synthetic aperture radar pod that can provide live targeting for SDB IIs and its other weaponry will be in its quiver. It will also feature Helmet Mounted Sights for its pilots for enhanced situational awareness. All these systems can also be reverse upgraded into the AC-130W fleet down the line if need be.

View attachment 158775

There has also been some talk of a 105mm cannon or 120mm mortor package for these aircraft, one that possibly mounts in the port side rear door, albeit the possibility of these ever getting fielded is questionable considering AFSOC's clear preference towards guided munitions and higher operating altitudes.

Still, AC-130s that are bristling with barrels will be around a lot longer, with the AC-130U fleet having service life still in them. The good thing about these new "bomb truck" AC-130s is that the ability to put up persistent precision fire support over troops in high-risk areas abroad will be enhanced as the fleet of AC-130s will grow to 45 airframes and can be rapidly increased if need be. These include 17 AC-130Us, 12,AC-130Ws and 16 AC-130Js. Still, I think it is time that the USAF change the modern AC-130 moniker from Gunship to Arsenal Ship as the gun part of the equation is becoming a secondary capability over their large magazine of precision guided munitions.

View attachment 158776

Armament configurations of current AC-130s, although the H model has been officially retired, it is still flying missions and the J model will be online in the coming years:
AC-130H Spectre

  • 1× 40 mm (1.58 in) L/60 Bofors cannon
  • 1× 105 mm (4.13 in) M102 howitzer
AC-130U Spooky II
AC-130W Stinger II & AC-130J
View attachment 158777

From The U.S. Air Force's New AC-130 Gunships Are Really Bomb Trucks

This is actually a worrisome development for the US Army...

The reason why Spectre is so popular amongst soldier is mostly because of their present. The way they circle around your AO at night would give you a lot of confident to carry out your mission, coz you know that something is watching over you. That alone boost morale. Then you are talking about firing those 105 and 40mm round from it when you need it. I mean, when you are pinned down on 3 sides, the sight of a Spectre gunship firing 105 HE and 40mm on the enemy would no doubt make you want to stand up and cheer for them.

From the looks of it, if this is for real the USAF plan to upgrade the AC-130. Then I would suppose they were to take over the job of A-10 or even some Strike Eagle, job which normally would need fast air. Which worries me, because then they would just Roll-in/Roll-out for bomb run. No more orbit and no more Showing off presents.

But then they are Air Force, they probably don't care about what boots on the ground thinks...
The same old ploy by USAF to eliminate dependable weapons with scifi duds in the name of modernisation. Neither JTACs nor the grunts are going to like this loss in capability to bring precise gunfire.
The blue suits have filled their pockets again.
This is actually a worrisome development for the US Army...

The reason why Spectre is so popular amongst soldier is mostly because of their present. The way they circle around your AO at night would give you a lot of confident to carry out your mission, coz you know that something is watching over you. That alone boost morale. Then you are talking about firing those 105 and 40mm round from it when you need it. I mean, when you are pinned down on 3 sides, the sight of a Spectre gunship firing 105 HE and 40mm on the enemy would no doubt make you want to stand up and cheer for them.

From the looks of it, if this is for real the USAF plan to upgrade the AC-130. Then I would suppose they were to take over the job of A-10 or even some Strike Eagle, job which normally would need fast air. Which worries me, because then they would just Roll-in/Roll-out for bomb run. No more orbit and no more Showing off presents.

But then they are Air Force, they probably don't care about what boots on the ground thinks...
Your fears are ungrounded.

I have friends in the AC-130 community. I knew these guys when I was stationed at MacDill and the Spectre people are in full support of the Army. The Spectre and the Warthogs know that any mission on their board will usually be Army oriented, especially the Spectre, because they often work close with the Special Ops people and the SpecOps community is small and close knit to start.

To support the Army, the Spectre's mission is to provide long duration presence and precision strikes whenever the soldiers at the immediate situation needed those strikes. The problem here is that SpecOps demands have risen in unexpected ways and numbers and there is simply not enough gunships to go around.

AC-130W Stinger II | Military.com
While similar to the AC-130's missions, Stinger II is primarily focused on performing reconnaissance over friendly positions and may directly deliver ordnance to precise targets to support ground forces.
The role differences are not that obscured. The Spectre's armament made it more suitable to support forward and short duration SpecOps missions while the Stinger seems to be more like to support longer duration Army positions.

Modifications to the AC-130W include a mission management console, communications suite, two electro-optical/infrared sensors, fire control equipment, precision guided munitions delivery capability, and one side-firing, trainable 30 mm gun with tracer-less ammunition and associated munitions storage system. The mission management system will fuse sensor, communication, environment, order of battle, and threat information into a common operating picture. The AC-130W Stinger II Precision Strike Package modification will provide ground forces an expeditionary, direct fires platform that is persistent, delivering precision low-yield munitions, ideally suited for urban operations.
It looks like the situation management system is more geared towards providing information rather than to assimilate them for self use the way the Spectre does it on its generally classified missions.

I do not think this is about the USAF using the -130 to deliver bombs but rather because of the -130's well known ability to loiter for hours, why not use more of it, even not as specialized and heavily armed as the Spectre, to support any Army mission demand.

A single gun seems to be more suited for low intensity battles while the SDBs made it possible for the Stinger to deliver the occasional larger scale destruction bombs usually produce. I can see that for urban warfare, instead of taking potshots at a building, even with a Gatling-style gun, why not drop a couple of precision SDBs ? But even if it is about taking only potshots, I doubt if any bad guy would want to be on the receiving end of a flow of 30mm rounds from the air.

The Stinger seems to be more for the Army than for the Air Force.
This is actually a worrisome development for the US Army...

The reason why Spectre is so popular amongst soldier is mostly because of their present. The way they circle around your AO at night would give you a lot of confident to carry out your mission, coz you know that something is watching over you. That alone boost morale. Then you are talking about firing those 105 and 40mm round from it when you need it. I mean, when you are pinned down on 3 sides, the sight of a Spectre gunship firing 105 HE and 40mm on the enemy would no doubt make you want to stand up and cheer for them.

From the looks of it, if this is for real the USAF plan to upgrade the AC-130. Then I would suppose they were to take over the job of A-10 or even some Strike Eagle, job which normally would need fast air. Which worries me, because then they would just Roll-in/Roll-out for bomb run. No more orbit and no more Showing off presents.

But then they are Air Force, they probably don't care about what boots on the ground thinks...

Happy to see you brother brother...
This is actually a worrisome development for the US Army...

The reason why Spectre is so popular amongst soldier is mostly because of their present. The way they circle around your AO at night would give you a lot of confident to carry out your mission, coz you know that something is watching over you. That alone boost morale. Then you are talking about firing those 105 and 40mm round from it when you need it. I mean, when you are pinned down on 3 sides, the sight of a Spectre gunship firing 105 HE and 40mm on the enemy would no doubt make you want to stand up and cheer for them.

From the looks of it, if this is for real the USAF plan to upgrade the AC-130. Then I would suppose they were to take over the job of A-10 or even some Strike Eagle, job which normally would need fast air. Which worries me, because then they would just Roll-in/Roll-out for bomb run. No more orbit and no more Showing off presents.

But then they are Air Force, they probably don't care about what boots on the ground thinks...

Long time no see. It's good to see you back on the deck man. How's been?
The same old ploy by USAF to eliminate dependable weapons with scifi duds in the name of modernisation. Neither JTACs nor the grunts are going to like this loss in capability to bring precise gunfire.
The blue suits have filled their pockets again.

US has a history of trying to replace battle-tested hardware with fancy "scifi duds" made by some guys who have never been on a battlefield. May it be Strykers trying to replace M113's or the undergunned but cool looking LCS.
Your fears are ungrounded.

I have friends in the AC-130 community. I knew these guys when I was stationed at MacDill and the Spectre people are in full support of the Army. The Spectre and the Warthogs know that any mission on their board will usually be Army oriented, especially the Spectre, because they often work close with the Special Ops people and the SpecOps community is small and close knit to start.

To support the Army, the Spectre's mission is to provide long duration presence and precision strikes whenever the soldiers at the immediate situation needed those strikes. The problem here is that SpecOps demands have risen in unexpected ways and numbers and there is simply not enough gunships to go around.

AC-130W Stinger II | Military.com

The role differences are not that obscured. The Spectre's armament made it more suitable to support forward and short duration SpecOps missions while the Stinger seems to be more like to support longer duration Army positions.

It looks like the situation management system is more geared towards providing information rather than to assimilate them for self use the way the Spectre does it on its generally classified missions.

I do not think this is about the USAF using the -130 to deliver bombs but rather because of the -130's well known ability to loiter for hours, why not use more of it, even not as specialized and heavily armed as the Spectre, to support any Army mission demand.

A single gun seems to be more suited for low intensity battles while the SDBs made it possible for the Stinger to deliver the occasional larger scale destruction bombs usually produce. I can see that for urban warfare, instead of taking potshots at a building, even with a Gatling-style gun, why not drop a couple of precision SDBs ? But even if it is about taking only potshots, I doubt if any bad guy would want to be on the receiving end of a flow of 30mm rounds from the air.

The Stinger seems to be more for the Army than for the Air Force.

lol, I was never SpecOps......I am Ranger Tabbed but I was never SpecOps.

I know what you were saying, in there are increasing call for Surgical Strike capability from the SpecOps Community. They need them to do with HVT, if you are using Fast Air to deliver a smart strike, they may hit bingo fuel before your target show up. And it is only natural for AC/130 to take on that role. The are slow, the pack punch, they can loiter for a long time on station. These all make the AC-130 better candidate than Strike Eagle or B1 to do surgical mission.
What i was saying is to the normal Army community, in the grunts aspect. Grunts usually cheered up when an AC-130 show up on their AO. Air Support are called often to support boots on the ground, and believe it or not, most won't drop any ordinance. If I remember correctly, I have called maybe 50-60 Airstrike and the JTAC only give me 10 or so runs...You are either too close or there are too close to civilian population. The single most important psychological factor is they showing up, with or without them dropping their ordinance.

My fear comes when i am looking at the specs. When the AF took out the 40 mike-mike bofor and the 105 Howitzer, that mean they are either forward deployed and only show up when they have to. And they would be quick to run out of their ordinance and have to go home sooner. This is an opposite of what the psychological aspect offered by the current version of AC-130. I can accept if you run a Stinger with Spectre on the same AO but if you are running stinger only at your AO, then things may start to get crappy. I don't know if you understand from my point of view, the single most important aspect of an AC-130 is the "Out there" Factor. That you know they are out there supporting you, you can see them circling above you, you can see them pounding enemy with they uber flash from the 105mm cannon. The enemy will also take in the "Out There" factor too, when they see a Spectre out there, they won't come out to play or their resistance will died down a little, I am afraid if you drop bombs on it instead of doing gun run, the "Out There" factor will be gone.

This bird would do well, or very well within SOCOM community, but for a grunt, i would have to say, leave my Spectre alone ~~~~
This is actually a worrisome development for the US Army...

The reason why Spectre is so popular amongst soldier is mostly because of their present. The way they circle around your AO at night would give you a lot of confident to carry out your mission, coz you know that something is watching over you. That alone boost morale. Then you are talking about firing those 105 and 40mm round from it when you need it. I mean, when you are pinned down on 3 sides, the sight of a Spectre gunship firing 105 HE and 40mm on the enemy would no doubt make you want to stand up and cheer for them.

From the looks of it, if this is for real the USAF plan to upgrade the AC-130. Then I would suppose they were to take over the job of A-10 or even some Strike Eagle, job which normally would need fast air. Which worries me, because then they would just Roll-in/Roll-out for bomb run. No more orbit and no more Showing off presents.

But then they are Air Force, they probably don't care about what boots on the ground thinks...

welcome back. no matter what anyone says or feels. the AC130 is one of the best piled on weapons platform the US has come up with. its the simplicity of converting cargo planes and making them the fortresses of today that is the true genius. they are here to stay and are the future in any thrid world terrorist operations for a long time to come.
Great. Anything I can do about the "work"?

lol, i am writing a book of sort on the other thing then i am starting to compile some historic war and present it as a whole campaign
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